Monday, October 27, 2008

Blue Monday - My Blue Dish

Blinkie Maker

It's Blue Monday! To participate:

1. Post about something blue on your blog. It can be pretty, ugly, funny, old, or new as long as it's blue. Leave a link to this blog on your post.

2. Drag the Blue Monday button from this post, and place it on your blog. Place another one on your sidebar.

3. Return here after midnight when Mr. Linky will be up, and leave your name and your URL. Do NOT link in until after your post is up. Please remember to leave a comment for me.

4. Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links. Make someone's day; leave a comment.

5. Check back later to make certain you visit all the Blue participants.
I've literally had this piece of pretty on my bedroom dresser top for decades. I enjoy its color and the free form design. It stands about 4" high. It wasn't expensive when I bought it, and I don't think it's worth much today. There are no markings on the bottom. I just call it my blue dish.

Here's another shot to show you the free form design.

Happy Blue Monday!

Have you ever seen a blue panther?

Next Monday begins the Giant Book Giveaway Carnival (
November 3-8th).

Blue Monday Participants
1. Anne Fannie
2. ellen b
3. Mojo
4. An Enchanted Cottage
5. Kathy b
6. Rechelle
7. Kim:mom-musing
8. Liz
9. coloradolady
10. Kady
11. Leena
12. Linnea
13. Gemma
14. Elizabeth-EO
15. Heidi Jo the Artist
16. Kim
17. Beverly
18. Sweetie
19. Judi
20. Knitty
21. Baba\'s blog
22. PlantBuddy
23. Shelia
24. Lana G!
25. Susan M. Hickam
26. Theresa
27. Sherrie
28. Linda\'s Blue Gate
29. charli and me
30. bj
31. Dark Oak Woman
32. Backyard Neighbor
33. Tracy-Lynne
34. jsprik
35. Ruthie
36. Robyn
37. sharonanne

Learn more about Blue Monday here.

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  1. Wow...the colors in that are really beautiful. I think that deep rich cobalt blue is the prettiest color on the planet! Have a great Monday!

  2. Hi Sally, I love the blue color in that dish! So vivid!
    Happy Blue Monday to you!
    Love, Ann
    PS I shipped off that surprise to you today!

  3. The colors are really great and the shape is cool. It's great because you still enjoy it after all these years :0)
    Have a great Monday...

  4. No... but then again, I've only seen a Pink Panther in the movies. (I think it's a camera trick myself.)

    I really tried to come up with a Halloween-themed Blue Monday, but I just couldn't. So I worked it into the title... sort of.
    Blue Monday #5: Lily Munster Never Had it So Good

  5. You sure do have some beautiful glass pieces!! And no - the Pink Panther, yes - I've never seen/heard of the Blue Panther!!...Donna

  6. Sometimes things become special just because we have owned them a long time. Your blue dish is one of those items and pretty too.

    Kathy b

  7. Lovely shade of blue-so rich looking and how special that you have owned it for a long time and it still delights you!
    Happy Blue to you--

  8. What a beautiful cobalt piece. Thanks for sharing.
    I decided to join in the fun :0). Thanks for the "invitation".

  9. Ooops, somehow I entered my name twice. Can you fix that please? I don't want to appear blue monday hog. lol. Thanks!

  10. I have a fondness for cobalt blue items. These are great. The colors are wonderful. I remember my grandmother's sister in law had a collection of blue items similar to yours, and I was always looking at them with envy when I was little. Happy Blue Monday.

  11. Hello, dear Smiling One! That is a very beautiful blue dish. I love how you can see different colors in it! Thanks again for hosting Blue Monday!
    Be a Blue sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. I really like this cobalt blue dish. It's very unique! And I love anything unique!


  13. Good Monday morning, Sally!
    And greetings from Finland once again.
    Your blue dish is just this wonderful blue, which also I have, glasses and plates and bigger and smaller bowls. It`s hard to take a proper photo about them, I keep trying :)

    Happy Blue Monday to you!

  14. The depth of blue in this dish is simply stunning! And the shape appears to look like gentle waves from the side! Love it!

  15. Happy Monday, Sally! I love the rich colors in that bowl!

  16. A very beautiful piece of blue glassware! And again I love the Blue Panther! Happy Blue Monday!

    Heidi Jo the Artist

  17. Hi Sally...

    What a beautiful dish from the color to the shape. Have a great week!!

  18. What a pretty dish. I love things like that that are special just because! : )

  19. Sally, What a unique piece of cobalt blue. I like its free form. I have also had some of my favorite things in my home for decades. Lovely.

  20. Wish I saw this link sooner. Is Monday always blue? Would love to participate some other time. Already made my Monday post and it's 4 hours till Tuesday out here in Seoul, Korea.

  21. Good Blue Monday Morning Sally
    That is a very beautiful rich shade of blue. A lovely treasure of a blue dish.
    thank you for sharing
    Have a lovely day

  22. Happy Blue Monday. What a great way to start the week. I just stopped over at Bev's and learned about Blue Monday. Karen

  23. Ok, Sally, hope I did it right this time!!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  24. Good morning Sally, I love your "blue" dish... very different, but fun!!!!I am sharing blue Skies ....
    enjoy your day.Hugs... Baba

  25. Your blue dish has an inner glow. Is it alive! lol. I've got blue flowers to share. Happy Blue Monday!

  26. Ugh!! I've tried again. Each time I've did the Mr. Linky thingy, my name always comes up!
    Shelia - pulling my hair out!

  27. Wow - that is a beautiful blue. Happy Blue Monday Sally!

  28. That is a beautiful dish! Thanks for hosting Sally!

  29. Hi Sally,
    Love your Blue Dish! It's very pretty! My Blue Monday is posted. It is here:
    Take Care!!


  30. What a neat bowl! I do love it's color and free form shape so different. It almost reminds me of waves!

  31. Wow..... what glorious blues are in you blue dish..... very pretty shape

  32. Very pretty!! Thanks for visiting me lately. I have kind of been out of it but am much better today!! All is on the good from now on...Sandy

  33. Beautiful blue dish. To answer the question you asked on Elizabeth's blog. I have the same circles, they are used for cropping pictures when scrapbooking. Creative Memories makes them. Happy Blue Monday!!

  34. Good morning Sally,
    Your dish is so beautiful. I can see why you like it so much. It's striking. Happy Blue Monday to you!

  35. Saw Backyard Neighbor's(Jeanne's) post today and thought I'd play along!

    Your dish is gorgeous!!!


  36. Hi Sally, I linked and thanks for the reminder. We left early this am and just returned home. Now I have to go to therapy. sigh.

    Your blue dish is a beautiful piece of art glass. I believe anything cobalt blue will keep it's value. A very collectible blue always.

    It looks like we have more blue bloggers joining in. I will be busy tonight trying to comment on all of them. I enjoy it though.


  37. hi! i'm new your blog!! love this piece!! very vivid color!! one of my favorites!! hugs and prayers...

  38. That second shot is great. I love the top down into the blue dish. Really gives it a neat angle and perspective. :)

  39. Such a pretty cobalt blue color. One of the ladies I work with loves cobalt blue. Thanks for sharing.

  40. ooo, what a beautiful blue dish...i can see why you love it.
    I am having computer problems and if you don't hear from me before NEXT BLUE MONDAY, would you put my name on the list? I am using daughter's computer..and have a posting up for next week...HOPEFULLY, i will be back to Blogland before then....
    many thanks,

  41. That blue dish is fabulous. If it's depression glass, it would be worth something eventually. But in the meantime, it's wonderful to enjoy!!!


  42. The Blue Panther? have not. Where have I been? :) I hope you had a good Monday. And thank you for stopping by. I really appreciate it.

  43. Hi Sally, you're right, I left for work this morning and forget to sign in. Youy've got some pretty cool dishes there. Happy Blue Monday! ~ Robyn

  44. That dish is just beautiful The color and shape are just wonderful! I love your Blue Mondays. I will try to play next week!


  45. Sallieness, you've been Boo-ed! Come to my site and see what you get!
    Happy Halloween,
    Shelia ;)

  46. Hey Sally ..what a beautiul shade of blue that is!!! You have been Boo-ed...please come by my place and pick up your little treat for your sidebar! lol

  47. That is so pretty, Sally. You and I like that dark blue. Thanks for the sweet comment. My awards are back to you. :o)

  48. I forgot about Blue Monday until well into the day, so I decided to save it til next week. I don't have too many more blue things to show.

    I love the shade of blue in that dish!

  49. I DO love that pretty blue dish on your dresser. I missed Blue Monday this week, but I'll be back.

  50. I got some blues...and will post more tomorrow.

  51. Hi Sally, what a cute post. I was thinking about joining your blue monday. I have lots of blue here and there and will have to get some things together. Can you use aqua? I have alot of that color.
    Blessings, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
