Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Love on Wednesdays

Suzanne at Colorado Lady is hosting a meme for this month, and she's calling it Love on Wednesdays in February.

Today is the final day, and I'm sipping coffee while being showered with Bloggy Love!

As I enjoy my coffee, I must stop to share a picture of my cup, presented to me in 1994 by one of my high school seniors. During that year, she decided to become a teacher. Coffee just tastes better sipping from this mug. Here's a picture.

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Eleanor from Thatchwick Cottage has deemed me worthy of the Superior Scribbler Award. Eleanor teaches at the University of South Africa and lives close to the Austen Roberts' Nature Reserve and Bird Sanctuary. Her blog is fascinating. Pay her a visit as soon as you can grab a minute.

To commemorate, celebrate, and generally share Bloggy Love, the originator, scholastic-scribe created this award. Here are the rules. Each Superior Scribbler must:
  • pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.
  • link to the author and the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
  • display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.
  • visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!
  • post these rules on his/her blog.
Thank you Eleanor for recognizing that my playful scribble is meant to share Bloggy Love!

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Chris presented me with the Sisterhood Award. I know that many of you also have had this award recently presented to you. It's nice to belong to the Sisterhood of Bloggers isn't it? Chris is a RVer and has recently been giving us the "Guided Tour of America." Check her blog and see the many places she has seen.

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Monica at Monica’s English Version has presented me with this Friends Around the World Award that she made herself. Monica blogs from Norway and allowed me to interview her not too long ago. I feel honored and proud to accept this beautiful award.

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Every day I love! to chuckle. Here's something for you today.

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PS: Something ugly is happening to Blogger today! Some of my comments will not post, and I am having trouble working on future posts. I hope that this is only me and not you. I will persevere, but please don't think I'm neglecting you.


  1. I really enjoyed your post today and congrats on all the awards.I love the cup and I understand why it's so special to you. My oldest grand daudghter is in her second year of college. She's going to be a teacher to.


  2. Congrats on all the well deserved awards. I'm sure you treasure your coffee cup.

  3. I checked out Eleanor's blog... you're right, very fascinating!

  4. Good Morning Sally... What a great gift from a student.... And then to have her follow your footsteps in teaching I know it must have made you feel proud... You really raked in the awards... Doesn't it just make you feel good getting and giving them... Congratulations


  5. Congratulations on the awards. I love the cartoon!!

  6. Good Morning Sally, Your mug is priceless! Congratulations on your awards and the cartoon was really funny.
    Have a nice Wednesday, Bridget

  7. Congrats on all the awards!! How sweet to remember those special students.

  8. I enjoyed reading your post...and congrats on the awards! Take care.

    Christy Lee (Jeremiah's mommy!)
    *~Petals and Pine~*

  9. I can understand why you enjoy coffee from that mug.
    I love that comic!

  10. I know what you mean about a special coffee cup. I have one too and it does make the coffee taste better.

    Congratulations on all of your great awards. I'm glad that others recognize your wonderful blog.

    Cute cartoon too!!!!

  11. That is a coffee cup to be treasured...I bet you were a phenomenal teacher who changed many lives!

    Congrats on your awards! Love your snowman comic!!! Hope your Blogger issues get resolved SOON!

  12. Your awards are all beautiful! Congratulations you deserve them ♥ I just loved the funny :D that was soooooo cute! The blogger malfunction has been driving everyone crazy I think...I've had problems too. Hope you have a beautiful Wednesday Sally!

  13. What lovely awards. I don't think that I have seen any of these before. I had trouble with blogger all day yesterday, and like you, couldn't get my comments posted on several sites:(

    Love the cartoon, and I'm gonna show it to the grandsons!

  14. congrats on your awards. I did get a chuckle out of the always post something that brings a smile...and I love that!!

  15. Congrats on the well deserved awards. Love the cartoon.

  16. Sally, some of the posts that have codes won't let you post on blogs either... they keep running and won't bring up the code letters. I think Blogger is running amok. I hope they get it fixed.


    Sheila :-)

  17. Oh, and congrats on your awards! You are deserving! :-)

    And I laughed LOUDLY at that cartoon. So funny!


    Sheila :-)

  18. Congratulations on winning so many awards!!
    Love the mug I can tell its precious to you.
    My arm still pains me a lot, so I take pills and they make me nap,can't wait for normal again.

  19. Congratulations on the Awards and I too hope Blogger is through being difficult. Loved the little cartoon but have to admit it took me a minute to get it!

    Roberta Anne

  20. What a sweet mug! Congratulations on the awards! That's a cute cartoon.

  21. I'm a teacher too...and I know that cup must have runneth over from your students!! :-)
    Congrats on your awards! L~

  22. Congratulations on your awards Sally. They are all very pretty! I love the snow man cartoon (he, he)
    I hope you are having a good day. I haven't encountered any bloggy problems today but the past couple of days I have only been able to comment on certain sites.

  23. Great looking awards and you deserve each of them. I love the coffee mug. I know it means a lot to you because of the one who gave it to you. I also love the fact that she is becoming a teacher. The cartoon is really funny. It took me a minute to understand it and that made it even funnier.

  24. Hi Sally,
    Thanks for sharing the LOVE today!
    I think the posting problem is with everyone. I've been experiencing it when I prepare a post to be posted at a later date. At first it posted on time and now it does not. I think we need to let them know.

  25. Congratulations on all the awards - all richly deserved! And I know it must feel wonderful to know you've inspired someone to become a teacher. Probably the world's most worthwhile profession (well, along with motherhood). And, strangely one of the lowest-paid!

  26. Sally, my blog did not post this morning--when I had it set to post. Don't know why!!!!! SO--sounds like blogger is having some problems.

    Congrats on the awards. You deserve them. I like my morning coffee also--and also have some special cups given to me by special people through the years.

    Thanks for sharing the love.

  27. Hi Sally,
    Congratulations on all those awards!

    That mug is really neat...especially coming from a high school student.

    Be sure and come by today and check out the bookstore in NYC that reminded me of you!

  28. You win the spreadin' the most love around award today!

  29. Sally,

    Wonderful awards for a wonderful lady! Congrats!!

    I had my big weekly chuckle over your cartoon. What a hoot!!


  30. I love the cartoon. What a great pun. ;)

  31. I got your email message. Thanks. Sorry you could not post to comments?? weird.

  32. Congrats on your multiple well

  33. Congrats on all your awards!!!!!!!!


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
