Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Booking Through Thursday - Holidays

It’s a holiday weekend here in the U.S., so let’s keep today’s question simple–What are you reading? Anything special? Any particularly juicy summer reading?

I am reading Skid by Rene Gutteridge. As a humorous look at airline pilots, it's perfect for a summer read. Can you imagine, flying in an airplane with these passengers: Lucy, a woman reading and quoting Secret to help her get over her ex is sitting next to Hank, a not-too-bright airline industry spy; a handcuffed convict who flirts with the aging flight attendant; a man transporting diamonds; and a pig--yep! a PIG! All of this is wrapped around a pilot's final flight. I'm halfway through, chuckling as I read.


  1. that book sounds like a lot of fun :-)

  2. Fun idea for a book! I DO need something fun ASAP don't I?

  3. This sounds like a funny, funny book! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Nancy the Romancechick

  4. That does sound funny. By the way, love the picture of the tree.

  5. That sounds like a great book! I have added it to my book list.

  6. That sounds like fun and is one that hasn't crossed my radar (yet). I think I'm going to have to look into it. Thanks!

  7. It sounds really funny - a new one for me!

  8. Hmmm Skid sound like an funny read, maybe I try it out. Especially how you describe the characters, they might be interesting :)

    Good luck on your reading, happy BTT and have a good weekend ahead!

  9. Hello..So glad you stopped by my blog...this is such a cool way to share isn't it...I would love to say hello in person..I lead the 411 at cooper city..stop by and say hi.

  10. To echo the crowd, that does sound like a really amusing book, and a great summer read! =)

    - medieval bookworm

  11. That sounds like a great in-between book! BTW... I hit Goodwill and Waldenbooks today, plus two ARCs came in the mail... Mt. TBR has grown by about 20 books now!

  12. A pig?!! That sounds like a fun book! Thanks for visiting my blog. (This is Seren at

  13. I'm getting ready to start reading The Shack by William P. Young. I've heard it's thoughtful and perhaps controversial. I actually don't read a lot of fiction, but I thought I'd give this a try and see what I thought. BTW, I enjoyed the poem you posted for the 4th of July. I see you and I were the only ones who got a chance to play along at Robin's Pensieve. Glad I got a chance to check yours out.


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