Thursday, April 30, 2009

Post a Poem Day

My good blogging buddy Carol at Charli and me is hosting Poem In Your Pocket Day. If you're interested, all you need do is post a poem and tell why it's special to you. Give a bit of information about the author too.

You know that a laugh, chuckle, or smile is what I prefer. So it should not surprise anyone that my poem is a light-hearted one.

For All the Girls

When I was in my younger days, 
I weighed a few pounds less, 
I needn't hold my tummy in 
To wear a belted dress. 

But now that I am older, 
I've set my body free; 
There's comfort of elastic 
Where once my waist would be. 

Inventor of those high-heeled shoes 
My feet have not forgiven; 
I have to wear a nine now, 
But used to wear a seven. 

And how about those pantyhose- 
They're sized by weight, you see, 
So how come when I put them on 
The crotch is at my knees? 

I need to wear these glasses 
As the prints were getting smaller; 
And it wasn't very long ago 
I know that I was taller. 

Though my hair has turned to grey 
And my skin no longer fits, 
On the inside, I'm the same old me, 
Just the outside's changed a bit.

Author Unknown


  1. You don't know how much I needed that this morning, came to my rescue! :)

  2. Goodmorning Sally!I needed this today.You are something else.Hope you have a great day! Blessings, Faye

  3. All I have to add is "Amen" to that poem of yours! :)

  4. Oh my goodness. I was just laughing last night about how my body has changed...gotta laugh or you'll cry.

    Good timing!

  5. this brought me a great laugh this morning...mostly because I can relate!!! loved it!

  6. LOL I loved your poem Sally ♥ Thank you so much for partisipating in National Poem In Your Pocket Day!

  7. Great poem and Maxine is always brilliant!

  8. OH, Sallyness! This was great! It's so sad, but it's true! I can laugh!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :

  9. This is such a great feature. I love humor.

  10. That is definitely the perfect poem!!! Have a great Thursday Sally!

  11. This poem couldn't be more fitting to me right now!
    I love the concept of sharing a favorite poem. I hope you keep participating in this meme!

  12. That is funny and true! Thanks for the laugh, I needed that today.

  13. Cute, Sally, you Vanilla Latte, you! :-)

    I second Maxine's maxim.


    Sheila :-)

  14. That put a smile on my face today ..Merci!!

  15. I will be seventy in October that pretty much explains why I love this poem so much. It is sad but unavoidable so we might as well laugh about it. this poem definitely put a smile on my face.


  16. I resemble that poem! hehe As long as my arm will go over my head ,I shall be blond! Kathy

  17. Funny "stuff."...You're right. Charles Grodin is a funny man. I'm glad you signed up for his book. Write it down. I don't want you to be surprised when it arrives in the mail. LOL.

  18. Thanks Sally for the cute poem... It, along with the cartoon, put a smile on my face...

    I'm extremely busy now--getting ready to leave on vacation on Sat. morning. If I don't comment as much, please forgive me.


  19. Hi Sally
    Great poem...and I can identify with the cartoon too.
    have a lovely day

  20. Cute poem!! I like the part about my face not fitting anymore. Sally

  21. Hi Sally, I did get a big kick out of your poem. I love your sense of humor. Usually dry and tongue in cheek. I do enjoy your blog so much.
    Thank you for being such a faithful blogging friend.


  22. ahhh, yes...Maxine and I are twins, FOR SURE !
    xo bj

  23. Oh Sally I love Maxine...every time I get an email with her I die laughing and I so agree with her my sweat shirt is my Bra...let them hang free..who cares if they hit your knees ha ha!! or like my Mama would say tuck them in your pants top...may you have a great Friday my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  24. Hi Sally,
    I am having to do my blogging late tonight, and now I am wondering If i am going to be able to sleep because I am laughing so much.
    You are too much, as I was reading this I'm thinking yep that's me. Love it. and love you

  25. This is cute -- and too true!!

  26. This poem fits me to a T:) I have to have my friend read this one for sure. Happy Cinco De Mayo this coming week. Off to put on my sweatshirt like the cartoon:)

  27. Great poem! I see parts of this coming true, sadly. lol


  28. Boy do I relate to that---fits all of us that is over the hill---not sure which hill. I am Coloradolady's mom and she set me up a blog so please go by and check me out and leave a comment---I do have a poem on mine too. Thanks

  29. linked to my blog. Do you mind if I post the poem?


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