Monday, October 6, 2008

Blue Monday - Call Me Mr. Blue

It's Blue Monday! To participate:

1. Post about something blue on your blog. It can be pretty, ugly, funny, old, or new as long as it's blue.

2. Drag the Blue Monday button from here, and place it on your blog. Place it on your sidebar too.

3. Return here and leave your name (first name or code name) and your URL (blog address).

4. Visit other blue participants by clicking on their links. Leave comments!


For today's Blue Monday, I have Fleetwoods singing "Mr. Blue." To hear them, you'll need to scroll down and click.

The original recording was in 1959, but the video is a more recent performance. I know that Garth Brooks has released his version, but I like the original. It just takes a short while to listen, and I think it'll bring a smile to your face.

The sailor picture is of The Fleetwoods in 1959: Barbara Ellis, Gary Troxel, and Gretchen Christopher.

Here are the lyrics if you care to sing along:

Our guardian star lost all its glow
The day that I lost you
It lost all its glitter the day you said "no"
And its grey skies turned to blue

Like him I am doubtful
That your love is true
So if you decide to call on me
Ask for Mr. Blue

I'm Mr. Blue
When you say you love me
Then prove it by goin' out on the sly
Provin' your love is untrue
Call me Mr. Blue

I'm Mr. Blue
When you say you're sorry
Then turn around headed for the lights of town
Hurtin' me through and through
Call me Mr. Blue

I sleep alone each night
Wait by the phone each night
But you don't call
And I won't hurt my pride
Call me mister

I won't tell you
When you paint the town
A bright red to turn it upside down
I'm painting it too
But I'm painting it blue

I sleep alone each night
Wait by the phone each night
But you don't call
And I won't hurt my pride
Call me mister....

I won't tell you
When you paint the town
A bright red to turn it upside down
I'm painting it too
But I'm painting it blue
Call me Mr. Blue

Call me mister...

Blue Monday Participants
1. ellen b
2. Liz
3. Kady
4. coloradolady
5. Kathy b
6. Leena
7. Anne Fannie
8. Eleanor
9. Baba\'s blog
10. Sherrie
11. Kim
12. Judi
13. Lana G!
14. Sweetie
15. Elizabeth-EO
16. Mojo
17. Theresa
18. Backyard Neighbor
19. bj
20. Faith
21. Linnea
22. Bridget Geiger
23. CC
24. Knitty
25. Gemma
26. fitty

Learn more about Blue Monday here.

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  1. Ha! I love this blue post and boy do I remember this song! Thanks for making me smile smiling Sally!!

  2. I remember this one, by Garth Brooks. Love the song. What a great spin on Blue Monday. Have a great week.

  3. That's a great post Sally! Happy Blue Monday!

  4. What a fun post! Starting my week off right! Thank you for this treat!


  5. You're right, it did bring a smile to my face.

    Kathy b

  6. Wow, you gals are up early! I thought the US was about 7 hours behind South Africa and that you were all still nicely tucked up in bed. Maybe I have it wrong...could be on a blue Monday. Sal, I am impressed with the video! Have a happy day! Love Eleanor

  7. Good early morning Sally, I will turn the sound up on my computer later and listen to this song... my husband is asleep!!!
    Mine is ready for today.. hugs, baba

  8. Hi everyone,
    Wonderful song Sally! Thanks for sharing! My Blue Monday is posted. It's here:

    I'm trying something new with my link. Hope it works. If not, just click on Sherrie's Stuff when you get there. Take Care!!


  9. Fun Blue Post! Love it!

  10. Great idea! I'm not old enough to "remember" this song, but I do remember it from my parents and movies. I've always liked it, but never knew who sang it. Thanks for the lesson!

  11. This Monday I'm caught between the devil and The Deep Blue Sea.

  12. Sally, I am shocked. I did not know the Fleetwoods were two girls and a guy. I love that song and your post rocks today. I have always loved that song too.


  13. I so remember this song, Sally girl...just love it!! A fabulous Blue Monday post!!
    love, bj

  14. Dear sweet Sally! Thank you so much for your prayers and concerns for us during the hurricane. We are so truly blessed and God does answer prayers! I'm praising Him at this moment! I'll be posting soon.

    I love that old sweet song. I can hear the sweet voice and harmony of the little trio!! Thanks for a memory.

    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. Hi Sallly,
    I messed up my Mr. Linky connection. I had the wrong blog for my Blue Monday. Didn't notice that until now. Is there any way of letting folks know or changing it? It's at my blog Sherrie's Stuff. Here's the URL:

  16. I love your Blue post. How well I remember Mr. Blue and the Fleetwoods. It takes me back to the dances that were held after the home football games. What is really funny is that I had the song and album cover copied for a future post!

  17. Hi Sal, I'm linked in now. My blinking blogger isn't showing me that you have a Blue Monday post up. It still shows your sunday post on my blogroll. How odd! Going to listen to your blue tune now! Tata

  18. Great BLUE post! Love the song.

  19. What a great blue post. Happy Blues!!

  20. I love "Mr Blue" by the Fleetwoods! I have always thought it had the coolest sound.

    I don't have time to do "Blue Monday" today, but it sounds like a neat idea.

  21. I like this little twist on blue cool!

  22. I love that song. Now I will have it in my mind for the rest of the day.

  23. I enjoyed your Blue Monday post so much. Thank you for giving me a cool blue thrill. So nice...

  24. What a cowinkydink that I found your blog right after commenting on mine about Pink Saturdays and not having much pink in my home, but lots of blue.

    I am still fairly new to blogging and am having great fun finding new ones.

  25. What a great Blue Monday post! Great song! Brings back a heap of memories of other days!

  26. Great music Sally for a Blue Monday post. Thanks for stopping by today for the tour of my home office. Glad you liked it. Have a great week!

  27. Do you know I've actually seen turntables on sale in a couple places one of them being Costco?

  28. Hi Sally.. I finally post another blue monday show & tell.. do come & visit me.. have a great week!

  29. I have an award for you.. here in smilingsally...sorry i drop you message here cause i don't know where to drop you message...I hope you will like lots!

  30. Thanks for hosting! I don't think I had ever heard that song.


  31. I missed Blue Monday! Yesterday was just incredibly busy. But I'll be back next time.

    I've never heard of that song, but it is triggering other "blue" songs in my memory...

    Blue Christmas
    Blue Suede Shoes
    Don't it make my brown eye blue
    Blue Velvet


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
