Thursday, February 12, 2009

Booking Through Thursday - Authors Talking

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Today's question: From Barbara H: Do you read any author’s blogs? If so, are you looking for information on their next project? On the author personally? Something else?

My Response:
Yes, I do read author's blogs. When I first began blogging, I used to maintain a separate blogroll for authors. I was curious and thought that a blog maintained by a professional writer would be more entertaining. I'd check in each time they'd post, but most proved too tedious as their blog was one long commercial about their up-coming work.

Now, I read Angela Hunt's blog each day and other author's only sporadically. I read Angela's for the same reason I read any blog: because it's interesting. She often has funny tidbits, videos, and thoughts to ponder. She has a book of the month, takes her readers through the writer's process, and recently held a question/answer forum. Her posts are short and to the point. Like others on my blogroll, I think of her as a Blogland Buddy.

How about you? Why do you read any blog?

Check out the LOVE book giveaway on my sidebar!


  1. GM Early Bird, I don't go to any author's blog, because I never settle down long enough to read a book. I try but never seem to finish one. In pre posting days, I read more. :)


  2. No, Sally, like Chris, I have never read an author's blog. I LOVE to read, but it's hard for me to find the time to actually finish a book! I'm reading, "The Last Lecture" right now and I'm not making much headway on it...maybe this weekend! Happy Thursday!

  3. Good MOrning Sally
    I love your little caption about computer friends. Yes thats how I feel too.

    I guess with all the reading you do you would be very busy reading all the author's blogs. I should check out the one you do read though it sounds interesting.

    I see you are having nice, warmer weather...enjoy. My mom is in West Palm Beach for a couple of months...

    have a lovely day

  4. I think I don't read author's blogs on a regular basis, because like you, I find them tedious. However, if I found an author's blog where they have lot's of interesting things posted I would read them on a regular basis.

  5. My blog would be cheer-less if you didn't pop in, Sally! Thanks for the mention, and thanks for being a regular reader. And you're right--if all I posted about was my work, I'd bore myself silly! Life is about so much more! :-)

    Hugs across cyberspace,


  6. I find I have gravitated to bloggers who are into their homes. I love to read but have trouble finding time. I find that I now must start limiting the number of blogs I can visit in a day so that this does not consume me. But I really love your blog!
    Roberta Anne

  7. Morning, Sallyness! Well, I do read Gollum's blog, who is an author. She's into decorating as much of the rest of us and that's mostly what she showcases on her blog.
    Well, Good!! I'm glad transplanted Yankee gals say 'silverware'! lol
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Yep, I read author's blogs for the same reason I read anyone elses. And, I am such a blond..I just figured out that you are Book Critiques.

  9. HI Sally, I have never read a author's blog before, but Angela Hunt's blog looks interesting..I will have to go read her site . Thanks for sharing with us..Baba

  10. Yes I have read authors blogs,for the same reason as I read anyone else's blog.Its always interesting!

  11. Interesting post. I certainly read Gullom's (Michael Lee West's) blog. Normally, her blog is not about writing, but about decor. I learn so much by reading blogs, and I am so inspired by reading blogs. laurie

  12. I wouldn't subscribe to an author's blog that was one long commercial either, but I might check in every now and then to see when the current book is coming out. favorite author or not, the blog has to be interesting for me to continue.

    I've only read one of Angela's books and stopped by her blog once or twice from someone's link. Sounds like an interesting one!

  13. I have never read an authors blog. I LOVE your little cartoon cause many of my friends live in my computer too!♥

  14. Hi Sally, I don't read author's blogs nor any others who spend 98% of their blog selling something.. I enjoy reading other's blogs who have the same interests as mine (birds, nature, hiking, traveling, photography, family, etc.)...

    I have met some great great friends since I started blogging on Blogger.. Some are my age and some are young enough to be my adult kids!!!!

    What can I say??? I just enjoying reading interesting blogs --about people and their lives.

    Have a great day.

  15. Well Sally I love to read and I read a lot... I visit Gollums blog and have read her books... But that is the only one so far... I hope that counts...


  16. The author's blogs that I find interesting are: Victoria Gaines, B.J. Hoff, Terry Whalin and Angela Hunt.

  17. There just isn't enough time in the day to visit more blogs than I already do. :~)
    happy Thursday!

  18. I'm just curious why you posted on Vintage Thingies Thursdays and don't have anything vintage in your post?

  19. Sally, I started out reading certain decorator blogs, and then quickly gravitated toward blogs of people I like because you get to know people blogging. I like to do things like Blue Monday because there's a nice circle of friends you get to know. I also like decor blogs or blogs about people's homes and families. I only read one authorblog, and that's because he is so nice and has GORGEOUS photographs and talks about interesting things. Plus, he welomced me as a new blogger and was very encouraging to a newbie blogger. He's also very humble about his success and a nice guy. Mr. Magpie likes to read him, too.


    Sheila :-)

  20. I find the people have their own stories even without a book. Life is a book. Kathy

  21. Thanks Sally, I guess I need to wait at least 24 hrs to add the new linky??? I did not know that would do that....if there is anything else I need to know to keep this from happening again....please let me know!

  22. Hi Sally, I am thankful for you too. What a sweet thing to say. I do not read any particular author's blogs but I wouldn't mind. I am always interested in most things I read. I read blogs for the same reasons you read them. Personal interest in people in general is all I need. I love a sense of humor and a variety of things of interest. I have a lot of trouble writing short comments as Beverly always says, I am windy. It truly slows down the commenting process. You are so good at getting to the point and writing brief but personal comments. I admire that.

    Love and hugs...Jeanne

  23. I really don't think that I have ever read an "Author's Blog".
    Why do I read blogs...because I've got nothing better to do? Nah - it's because reading other peoples blog's gives me a little window into the world.

    I've found friends who make me laugh, and bring me to tears...friends who "entertain", and others that "inform". I see photo's of beautiful places, and grand kids, and dogs, and house tours.

    I've won books (thanks Sal) and paintings. I've tried new recipes. I've found a voice, and ears to listen. Blog land has been good to me!

  24. Why do I read blogs?? HM! Good question.... probably so I can leave a comment of optimism (always try to)
    No.. it is really fascinating to me.. especially when I come across the Atlantic... you have so much fun over here.. and inspiration blossoms!! :-)

    A good post can make you want to clean your house to take a good photo.. or bake cookies, or read a book, or go by something.. make signs, paint etc...


  25. Haha.. how did that happen??
    Two names??

  26. I think that I may read Angela Hunt's blog. I read blogs because I am interested in what my blogger friends have to say. I wish that I had time to read more blogs than I read. I was first introduced to your blog, Sally, by Blue Monday. I love Blue Monday and it certainly has grown. I return to your blog more often because you are fun, caring, and talented.

  27. I've never been to an author's blog. I guess I would feel like a stalker if it was someone I really loved to read. I wouldn't want them to think I was some crazed fan lol

  28. Like you said, we have similar answers. :)

  29. Hi Sally, I read Gollum's blog. I find her interesting and entertaining. I also find you interesting. That's why I keep coming back! ~ Robyn


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