Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy Birthday, Shakespeare!

William Shakespeare influenced the language we speak far more than most realize. Here's a listing of things you've heard and spoken, perhaps without realizing that Shakespeare penned it first. A few from that list:
The course of true love never did run smooth
Off with his head!
The green-eyed monster
A blinking idiot
A dish fit for the gods
A pound of flesh
A sorry sight
A spotless reputation
A tower of strength
Good riddance
Too much of a good thing
What the dickens

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Joy at Cupid's Charm is hosting a Blogging party, and I'm going. Click here to find out if it's a good idea for you.


  1. Wow, Sally, I just learned something today! I had no idea that those expressions, which many of them I use frequently, came from the man himself! I will definitely have to check out the blogging party you mentioned! Thanks!

  2. Sally,

    I love that cartoon. :) Thanks for the invitation too.

  3. I didn't know that !
    I learned something today.. thanks!!
    Love the cartoon too.
    Have a wonderful day

  4. Hi Sally, great reminders of sayings I didn't know Shakespeare started. A few I did remember, but not all of them.

    Have a happy day.


  5. Hi Sally,
    Thanks for sharing, I did not know until today that these sayings that i use were penned by Mr. Shakespeare, now I am feeling pretty good because I am in very good company! LOL
    Thanks for coming by.

  6. Hi Sally,
    Thanks for sharing, I did not know until today that these sayings that i use were penned by Mr. Shakespeare, now I am feeling pretty good because I am in very good company! LOL
    Thanks for coming by.

  7. Hi Sally,
    Thanks for sharing, I did not know until today that these sayings that i use were penned by Mr. Shakespeare, now I am feeling pretty good because I am in very good company! LOL
    Thanks for coming by.

  8. Happy 445th Will! He certainly left quite a mark on this world.
    Thank you for such an interesting post Sally.

  9. Gosh, I had no idea that when I say
    WHAT THE DICKENS? that I am quoting S. Now that is pretty cool..You are ever the teacher, Sweet Sally..I learn something from you almost every visit and I nearly ALWAYS leave with a giggle.
    Thanks for the heads up on the Party..I LUUUUV PARTIES !!
    See ya there..
    xo bbj

  10. What a darling post. I did not know all those lines are from Shakespeare. And I don't know if I have told you that I love the waterfall dress on your blog. It is really nice.

    The Raggedy Girl--Roberta Anne

  11. That was a GREAT lesson for this morning! Have a fabulous Thursday Sally!

  12. Sally, I am going to share this cartoon with Jacob. I just read all of those expressions last night on a website - I swear. It's Shakespeare time for Jacob and his class is reading Romeo & Juliet. I never read R & J so I was checking it out online. (He is in a new classroom concept for his school - English for Boys Only - Would you have enjoyed teaching that class?) ~ Robyn

  13. Wow Sally... I had no idea those sayings came from Shakespeare. Amazing--what one can learn from blogging. Thanks!!!


  14. Words are very powerful, they can make one cry and hurtful,yet some make the sun rise when spoken! Kathy

  15. I just loved your post Sally ♥ It was so informative. My hubby would love this because he is always looking for word and phrase orgins. I will see you at the blogging party :>)

  16. I didn't know those things about Shakespeare. I learn something new every day.
    I posted my first book review & giveaway today.

  17. Sally, thanks for stopping by today. Love the cartoon! I knew that Shakespeare possessed a vivid imagination and he penned many of the cliches we hear nowadays but I had no idea he was famous for so many! I love learning something new everyday. Thanks!


  18. Thanks Sal for the Shakespeare .I love Shakespeare quotes they are truly timeless .
    Love that awesome cartoon you provided for our Shakespeare pleasure .I actually watched Kiss Me Kate with Ann Miller and Howard keel for a few Shakespeare grins earlier today.
    Have a wonderful evening.

  19. Loved the post Sal.We never think how these sayings originated when we use them. dont we?

  20. All these from The Bard himself? Amazing!


  21. Hi Sally... Just stopped by to say hello and have a great weekend!

    thanks for the invitation!

  22. You are right! I didn't know that those expressions that we use all of the time originated with Shakespeare! Very interesting. laurie

  23. Hi Sally, it was neat to read this list because I love Shakespeare. I'm familiar with some of these but not all of them.

  24. I also was surprised to learn about the sayings from Shakespeare.

    Thanks for the info on thr blogging party, going to check it out.

  25. I love Shakespeare! We have the Shakespeare Tavern here and it is sooo much fun! Thanks for the heads up on the blogging event.

  26. Gosh...I guess by reading your list I can now say I've read Shakespear! YAY me and my classy self hehehe

  27. I love Shakespeare. I think it's great that you paid him this tribute!


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