Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Woman's Remote

I wish they'd make these; I'd sure buy one.

We all need to laugh more, don't you think? When Charles sent this to my email, I just had to share it with you!


  1. Where can I place my order? lol
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Hi there Smiling Sally; thank you so much for you sweet comment and for the visit. I have been reading your post on you and your wonderful Momma. She sounded like a very inspirational woman with a deep love of our country and her family. You lived a very rich life, one that others only dream of. I love history but in school I did not and now I wished I took the time. I put you on my favorite blog list. I will be back again. Have a great week .

  3. I'd like to order one of those fancy remotes myself. I especially like those last few buttons, make me a...queen definitely a queen. Then someone will rub my feet. :) That's so relaxing after a long day.

  4. Sally - I need one of these also. What a great idea..*l*. Thank you for sharing. I am going to keep my eyes open for this one!
    I could have used one that included a button to help me with the shovelling in making up the little garden on a hot day. *s*.
    keep cool..

  5. Oh, that is funny. I'm glad you shared. Laughing is so good.

  6. Imagine the world we could live in if only these really were for sale. Ahhhh, a girl can dream.

    take care,

  7. Sally , the remote is too cute ! I wish they really made those !

    Have a blessed day.

  8. Boy I could really use one of those LOL


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