Thursday, July 31, 2008

Booking Through Thursday - Endings

First off, if you haven't yet entered my giveaway for a $10 Target gift card, please go here.

What are your favourite final sentences from books? Is there a book that you liked specially because of its last sentence? Or a book, perhaps that you didn’t like but still remember simply because of the last line?

Just as the prompt is similar to last week's, my reply is similar to last week's answer. I don't make a practice of hanging on to a certain phrase or line from the book I'm reading; I just enjoy it.

Of course, I remember Dickens: "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done..." but once again, it might just be because it's so often quoted rather than a tribute to my memory.

When I finish a book, I usually close the cover, sigh, and smile while I review the plot and characters.

What do you do once you've finished reading?


  1. I close the book, reflect over it and move on to the next one!

    Here is my BTT post

  2. I'm happy when I finish a book I really liked. I do what you do: close it, look at the cover and think back over parts that really stood out, smile then think about what's next. Its a nice feeling. :)

    Thanks for visiting!

  3. I also savor the book for a bit before starting the next one.

  4. I do set and ponder what I just read. I am not a reader like most. Maybe someday. I have read alot and love it, I just can't seem to do it like I should. Thanks for the motivation.

  5. Love your site, Sally! I'm so glad you stopped by so that I could find it... That line by Dickens is so famous and I've never even read Tale of Two Cities...

  6. Sometimes I hug my book and enjoy the sensations of the various emotions and memories the book has given me. Other times, I let out a big sigh of relief that THAT is over!

    I also trot over to Mt. TBR and write up my review right away while it's fresh.

  7. I head right back to the library and get another one!!

  8. I rest a moment then pick up the next book on my list :)

  9. Once I finish a book I sit and process it for a while. Maybe even wait a day before I read a new book.

  10. I let the book sit for a while and try to reflect on it. I always wonder if the characters really want how their story ends the way the author has written the ending. :)

  11. In most cases when I finish a book I just wish it could continue. I begin to imagine all kinds of different story lines. I actually miss the characters for a few days. Silly huh? Then I pick up a new book and start the process all over again.

  12. I do exactly the same thing as you! Close the book, think, mm that was nice (or the opposite!), and then think about how I'm going to review/blog it.

    So glad I am not alone in forgetting the last lines. I feel like it means I am rushing through the endings, but I swear I'm not!

  13. I pick up the next book usually right away. I go through periods where I read a lot and then it will slow down. Right now I am on book three in less than three weeks.

    I love this line from the last book I finished:
    I am old enough to only to well my good and bad qualities, which were often one in the same.

    Snowflower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See

  14. Dickens scored a real winner with Tale of Two Cities, didn't he? That ending seems to be one that just about everyone remembers.

    When I finish a book, I'm usually already reading two or three others, so I just move right on!

  15. Yeah, I almost never remember these things. Odd that I don't remember even opening lines - I imagine the author sweats over them for months...

  16. Unless it is a truly memorable book, I finish one book and immediately start another.

    Lauren (from 5 Minutes for Books)

  17. If it's a really good book, I read and re-read and re-read it. . .sometimes I'll just open to any page and pick up there to enjoy it again. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  18. Usually when I finish a book, I go right back to my stack and find a new one to read! I usually just move right on to the next book and don't reflect on it much. ryn: no I don't have it memorized. I remembered the ending with the golden apple from one of C.S. Lewis books and had to search through my books to find it.

  19. I think I'll usually go through the plot once more as well in my mind! I love your banner "Help! I'm online and I can't get off!"

  20. I agree with you about reading book endings - what a terrible thing!

    When I finish, it depends on the book. Sometimes I wait for the laughter and/or sobbing to subside, other times I just like to sit and think about the characters for a while. It's almost like saying goodbye to friends, I guess.



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