Monday, April 13, 2009

Blue Monday - Blue All Over

It's Blue Monday! To participate:

1. Post about something blue on your blog. It can be pretty, ugly, funny, old, or new as long as it's blue. Leave a link to this blog on your post.

2. Place the Blue Monday button on the top of your post so that people can easily spot it. Place another
Blue Monday button on the sidebar of your blog.

3. Return here and link in with Mr. Linky by leaving your name and the
Permalink to your post. To create a Permalink, click on your Blue Monday post title and copy all the stuff in the http window. It is a longer address so that people can find your post even later in the week--whenever they get a chance to visit. For those who just can't wait, Mr. Linky will be up after midnight!

Do NOT link in until after your post is up.

4. Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links. Make someone's day; leave a comment.
I appreciate those who leave a comment for me.

5. Check back later to make certain you visit all the Blue Monday participants. (That's why the Permalink is so important.)

The economy is tough enough to make some people--and animals--blue. Notice the blue in the picture. There's a blue shirt, blue railings, blue outlet, and several blue jeans.

Cats are so dramatic!

Blue Monday Participants
1. Susan
2. Karen :o)
3. Barb~Bella Vista
4. Terry
5. Mary @Boogieboard Cottage
6. Tink *~*~*
7. Sandi
8. Baba
9. Kathy b
10. Carrie
11. M
12. Deborah
13. Kady
14. Dudley
15. Claudie @ Bubblin\' Over
16. Chari @Happy To Design
17. Gemma
18. Charlotte
19. Fifi Flowers
20. Anne Fannie
21. fitty
22. Gie
23. Beverly
24. Tam @ The Gypsy\'s Corner
25. Lisa
26. Knitty
27. Serenata in England
28. Elizabeth
29. Candy
30. Jeanne
31. Shirls Rose Cottage
32. Tricia
33. Alfazema
34. Sweetie
35. Diane @ A Picture is......
36. the wild raspberry
37. ANN
38. Tea
39. Amy @Winterberry Creek
40. ValerieKC
41. Debra Kaye
42. ~CC Catherine
43. Kathleen M
44. Russ, CO USA
45. Sally
46. KayC.
47. Becky
48. ellen b
49. angie @ Annies HOme
50. charli and me
51. NicoleB Hungary
52. Linnea
53. Lauralu
54. Amanda\'s World
55. Barbara Jean
56. Cathy @ The Stylish House
57. Gayle in Alaska
58. Cindy
59. Victoria @ Auction Girl Vintage
60. ~Theresa~
61. Marjoie mollys country memories
62. Carrie - Carola Nativity Gallery
63. Carrie - Oak Rise Cottage

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


Coloradolady said...

I feel like the cat today....tired out!!

Barb said...

Sally, this is really cute.

Happy Blue Monday to you.


Tink *~*~* said...

I'm awake too late... I think I'm going to feel like the cat too, tomorrow at work!

Tink *~*~*
Tink *~*~*
Sanibel Island’s Over Easy Cafe

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

I'm up late too. That's quite the cat!


Neabear said...

I am definitely like that cat! Exhausted from serving Easter Dinner.

Baba said...

Hi Sally, All of us are feeling tired like the cat and dog in this cute picture..the animals remain by their human's side through it all!!!
Have a great day. Hugs, Baba

Deborah said...

That cat definitely is a drama queen. Love it! Happy Blue Monday!

Life on the Edge said...

Wow, there I am behind the dog panhandling for money! Just kidding. Yes, this is sure a sign of the times. The pets are so adorable though.


Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

That cat is Hysterical! laurie

Bridget said...

LOL at the cat!

claudie said...

I've seen this one Sally. I would take the cat and the dog in for free. I would rescue them in a flash.
Happy Blue Monday
Love Claudie

Terry said...

I forgot to post my comment,
oops :(
so sorry about that.
Been a long day,
But with Blue monday to cheer me up I should bounce back quick as a wink!
Thank you Sally for Blue Mondays !
Have an awesome week.

Becky said...

Awww, I used to have a kitty that looked like that... in fact he would lay like that too... right in the middle of the floor.

Happy blue monday :-)

Gemma Wiseman said...

I am sure I saw this photo just recently somewhere but still adore it! It's both funny and sad and very clever!

Fifi Flowers said...

That is a VERY dramatic cat! ENJOY your blue day!

Anne Fannie said...

Hi Sally,
What a great picture!
I am so tired from the Easter party on Saturday that I feel like the cat too!
Hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend. Its a wonderful time to remember what he did for us!
Love, Ann

Eleanor said...

Ha! Ha! I enjoyed that. But I would still give my pennies to the dog. Here we are still celebrating Easter - today is known as Easter Monday in South Africa. Thank you for your Easter message and I return the blessings to you and your family. Such a wonderful Christian festival!

Gie's Tidbits said...

LOL...i like that picture.

Happy Blue Monday.

Patti VZ said...

Cute, Sally! Love it!

artis1111 said...

Meow!! hehe Kathy

April said...

That cat describes me to a tee!

Lisa said...

This one is cute!
Happy Blue Monday!
Hugs, Lisa

Knitty said...

That picture cracks me up!

Barbara said...

Thanks again Sally for posting Blue Monday and all your hard work.

Mojo said...

This looks awfully familiar...

Shirl said...

Morning Sally, Happy Blue Monday. I hope you had a nice weekend! What a cute pix, I love it!
Bless you, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

jeanne said...

Good morning Sally, This picture is a hoot. Cats are definitely dramatic.


P. said...

This picture is so funny!


Tricia said...

I love all the levels of blue and that cat is too funny. I have one that sleeps like that, I always have to urge to go over and poke him.

Tabbikat's Thoughts

Carlotta said...

Oh that is too funny!!
Tootles for now!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh! Poor pets, they are carrying the burdens of their masters on their shoulders. It's all in the family, the bad and the good. I just want to give the dog and cat a hug.

Beverly said...

That cat just cracks me up. Happy Blue Monday.

Barbara H. said...

I was thinking, "Oh, what a sad picture"...til I saw the cat and your caption. Too funny!

Unknown said...

Great photo Sally...I'm kinda like the cat today, like so many of your other readers! LOL

Have a great day, and thanks for hosting.

Amy said...

What a funny photo! Thanks for hosting again a wonderful blue Monday. Enjoy! Amy

the wild raspberry said...

that little picture says so much!

~♥~ Monica S said...

I guess that's why they call it the BLUES... (isn't that a song??)


Debra Kaye said...


This one is cute to be sure! Happy Blue Monday!

nikkicrumpet said...

I love that is so like a cat to make a things seem worse than they are lol Have a wonderful Monday

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Happy Blue Monday Sally... Love that picture... Everyone's TIRED and BLUE after a big weekend...


Libby's Library said...

Love that photo! Thanks for starting my day out with a smile.

Tea said...

I told about all the beaches I had visited. Now, I've lost the post. It is a Blue Monday for me. I feel like the cat, Miss Drama Queen. Anyway, I've tried to make a link. If it doesn't work, my husband will help me later. For Blue Monday I posted my favorite blue rug.

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hello Sally...

Hehe...Girl, I can relate with that poor little kitty!!! Hmmm, I suppose that makes me a bit dramatic too? We had a lovely Easter weekend but I'm pooped out! Hope that your Easter was a wonderful one!!!

Thanks for coming by and leaving a such a sweet note! Just wanted to say "Thank You" for hosting Blue Monday...I know that it's a bit of work, my friend...but I sure do appreciate it and have so much fun with it!!!

Warmest wishes,

ellen b said...

Ok...I don't know whether I should be chuckling. This is quite the photo shoot!! Happy Blue slow Monday to you Sally!!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Cute image! That IS one dramatic cat! LOL! And I love the "For Rent" cartoon below! I'll have to borrow that one and pass it to some friends! :) Missed you! ~hugs, Rhonda

annies home said...

is this just not too true

Anonymous said...

Dear Sally, I know the ecconomy is nothing to laugh about but where ever did you find that picture? LOL
Happy Blue Monday!

Unknown said...

Blue indeed.
Happy Blue Monday :)

Valerie said...

Now that is funny...loving that cat!

Thanks for dropping by and Happy Blue Monday to you!

Blessings from Kansas,

Darlene said...

That is sooooo CUTE and I absolutely LOVE the drama cat!!!!lol

Serenata said...

What a laugh - excellent picture!

bj said...

Oh, Sally...I love this photo...and your cuteness. If I had a teacher in high school as cute and funny as you, I think I would have done MUCH better in English!! *big smile...

Anonymous said...

What a cute picture.
Happy Blue Monday!

Sweetie said...

Sally - what a cute post. The dog is beautiful and the cat looks so cute and comfortable. There is blue everywhere. Happy Blue Monday!

Cindy said...

Hi, Neat idea.! I posted a picture of my Blue Persian.

Unknown said...

That's how I looked at 10 am today when my weekend guests pulled out of the driveway!
Hope you had a wonderful Easter!

Anonymous said...

Lord, have mercy! As my dear mother would say! This is so funny!! You always make me smile, Sallyness.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Killlashandra said...

I couldn't agree with you more, cats just have the most dramatic personalities sometimes. ;)

Salmagundi said...

Every woman in America that cooked, then swept up Easter grass yesterday feels like that cat today!! Sally

The Stylish House said...

Hi Sally,
This is my first time joining in the Blue Monday fun! That sure is one relaxed kitty, not a care in the world. Have a good one!

Cindy said...

Sorry I messed up. Can you delete 55, and 59? I haven't figured it out yet. Thanks for looking at my site.

Victoria @ Auction Girl Vintage said...

***LOVE*** the cat, such a drama queen! Happy Blue Monday :o)

30 Days of Junkin' in April

sara said...

that was so cute!!! Loved it!

~Jordan Family said...

So true, so many are "blue" right now due the economic times we are in! Great message behind your blue Monday!

Have a beautiful and blessed week,

Picket said...

LOL Oh my word....loved the cat Sally! lol lol Happy Blue Monday girl...Hope you have had a great day!

Judi said...

Oh dear...thats a cute picture. Poor kitty though...he really is having it tough.
thank you for sharing.
The participant's list sure is growing!!
have a lovely evening

Carrie said...

I am late getting my posts up this week again. Thanks for posting this fun event.

Cottage Rose said...

Hey Sally; Happy Blue Monday;
I so love that cat,, giggle,, they are so dramatic,, lol


Mozi Esme said...

That photo cracks me up! I can't imagine a cat begging - they simply demand...

sylvia said...

help szlly, I forgot to sign in but I am joning this week.... (Sylvia from Villa Extra)

mike said...

Hi Sally~
I love your picture. Sorry super late this week..i did post for blue monday but there is no place left for linking!!!
Happy Blue Monday and thankyou for hosting it each week. it is such fun to see everyones blue!!

Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

Hi, Sally, I did link in I'm #61 and the link to your post is at the very bottom of my post, were it usually had to go check, myself. I was so wiped out last night very possible I'd forgot to do it....
Also wanted to say and reallized I didn't comment on yours. I love your post, how true it is.