Tuesday, August 26, 2008

And the Winner Is ...

Killlashandra at Full Time in New Mexico has given me this award! I am so pleased that she deems me worthy. I've drooled over this award quite a bit during my journeys around Blogland. I think it's beautiful.

Remember the game of gossip where you whisper a sentence into a person's ear and then that person tells the next, and so on until the last person repeats what she has heard--usually quite a different sentence? That has happened here! Something looked missing from the rules so I determined to get to the origin of this special award. Impossible you say? Ha--fooled you! Nothing is impossible if a person is willing to sacrifice untold hours! I did find the original name and rules, which I've listed here.

1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and which also contribute to the blogging community, no matter what language.

2. Each award has to have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog so that it can be visited by everyone.

3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link of the blog that presented him/her the award.

4. The award winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link arte y pico blog so everyone will know the origin of this award. [If my high school Spanish serves me right, this is translated to mean "little art."]

5. Show these rules.

So many of my blogging buddies already have the Arte y Pico award, and even though they are eligible to receive it more than once, I'd rather give it to one who has not yet had the pleasure. The winners, in no particular order are:

Kay located dish diva.

Sally (nice name!) found salmagundi.

Suzanne located Colorado Lady.

Cathy found Melodies and Hymnsongs.

Elizabeth located Thoughts from an Evil Overlord.

Drop by these blogs and see if you don't agree that they are deserving of this beautiful award.

Patty at Pip Stitch presented me with this colorful commenter award. Now, does this mean I talk too much?

Patty loves things vintage, especially aprons. She is a crafty person--the good kind who has an informative blog, and she's eager to share ideas and patterns.

I appreciate this because I really try to make positive comments on the blogs I visit, and it's nice to be noticed. Blogging is a conversation, and to visit a blog and not leave a comment, is just like visiting in a home and not speaking to the hostess. Therefore, I try to always "put in a word."

There are many who deserve this award, but I'm limited to five. I pass it along to these terrific commenters who often make my day:

Carol at Charli and Me.

Theresa at Sentimental Journey.

Rachel at Christians in Good Company.

Shannon at Confuzzled Books.

Judi at Judi Creations.

I urge you to visit these ladies and check out their blogs, making certain to leave them a comment!


  1. Thanks for thinking of me, Sally! I don't know how creative I am, but I do try to contribute to the blog world. I used to be a lot more crafty/creative until I started blogging!

  2. Thank you so much! It's an honor!

  3. Sally
    thank you soooo much. I'm honoured to receive this personal blog from you! I'm speechless..*g*. I have a very sore and wrapped right hand since yesterday and can't "talk" much..but I thank you and as soon as I can I will work at taking my award "home".
    Have a lovely day

  4. oh dear..I meant to say personal award from you...slip of the sore hand I think.

  5. Congratulations Sally. I know that I enjoying coming to read what you have to say and share.

    take care,

  6. Awh Sally thank you so much! I enjoy your blog. You are a very creative writer.

  7. Good morning sweet Smiling one! Congratulations on your awards! How magnificent you are! I can tell you are the determined one, too, chasing down the correct rules. Good girl! Yes, I love the King's dishes too.
    Be a sweetie today,
    Shelia :)

  8. Congrats on such a beautiful and appropriate award. I enjoy checking in often so read what you have to say!

  9. That is so sweet, Sally. Thank you so very much. And I love to have you visiting my blog with your nice comments.

  10. Aww... thank I feel the same about leaving comment. If I visit blog I try to always make a comment.

  11. Very cool on looking up the original rules. I admit, I got side tracked by my link tracking and not one of those people mentioned where the award came from either. Something I was looking for too.

    See, I knew you deserved this one too! ;)

    I like the super commenter award. I agree with that one too.

  12. Thank you, Sally, for thinking I deserve the "arte y pico" award so soon in my blogging experience. I'm honored! I will now work at getting it displayed on my blog, and passing it on. Sally

  13. Oh, you have made my day..in fact your comments always mean so much.

    Thank you so much for this award. I am thrilled.

    I feel like I am a little more important now. HaHa

  14. Sal. you are so sweet! I wish that one day to meet you.

  15. Dalley,how do I claim mu reward? I want it!

  16. Sally,
    Thanks again for the lovely award. I have it posted and everytime I look at it I will think of you and smile.

  17. Hi Sally, thank you so much for the "Super Commenter Award ", that is so nice of you to think that.I love that little old lady saying , would it kill ya to comment ?

  18. Aloha Sally..
    I had an invitation to come and visit your blog by my dear sister Cathy, so I dropped by to hello and it's nice to meet you my sister. Isn't it awesome to recieve little pretties (awards) from our sisters. Well I am off to read more of your blog, and please feel free to stop by my bloggy home, as you enter in..you become a friend from the heart *smile*

    Hugz Lorie

  19. Hey there Sally; Congratulations on two awards. how great is that. And you so deserve them both. I agree with you about leaving a comment, I too leave a kind word for the blogger, they are all my friends and friends don't treat friends like that. Wow that is a lot of friends. lol Have a great week.


  20. Hi again Sally
    I can't believe (nor do you probably) but I was finally able to post my award! I'm so happy about that. Thank you.
    Congratuations on your awards too.
    Enjoy your evening

  21. Sally, Congratulations on the awards...very well deserved and great job on getting the original rules back in place.


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
