Friday, November 21, 2008

How to Have a Happy Thanksgiving

I'm lucky. My daughter-in-law does most of the cooking for Thanksgiving, and she is sweet enough to ask me to bring a dish or two. This year I'm bringing candied yams and pumpkin pies.

Here's a recipe for squash casserole that my daughter got from a friend years ago. It's become a family tradition to have it for Thanksgiving, and this year, my oldest granddaughter will make it for the second year. I'm so proud! Aren't traditions special?

Preheat oven to 350 and butter a 9 x 11 baking dish
3 pkgs. yellow squash,sliced into coin-sized round pieces
2 eggs, beaten
1 small (5 oz.) can evaporated milk
1 cup cheddar cheese, shredded
1 small onion, chopped fine
2 cups (2 rounds) Ritz crackers
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper

Cook squash and onion until tender--NOT mushy--maybe 5 minutes. DRAIN. Add butter, salt, pepper and mix. Add eggs and mix. Add cheese and crackers and mix. Pour into a greased 9 x 11 baking dish. Bake uncovered @350 for 40 minutes.

I don't see why all of that separate mixing must take place, but I don't dare deviate! Remember, I'm a wimp.


  1. The cartoons made me laugh this morning. Thanks for sharing. This year my daughter is hosting. Now that she has a bigger house that can hold us all she feels up for the challenge. I'll bring a few things and hopefully all will go well!! I'm still planning on cooking a turkey dinner for us on Friday as well. I just love all the leftovers!

    Your recipe sounds wonderful. I'll be sure to give that a try someday.

    take care,

  2. Hi Sally,
    These are great Maxine cartoons, and I love squash casserole!

    Thanks for posting the recipe!

    That recipe sounds delicious and, like you, I would probably just add the ingredients all together at once...that's the way I usually do things and then wonder why MINE didn't taste as good as HER'S !! lol ...
    love, bj

  4. Those are great!

    I love squash casseroles, but my family doesn't care much for squash at all. Still, I might give this a try just to see!

  5. Morning Sweet Smiling One! These funnies are hilarious!! The recipe sounds yummy too!
    Be a sweetie today,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Great Friday FUNNIES! I LOVE squash casserole and that recipe sounds delicious!

  7. Good morning Sally... I LOVE Maxine and these were so funny... She just makes me laugh... I guess because she says what we all want to say... Thanks for sharing the yummy recipe... I'll be trying that for sure... I love squash.
    Have a great day...


  8. Oh, Thanksgiving! Wish I was there. I had a lovely Thanksgiving in 1970 when I was an exchange student in North Dakota. Oh, and I had such a busy week but today back to the blog! And I did the Reading/book Habits tag that you challenged me with. I also linked you to Bookcritiques. Take a look at my 7 habits!

  9. Those maxi cartoons are always a hoot! The casserole sounds yummy!

  10. Those cartoons are just to funny! I received those via email from a friend and thought of posting one of them on my blog too. Hugs, Ellen

  11. I got some squash at a potluck one time years go thinking it was sweet potatoes. As soon as I tasted it I realized it was not what I thought it was. I haven't tried any squash since. I'll stick to sweet potatoes and hope I don't get fooled again. However, a lot of people like the squash. I'm probably in the minority.
    My daughter is fixing the turkey and all the trimmings. I'm making the pumpkin and pecan pies.
    Have a great day!

  12. Thanks for the laugh I soo need it!

  13. Hi Sally, we are going to my daughter's house in Atlanta for Thanksgiving.She will have about 20 people and we all bring a side dish which helps the host not to get stressed out on this day... enjoying family and friends is what this day is about!!! Hugs, Baba

  14. Sally, I sure don't think of you as a wimp. I think of you as a 'got it all together girl' Your Maxine jokes are priceless. Love them all.

    My daughter-in-law is cooking this year too. I'm bring two pumpkin pies and yeast rolls. I also baked some pumpkin bread last night to share. In fact I totally knocked myself out last night baking for my post and the only thing my blogging friends are talking about is my QUILT. LOL. Yes, I hate to take it down after Christmas.

    Have a great day. We had snow this morning. I love when it snows.


  15. Hah, the one about the cowboy cookbook recipes is too true! That's so funny. If you want calories and starch cowboy cooking will definitely feel you up on both. ;) Cute cartoons.

  16. Funny, funny, funny! Thanks, I needed a good laugh today.

  17. loved those cartoons!!!

    I am in charge of the dinner this year, but both my older kids have asked to help so that they can learn the family recipes!!!

  18. Thanks for the laughs....she is a woman after my own heart. I hate cooking...I'd rather be repeatedly poked with a sharp stick!

  19. Good afternoon Sally,
    Don't you just love Maxine... Thank you for the recipe. It looks sooo good. Yes, I just love traditions and especially when I see the younger generation carry them on. p.s. I hope you got my e-mail. I hope you are having a good day.

  20. Hi Sally..
    I just had to come by and leave you a thank you note here. I received my book in the mail today, and can't wait to begin to look through it. The book I won was "100 Ways to Simplify Your Life". I'm going to enjoy this book..and maybe, just will help to simplify and destress my life. Thank you again..for all you do for all of us. You're truly a lovely lady..I'm looking forward to Blue Monday..can't wait. :)
    p.s. I left a thank you note on my site as well..

  21. I just love Maxine! I got this in an email too. So funny!


  22. I received a cute email like that, Sally. And thanks for the recipe.

  23. Maxine is my "hero"!!
    The squash casserole sounds good! Thanks for sharing. I'll be cooking this year for a small group. Me and hubby, my son, his wife and their daughter.

  24. That Maxine is so funny ! I love that squash casserole recipe, we fix it alot .

  25. Sally,
    Thanks for stopping by my Spiritual Sundays post!
    Maxine always makes me laugh - so thanks for that too!
    I love squash and always looking for news ways to cook it...I'll be making that for sure!


  26. MMM sounds yummy. And I loved the jokes.


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