Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I Need Some Help

I have a soap dispenser in my guest bathroom. The part where the liquid soap is supposed to squirt out is so narrow that soap always often gets clogged. I pump and pump and nothing! I've tried watering down the liquid soap, but it still got clogged up.

Today I got frustrated and left it like this. Not the most decorative display.

Should I toss it? How can I fix this gloppy soap? Any ideas?

Since you're helping me, I'll share something to help you! I got this information from a friend.

You know when you try to pull some foil out and the roll comes out of the box? Then you have to put the roll back in the box and start over. That roll always comes out at the wrong time.

Stated on the end of the box is, "Press here to lock end." Right there on the end of the box is a tab to lock the roll in place. It's also on a generic brand of aluminum foil and a box of Saran wrap! It's been there all along, and I never knew about it. This is NOT a joke. Go see for yourself.

Now this is a joke:


  1. the only thing I can suggest Sally is that if it is new then take it back to the shop - it could be that yours has a fault - I'm not much help I'm afraid!!! take care Judith

  2. Not sure what to tell you about the soap dispenser Sally--very frustrating, I know. I just learned about the tabs on the boxes of foil too--all these years I had no idea!

  3. I have had that problem in the past Sally. It was very frustrating. Now I just keep a bar of soap in my quest bathroom. When I know someone is coming over I switch the soap out to a new bar. LOL
    I especially like that tip from Maxiene! I hope you have a good day!

  4. Sally, I can so identify with all! LOL! And that cartoon is a scream!


    Sheila :-)

  5. I think I would want to take it back too.. or .. I would probably not do that.. I would just buy a new one... after I had tried to block out the hole in the tip of the dispenser.... or maybe bought a not so creamy soap... or watered it out. (not so nice for guests maybe) I am desperate when it comes to finding a solution! (then I would stast it away.. can't afford to throw it out right away of course) and buy a new one.. hehe


  6. Sally, Sorry I don't have any ideas, except like someone said, if it is new, take it back.
    Have a great day.

  7. Morning Sally,

    I say get something new. That is a pain when a soap dispenser won't dispense your soap!!

    I got that reynolds wrap tip the other day in an e-mail and I NEVER knew that. It is on the plastic wrap too!

    The coffee table makes a great message board....hehehe

  8. Sorry Sally...I don't know what to tell you about the soap dispenser. I'll have to check back later and read your comments. I bet one of your readers will have a hint!

    Thanks for the tip on the foil wrap...didn't know that!

    Gotta love Maxine!

  9. I had that problem once too, and I got rid of it. If you have the receipt and it's new, I'd take it back to the store.

  10. Thanks for the tip on the foil. How could we not have know this?

  11. Those soap dispensers can be so frustrating! I, finally, chunked mine and bought some hand soap from Bath and Body Works. I love it...smells so nice and never gets clogged!

    Yes, I learned that foil and Saran Wrap trick on someone else's blog...I never knew about it!

  12. Well, I'll be darned. I had to go out to the kitchen just now and check my aluminum foil box. Sure enough the tabs were there. On the plastic wrap too. But not on the wax paper one. Isn't it funny how we don't notice these things until someone else points them out. I am glad you were that someone. Got a cup of coffee while I was at it. In a blue cup too. heehee. About the soap, don't know what to do about that one.

  13. It sounds like we have all had that problem. I solved mine by switching to that really watery foam soap refill. (I believe it is made by Di*al) It is not suppose to be used in the regular dispensers, but it works great.

    Thanks for the tip on the foil. I did not know about it before.

    Love the funny!

  14. Sally... I had the same problem as you on the soap... I tried everything... had a soap dispenser that was sooo pretty and I just loved it... I finally turned it into a vase... LOL and went to using the foaming soaps from Bath & Body Works... the containers are pretty and the soap smells good...

    foil and plastic wrap... oh my gosh! I never knew... I can't wait to show Ricky... (I'm going to pretend like I found it out on my own... then reveal that you told me, after ribbing him for about 30 minutes... teeeheeeheee... ;)

    thanks for the hint! sorry about not having a solution for the soap.. it appears that there isn't one...

  15. I looked -- you're right! How have I missed that all these years??!!

    I don't know about the soap dispenser. Perhaps you could thread a thin wire through it to see if anything is stuck in there that can be dislodged? If not, I don't know what else you could do.

  16. Clif was just reading this over my shoulder. We both said "toss it".
    I never knew about the box lock. Nice hint.
    Love the dusting cartoon.

  17. Good Morning Sally.... I have a built in soap dispenser that also suffers from the same problem... I finally found that I can't buy anything but regular liquid hand soap (cheaper stuff works best)and water it down a lot... You can do that and still have enough soap to wash with... NEVER get anything with beads or granules in it or real thick and creamy... it will clog it and take forever to get it out... Mine now works properly but like I said about half soap & half water mixed really good.... Hope it works for you...


  18. I had a dispenser that would clog all the time too. I loved the bottle and couldn't bear to throw it away so I kept a toothpick tucked in the medicine cabinet and would poke it whenever it got clogged. It worked. :) I can't believe I didn't know that about the foil as much time as I spend in the kitchen lol

    Have a great day Sally ♥

  19. Hi Sally,
    I just learned about the foil and Saran this year! Sorry, but I'm no help on the soap dispenser.

  20. Hi Sally, My thought on this soap dispenser is...might it be a lotion dispenser? Sometimes they make lotion and soap dispensers in those collections. I guess I would just go to HomeGoods or TJMaxx and look for a dispenser with a wider nozzle opening.
    My niece had one of those "message boards" by her bedside, I was tempted to write "dust me" on hers! LOL

  21. I didn't know about the tin foil box tabs, but since I rarely cook or have leftovers, I'm not surprised!
    Don't know what to do about the soap dispenser. Could you buy a different spigot?

  22. I am so into special soaps in exotic flavors so I don't use pumps. Loved the cartoon. I have a sign that says...Dust is a Country Accent.

    Tuesday Tidings from Roberta Anne

  23. Well, I say either take it back or toss it... We use Softsoap or Dial --and get them for almost nothing using coupons.

    I had NEVER heard that about the aluminum foil.. I'll check it out. Unbelievable!!!! Thanks!!!

    I love Maxine. She talks MY language.

  24. Hi Sally! I have the same problem with my kitchen dispenser but I think my problem is b/c I put a thick liquid soap in there since I had no problem before. I am just trying to finish this up and then I will replace with a thinner soap. Try that. Thanks for the info on the foil and saran wrap. I never knew that!...Christine

  25. I've had the same problem & tried soaking them, etc. I've even tried switching parts! I eventually get rid of them...

    Yikes, I didn't know that! Just goes to show how often I read labels.

    I love Maxine! ☺

  26. Alright I did not know that about the foil box. Tonight I'm going to have to look at that. ;)

    As for the soap dispenser I'm not going to be much help. You could try adding a touch of water to the soap to make it runnier so it flows through better. Or you could try getting another push top because I know they sell those separately from the bottle.

  27. Heheheh...I resemble that cartoon!!! Kathy

  28. Sally,

    Check to see if the plastic thingy is too long. If it is touching the bottom of the dispenser inside, you may not be getting enough air pressure to make it pump. Just a guess.

    Speaking of bathrooms~do you know where the majority of the germs come from? The toilet~always face away when flushing. I thought for sure it would be something you touched, but I was wrong!


  29. Hi Sallyness! Something must be wrong with your soap dispenser! I really like that about the foil box - I've heard that before, but I've failed to do it yet!
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  30. Sally,thanks for the visit.I finally found something Blue so that I can do Blue monday next week. stay tuned! I sure miss South Florida...Beaches

  31. Sally, I tracked over here from How Sweet the Sound and was so happy to find out you are from South Florida too I am in Boca. Beautiful blog header by the way. I will try to participate in Blue Monday next week.

  32. I wish I could tell you what to do about your problem. I don't have a clue. I usually end up tossing this kind of problem....Thanks for the tip. Who knew?...Good cartoon! Have a great evening.

  33. I've had that problem with a soap dispenser, and after trying several things, I ended up throwing it away. So frustrating! I can't believe I NEVER KNEW THAT ABOUT THE FOIL AND WRAP! Great tip! laurie

  34. I would get rid of the soap dispenser...I had one that did the same thing and got rid of it...I was told of the tip with the box of foil and it works great.. all of these years I never know!!! Hugs, Baba

  35. Oh Gosh Miss Sally...I have had these troubles too. You know what I did? I took the top off one of the cheapy liquid soaps (whose pumper worked great, go figure) and sat it on top of my decorative one. Now, it wasn't a perfect match, but good enough and I could use my decorative container.

    Good luck and happy dispensing!


  36. Oh Gosh Miss Sally...I have had these troubles too. You know what I did? I took the top off one of the cheapy liquid soaps (whose pumper worked great, go figure) and sat it on top of my decorative one. Now, it wasn't a perfect match, but good enough and I could use my decorative container.

    Good luck and happy dispensing!


  37. I hate it when this happens...and it usually does it with an expensive dispenser that mathces everything else in the bathroom!
    Gotta Love Maxine.


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