Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I've Been Honored!

Joy has nominated my blog for an award! How thrilling! Joy is an avid reader from Virginia who I've met through BTT (Booking Through Thursday).

The rules are as follows:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate seven other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.

I'm new at blogging, and I'm amazed that there are so many wonderful blogs. In no order of importance, these are my nominees:

Heather at Keep Moving Forward is a new bride who is building her first home in Georgia.

Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life is a radio personality in IL who always has something interesting on her blog.

Jackie at Our Moments Our Memories lives in NM with her husband and their young daughter.

Kelli at Kelli. in real life lives with her husband and their young son.

Daisy at A Daisy A Day lives in MN and is gearing up for the fantastic bloggy giveaway carnival starting July 28th.

Stacie at Mindful Existence is a young office worker in Florida.

Carol at Charli and Me is a nurse with a dog named Charli; they live in MI with Carol's husband. This reader has a beautiful backyard garden that draws butterflies. (Yuk! I haaate butterflies!)

Visit these interesting blogs and experience for yourself why they are deserving.


  1. Sally, What a nice surprise! Thank you so much for the wonderful award. I will truly treasure it.
    (I can't believe you don't like butterflies) I hope you have a wonderful day.

  2. Oh sally, how very sweet of you. Unfortunately I am not so blog savvy that I would know how to add this to my blog, but I will add you to my blogroll. Have a wonderful day

  3. Oh, how fun! Thank you!

    And may I say that I love the interesting background you've added? It's so eyecatching.

    I also like your bookshelf, which I am going to have to try and figure out. I have Library Thing, or something like that, but I like that you can add reviews to your books.

    I'm sad that I have to go to work now because I want to stay and visit the blogs you picked out. :)

  4. Thanks SO much, Sally! I'm honored! Things like this just make my day. :)

  5. Thanks so much!! You are too sweet!!!

  6. Thanks Sally! Great job on the blog

  7. Aw, thank you! So very sweet of you...I appreciate it! :)


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