Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins #95

Janet hosts Friday Fill-ins here. If you'd like to play along, check it out.

1. Right now, I'm feeling pretty content.

2. Right here, in my home is where I want to be.

3. How does one stretch 24 hours?

4. My husband keeps me on track.

5. Please don't eat the daisies! (It's the title of a book that was made into a movie.)

6. Blogging fills me with joy.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to a relaxing evening reading, tomorrow my plans include Pink Saturday blogging, a bit of reading, and church and Sunday, I want to watch Amazing Race, Desperate Houswives, and read my new novel!

Watch for it! The Book Giveaway Carnival is November 3-8.

Please come back to participate in Blue Monday.


  1. Please don't eat the daisies? I'm lost.

  2. Please let me know if you figure out how to stretch the 24 hours. :)

  3. Morning Sally....I have never done the Friday fill in thingy...that is so neat...congrats on all your awards girl anf loved that post on the 'do you remember'...I remember those things and I ain't one be ashamed to admit it! lol lol Thanks for coming by sweetie..Hope you have a glorious weekend1

  4. i hope all your weekend plans push through.

    mine is here. hope you can drop by. have a great weekend!

  5. well if you figure out how to stretch 24 hours please let us in on it =P

  6. Good morning, Smiling One!! Oh, I loved your fill ins today. I loved that movie too, "Please Don't Eat the Daisie" with Doris Day and David Niven, I think. I can see Doris dancing around those little children playing her uke and singing the song. Thanks for the sweet memory.

    Yes, I know. Some people are deprived and don't know it. That lady is a different nationality and I guess cornbead ain't on her menu!! lol
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Hi Sally
    Well I'm glad your hubby keeps you on track!
    Have a very lovely weekend doing all that makes you happy.

  8. sounds like a great relaxing weekend ahead for you! Enjoy...

  9. Good Morning Sally.... Great Fill in Fridays... I will putting mine on in a few minutes,,, Have a great Friday... It's raining here so looks like we'll just be hanging out today... A good day for catching up!!!


  10. Wow we must have been mind reading today! Check out my answers. I almost answered the same to #5 as well.

  11. Good morning Sally,
    I remember the movie Please Don't Eat the Daisies. I think Dorris Day stared in the movie.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  12. Thanks for telling me about my link.

    I wish 24 hours could stretch too.

  13. Sounds like you have a busy weekend. Enjoy!

  14. Hi Sally,
    Your Fill-Ins are great. We like to be at home and read. Take Care!!


  15. You sound pretty content - good for you! Enjoy the weekend :)

  16. LOL I didn't think anyone would say please don't eat the daisies too! I love that movie. Never read the book though. Happy Friday!

  17. I remember "Please Don't Eat the Daisies," barely.

  18. happy weekend...visiting you here..;)

  19. I would like to know how one stretches 24hrs too. If you find out let us know, hee hee.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  20. I use to sing a song when I a kid... "please don't eat the daisies, don't eat the daisies, please!"

    Hope you get that relaxing weekend, happy Friday :)

  21. Great answers this week, you sound very contented! Home is my happy place too :)

    Have a great day and weekend!

  22. Desperate Housewives, yes. Unfortunately, my local stations didn't grant our waiver request for I'm missing out on this season of Amazing Race. Sad, huh?!

  23. I hadn't thought about those daisies in a while.
    Did you eat one lately? :)

    Have a great weekend.

  24. i used to love that show! I like the positiveness of your answers!!
    thanks for visiting me, enjoy that wonderful weekend you have planned. :)

  25. Sounds like you're going to have a great weekend!

  26. Love your answers! Have a wonderful weekend :) BTW, cool blog design.

  27. TGIF! Getting some reading done this weekend sounds good to me... Maybe I'll bring along my book with me when I visit my Uncle so that I have something to do while the mens watch football :P Have a great weekend, and thanks for stopping by!

  28. Blogging fills me with joy as well...enjoy a great weekend! :)

  29. Thanks for visiting...I enjoyed your Friday Fill-in answers...

    Seems we are all content living where we live...

    Oh, I noticed that you like Christian books (fiction and non-fiction) - you might want to check out a friend of mine who writes really good books - Terri Blackstock.

  30. I use an Hour Stretcher! You can't get them at Walmart though... I got mine at a specialty shop down the road! ;)

    Have a great weekend!

  31. Ah, a novel. I need something to read. I think a trip to the library is in order.

    Oh, and I added something to my last post about homeschooling. I hope I didn't offend any homeschoolers out there, and certainly not your daughter. I was really not meaning that homeschooling was THAT easy, just that it's easy to me compared to dealing with the public school system! :o)

  32. Hi, Sally. You were at The Little Brown Dog's Blog to see my Friday Fill-Ins, but my mind was not working when I posted my comment at Janet's site. They are at Glad you mentioned it!

  33. Fun post. If you find out how to stretch 24 hours PLEASE let me know!
    I hope you have a great weekend.

  34. I remember that movie!

    Your weekend sounds great. I hated that the pink girls were last on the last episode -- they are from my state. I was kind of hoping the grouchy divorcées would be eliminated.

  35. I like blogging too and at times it does bring me joy. Have fun this weekend and enjoy that new novel.

  36. Yep, I too, want my 24 hours stretched.....

  37. Thanks for the tip about the book giveaway carnival. I've never heard of that one but definitely have books I can contribute. :)

  38. Hello Sally :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Sounds like you are going to have a very nice weekend! I cannot wait for Desperate Housewives this week also!!

  39. thks for your visit to my blog.. visit often, hugs, bonnierose

  40. Love your answers. Have a splendid weekend reading!

  41. Relaxing evenings with a book are always good :-) Especially with some good music in the background.

    Sometimes that music even adds to the book - Julianne Regan of All About Eve is very definitely the voice of Anne McCaffrey's Menolly (first appears in a book called Dragonsong) for me :-)

    Thanks for the visit :-)

  42. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. Have a wonderful weekend.

    BTW, I'm in South FL too. We may not having the falling leaves to enjoy, but it IS beautiful here in the fall too. ;)

  43. you stretch 24 hours by stepping on it's toes, grabbing it by the nose, and yanking it over your shoulder!

  44. Hello Sally; I love the Friday fill ins. Love your answers I have not played it before, I looks like a fun thing to do. OH and hey I have the movie Please Don't Eat the Daisy's with Doris Day. Love it.....


  45. Hi Sally, blogging always brings me joy and has been raining all day in Georgia and has been fun to be lazy and read a book and blog!!!Have a good week-end.
    Hugs, baba

  46. Hi Sally,
    Enjoy your weekend. Good answers.

  47. We agree on being at home, so lovely! Happy weekend:)

  48. being content and having a hubby who keeps you on track...sounds like a recipe for a great weekend!

  49. being content and having a hubby who keeps you on track...sounds like a recipe for a great weekend!

  50. Hey Sal, Well it is still friday here even if it is already saturday there. I hope you have a great weekend!
    I remember the movie and the t.v. series!!!!

  51. I'd love to know how to stretch 24 hours too! Have a good weekend.

  52. How nice to read yours.

    You can find my fill ins ::here::.

    Have a nice weekend.

  53. feeling content - at home - love it. Hope you have a good weekend.

  54. Oh my you have a popular blog! I am teaching a blogging class this Saturday and would love for you to tell me your secrets! Serious... Thanks for dropping by! I loved your answers!!!!!!


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