Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ready, Set... Go!

Remember the Bible sword drills? Middle school age children would stand at attention. A verse would be called out by the teacher, and they'd flip through their Bibles to find and read the verse. Some of those students were quite adept at knowing how to use their Bibles. It took practice, and we all know that practice still makes perfect.

Spiritual Sundays are hosted by gracious Ginger and charming Charlotte. To visit other participants, click here.

See you tomorrow for Blue Monday!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Expressions Explained, Part 2

As incredible as it sounds, in the late 1700s, men and women took baths only twice a year--May and October! Women kept their hair covered, while men shaved their heads (because of lice and bugs) and wore wigs. Wealthy men could afford good wigs made from wool. They couldn't wash the wigs, so to clean them they would carve out a loaf of bread, put the wig in the shell, and bake it for 30 minutes. The heat would make the wig big and fluffy, hence the term "big wig."

Today we often use the term "here comes the Big Wig" because someone appears to be powerful and wealthy.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Blue Monday - Living Room

It's Blue Monday! To participate: just click here for BLUE MONDAY INSTRUCTIONS or check out the instructions in my sidebar.

Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links. You know that I will visit each one of you, so please don't forget to leave me a comment.

I've had so many inquiring minds want to know how I decorated our new living room, so today, I'm going to show you. It might be fun to count how many Blue touches you see.

Before moving into the home, we had a crew of six painters come in and paint everything nine different colors. Four colors are used in this room. With such tall ceilings--they're 13'4"--I had to do something to use up the wall space above the sofa. I had an expert carpenter come in and place the trim molding according to sketch that I drew on a napkin. Didn't he do an excellent job?

This is called a cove ceiling. Everyone thought I was out of my mind using this dark trim. I stuck to my instincts, though, and kept the ceiling and walls a pale tan. However, afterward, people seem to agreed the dark color "made" that ceiling. I've shared the names of the carpenter and the painter with several local people who asked.

This is a shot head on. The 40" x 50" painting in the center pulls all the colors together. We found it at Kirland's. It was on sale. Cost: $99.

The coffee table is one I designed over thirty-five years ago. The top is Travertine marble and the trapezoid bottom is all mirrored.

Are you surprised? Did you expect more or less Blue?

Happy Blue Monday!

Blue Monday Participants
1. ellen b -
2. LaVoice
3. Charlotte
4. Sherry @ Country Wings In Phoenix
5. Karen @Elsie Eleanor Designs
6. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove
7. m - tales from an oc cottage
8. Susan @ monkeymommy08
9. Kathy b
10. Paula Grace Designs ~ Monday's Method VIP
11. Sherri@Lavenderfields
12. Marty
13. Vintage Rose Studio
14. Jensmere
15. Inspired Living Spaces
16. Candy @ The Little Round Table
17. De Cherie
18. Gena @ Thinking Aloud
19. Debbie @ Delightfully Wed
20. Mary@OnePerfectBite
21. barbara jean
22. Yoli ~ Apron Senorita
23. D@sunnyside
24. Judith UK
25. Linda@lindanjake
26. Shannara
27. Clara
28. Tj
29. LUNA
30. Fickleinpink, the dark side
31. hip chick
32. Hagemor-Norway
33. Barbara Purple Goat Lady
34. Candy
35. katherine
36. Manang Kim, MI, USA
37. Kvasthilda, Sweden
38. Irene Photography, Norway
39. Vivian
40. DEbBieDoos
41. Self Sagacity
42. Shelia @ NoteSongs
43. Carly's Photography
44. Katt...
45. Carol@My Painting Room
46. cindy
47. mizhelle
48. Christine
49. My Random World
50. Rose, WV
51. Coffeedoff UK
52. hapzydeco
53. After the Style Test a Blue Space plan
54. Jo
55. ThriftyAnnabella
56. Helen
57. Baba
58. DeniseMarie
59. storyteller at Small Reflections
60. April@The 21st Century Housewife
61. Grace-Life is Beautiful, USA
62. Ann Creek
63. gengen
64. Terie aka Yira
65. Mary
66. Italian Vases @ No Minimalist Here
67. Boogieboard Cottage
68. KayC.
69. Aussie Nikki NC USA
70. carolynUSA
71. Joy- Books and Life
72. John
73. annies home
74. ...Molly
75. Fifi Flowers
76. Maria's Space
77. Hannah - Zukan
78. Tiffany Randall
79. DB
80. peggy gatto
81. Jill, Northern CA, USA
82. Gunsside - Norway
83. Lorie Shewbridge
84. Teresa C.

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Transfer Time

I see several good exchanges. Which one would you like to transfer?

Spiritual Sundays are hosted by gracious Ginger and charming Charlotte. To visit other participants, click here.

See you tomorrow for Blue Monday!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Expressions Explained, Part I

In George Washington's days, there were no cameras. One's image was either sculpted or painted. Some paintings of George Washington showed him standing behind a desk with one arm behind his back while others showed both legs and both arms.

Prices charged by painters were not based on how many people were to be painted, but by how many limbs were to be painted. Arms and legs are "limbs;" therefore painting them would cost the buyer more.

Hence the expression, "Okay, but it'll cost you an arm and a leg."

Monday, January 18, 2010

Blue Monday - Blue Tiles Guessing Game

It's Blue Monday! To participate: just click here for BLUE MONDAY INSTRUCTIONS or check out the instructions in my sidebar.

Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links.

We were out and about one day last week and we stopped for lunch.

Always on the lookout for Blues, I couldn't help but snap a picture of these tiles that are inset into the table. Look at the beautiful array of Cobalt, Navy, and Baby Blues!

Can you guess the name of the restaurant? They have a special called "Two for Twenty"--one appetizer, two entrees, and one dessert for $20.

I'll insert the name here: Chili's at the end of today's Blue Monday.

Blue Monday Participants
1. Fifi Flowers
2. ellen b -
3. Rinkly Rimes
4. Sherri@lavenderfields
5. kathy b
6. Gloria/Happy To Be
7. Yoil ~ Apron Senorita
8. Maria, Sweden
9. barbara jean
10. Claudie@Bubblin'Over
11. Susan @ Between Naps on the Porch
12. Candy @ The Little Round Table
13. Gayle
14. Christine
16. LaVoice
17. Gena @ Thinking Aloud
18. Pie
19. Diann @ The thrifty Groove
20. Carrie - Oak Rise Cottage
21. Carly's Photography
22. Vintage Rose Studio
23. Barb~Bella Vista
24. Rhonda@Scooterblus Whimsy
25. Irene Photography
26. Inspired Living Spaces
27. RobinfromCA
28. Gay
29. carolynUSA
30. Mary@OnePerfectBite
31. Hagemor-Norway-Fotosafari
32. Joan@Americana By Candlelight
33. Maria Berg, Sweden
34. NatureFootstep Sweden
35. Beverly
36. Self Sagacity
37. Cindy @ Applestone Cottage
38. Shannara, Sweden
39. Shelia @ NoteSongs
40. Judi
41. LUNA
42. Vivian @ At Home on Pine Ridge
43. Joan @ Applejack Lane
44. Jeanne,backyard neighbor
45. Yira - decorating with colors
46. Sara - Blue Pink and Creme crocheted flowers
47. Coralie @ A Vintage Cottage Home
48. cindy
49. Coffeedoff UK
50. katherine
51. mizhelle
52. storyteller at Sacred Ruminations
53. hapzydeco
54. Kim MI,USA
55. Paula Grace Designs ~ Monday's Method
56. Cindy @Fairy Tale Cottage
57. Black eyed Susan's kitchen
58. gengen
59. Helen
60. angie @ annies home
61. Brambleberry Cottage
62. Crystal @ the hummingbird cottage
63. Paula's Place
64. HoodPhoto (OR-USA)
65. Dadedidodu
66. monkeymommy08
67. Mary
68. De Cherie
69. Carol@My Painting Room
70. Baba's Special babies
71. Designs by Gollum Aqua Guest Room
72. Rose
73. ranchdressing-dbstyle
74. Kathy
75. DeniseMarie
76. Boogieboard Cottage
77. AnnA
78. Kvasthilda, Sweden
79. Marty @ A Stroll thru Life
80. Myrna @ My Enchanted Home
81. GardenOfDaisies
82. Joy- Books and Life
83. Sherry@No Minimalist Here
84. Lindy MacDuff, IN, USA
85. John
86. Sheila @ Pieces Of Me
87. Saving Money & Living Life

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Happy Blue Monday!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Mark 10:25 is where Jesus is discussing how difficult it is to get into Heaven by works. It's impossible! That's why we need to accept his sacrifice on the cross.

Spiritual Sundays are hosted by gracious Ginger and charming Charlotte. To visit other participants, click here.

See you tomorrow for Blue Monday!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Let's Warm Up!

With the terribly cold weather we're having this winter--why, even Florida is cold--I felt that I needed to laugh to warm up. Hopefully, these will cheer you a bit too.

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To further warm me up, Kathy from Happy at Home presented me with a most satisfying award: The Best Blog Comment Award. It is so nice to be appreciated.

I know that I appreciate all of you who routinely leave comments, and I'd like to share this award with you.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pictures the Chamber of Commerce Wants Hidden

Last Friday, we were out and about, and I took some pictures that the Florida Chamber of Commerce would like to delete. I know that many of you have snow up to the kazoo, but in Florida, we're supposed to have balmy breezes and warm temperatures. Instead, we've been having record-setting cold temperatures. The "s" words (snow, sleet) have even been used by the television weatherperson as a slight possibilities! Truthfully, we did not get either one.

Look at this pathetic palm. It wants some sunshine and warm temperatures.

These Queen Palms are safe because of the building's protection. They are messy trees and could sure could use a pruning! But not until after warmer weather comes.

This shot could have been taken anywhere in the country, but it was taken about twenty minutes outside of Tampa. Look at those yucky skies! (It did rain an hour later.) Notice that the leaves have fallen from some of the trees.

We went to a shopping mall. Look at these pathetic little trees--no leaves! They're naked! There's not much here that says, "Florida."

Folks who want their tropical plants to remain healthy, cover them up at night. However, many forget to uncover them during the day which causes the poor plants to "bake" under the covers.

This picture was taken yesterday around noon at a nearby mall. Some trees are without leaves, while the good ol' palm smiles at the blue sky!

If you look closely, you'll see the frost on our rooftops. This picture was taken yesterday morning. At 8:00 AM, our temperature was 29ยบ.

Hey, Mr. Gore, whatever happened to global warming?

Susan at A Southern Daydreamer is the gracious hostess for Outdoor Wednesday. Participants post pictures of anything that they might find outdoors.