Sunday, February 15, 2009

Where is that?

This cartoon reminds me of Bible drills. When I used to teach 5th and 6th graders in Vacation Bible School, we'd have Bible drills. Some of those kids were super fast! Fess up, did you remember that Hezekiah is not a book of the Bible?

Spiritual Sundays are hosted by Ginger and Charlotte. To visit other participants, click here.


  1. I did go to sunday school as a child.. we had alot of fun... and when we are 15 we do the comfirmation in the church.. we got drilled and grilled.. we had to know alot from the bible.. and all were asked a question in the church.. this is not like that anymore.. thank GOD... so embarrising if you just don't remember and the whole church would know...


  2. Good one Sally... I can remember Bible School so easily... I went every summer and enjoyed it so much... But I don't remember that at all... LOL selective memory I guess... Have a blessed Sunday

    HUGS, Donna

  3. I loved Sunday School - but always got myself tied up in knots about remembering my verses - was not a joy to learn but a job. Now it is a joy of course :)

  4. Hey Sal..Trying to catch up on some blogging buds, hope you had a great Valentines day! Oh, how I remember the fun ol' days of Bible school, you always make me smile and think of all the fun in the past! Hope to see you tomarrow!

  5. Hey Sal..Trying to catch up on some blogging buds, hope you had a great Valentines day! Oh, how I remember the fun ol' days of Bible school, you always make me smile and think of all the fun in the past! Hope to see you tomarrow!

  6. The Revd I minister with always makes me laugh because he says 'All the answers in church to any question is Jesus.'
    Well that goes for the whole life too.

    Just you are quite right name badges are brilliant - we were getting to the point that people might only come every 4 or 5 weeks and by then you've forgotten their name but actually since introducing the name badges folk have been attending more regularly. Brilliant - Thank You Jesus. Judith

  7. This is so cute. Hezekiah sure sounds like it should be in there, but I knew it wasn't. lol

  8. We had a boy at camp one year that could name the books from Rev. to Gen. faster than most of us could name them from Gen. to Rev. ..Now about Hezekiah....

  9. Oh those old Bible drills.. Of course, I was raised Methodist --so we didn't learn the Bible like our Baptist friends did... I worked in the church for over 25 years--and still don't know where all of the books of the Old Testament (especially toward the end of the Old Testament) are.. And then there's the Aphocrapha to learn.. Yipes!!!!

    Have a great day.

  10. Hehehe! Yes I did know that Hezakiah was not a book in the Bible, but this would be a funny gag against the Sunday school teachers!


  11. Sally I could never spell it in the first place. hehehe Kathy

  12. I so look forward to your little Sunday cartoons and this one is funny because our pastor sometimes quotes this book to see who is listening.

    Roberta Anne

  13. Your Sunday cartoon is always a joy. Yes, I remember Sunday school but I've never heard of Hezekiah :)

    Have a wonderful Sunday,
    Kathi :)

  14. I remember Bible drills from our Confirmation trip. We went to Stephen F. Austin park and camped out all weekend. We were set up in a girl's camp and a boy's camp. We studied, studied, studied the Bible that weekend. It's one of my favorite memories from my pre-teen years. Your funny made me smile because our Youth Minister always tried to trick us to see if we were really paying attention lol ♥ Happy Sunday to you Sally!

  15. Okay Sally,
    I fess up I had this pulled on me one time and boy was my face ever red!!!!!Great job I alway look forward to your cartoons in Sunday.

  16. Okay Sally,
    I fess up I had this pulled on me one time and boy was my face ever red!!!!!Great job I alway look forward to your cartoons in Sunday.

  17. Okay Sally,
    I fess up I had this pulled on me one time and boy was my face ever red!!!!!Great job I alway look forward to your cartoons in Sunday.

  18. Hi Sally...

    Well my friend, you sure brought a smile to my face with your cartoon...hehe!!!

    Ohhh yes, I remember the Bible drills as a youth and then used them when I taught Sunday school! I found that the kiddos really enjoyed them...a little competition, a little fun...adds up to a great way to teach the Scriptures!!!

    Have a super Sunday, my friend!

  19. I have come via Eleanor at Thatchwick Cottage to visit one of my winning colleagues. Yes, we are lucky ducks to have won an award.

    I confess to your query that I had indeed forgotten Hezekiah is not part of the Bible.

    I'm going to stay awhile to visit your blog and read some of your other posts.

  20. Thanks for a Sunday smile Sally!

  21. Hi Sally, I remember having drills with questions and prayers. I used to be so afraid I wouldn't get it right but I always did a good job :>) See you tomorrow for Blue Monday!

  22. Hi Sally,
    Bible Drills and Bible School are such good training for children. I have good memories of attending Bible School!

  23. What a clever post! Thanks for stopping by and visiting me!

  24. I remember Bible drills, too, and being faked out with the book of Hezekiah.

  25. I hated those scripture chases growing up.....I was always the last one to find stuff lol

  26. Sally,

    We did not have Bible drills in Church but Father did sometimes ask a question from kids who looked like they were dozing off. Thankfully, I was never the one to be mortified!!


  27. Sally, my mother was the Bible drill! LOL! We studied the Bible, but I don't remember being drilled in Sunday School. My Baptist friends were, though. I can remember having to memorize every book in the old and new testaments, and I can remember learning certain scriptures.

    You almost caught me with your cartoon. LOL! Cute one!


    Sheila :-)

  28. Thanks as always for sharing. blessings, peace, joy and love.

  29. Sally, you always make me laugh. Thank you! May your week be a big blessing-expect it.


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