Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Yellow Tabebuia

Susan is the gracious hostess for Outdoor Wednesday. Participants post pictures of anything that they might find outdoors. If you'd like to join in, click herefor instructions.

In South Florida, we have a spectacular tree that is in full bloom now. It's called a Yellow Tabebuia and there are several specimens close to my home.

The tree is nothing to look at much of the year. Its trunk has the look of abuse, all cracked. Its leaves are small and unimpressive.

But when it blooms, it'll take your breath. These beautiful blooms remind me of daffodils. After a rain, many fall and leave a yellow mess on the ground.

Now the poor tree is looking fairly ugly again! This is why I do not have a yellow tab in my yard.

Check my sidebar for the three book giveaways!


  1. Hi Sally...I've never seen or heard of this pretty in bloom tree...That's why I never wanted a tulip tree...Beautiful in bloom but MESSY when the blooms fall.
    ;-) Bo

  2. That tree is simply gorgeous. It shouts spring.

  3. I have never heard of that tree. It is certainly GORGEOUS while it is blooming. Does leave a mess though doesn't it?!?

  4. This is the first I'e head of this tree it sure is pretty when in full bloom. Thanks for sharing

  5. It is a beautiful tree! I love the flowers. I have gotten photos of the blooms of this tree while vacationing in FL and in Mexico. I think the trunk is beautiful too! Adds interest!

  6. That yellow mess looks awfully pretty.

    Have A Wonderful Wednesday
    from Roberta Anne

  7. Oh, and Sally, I never knew what the tree was called until now. LOL!

  8. I was unfamiliar with this tree....thanks for sharing. That tree is amazingly beautiful! When I love to Fl, I am going to have to get one. I live its character with teh

  9. Well now can't even type today, guess these meds have kicked in, had another tooth pulled yesterday. I meant to say first I've heard of this tree ...NOT head of this tree...sorry

  10. Good morning Sally, I love that tree. Our neighbor had that tree when we lived in Florida and he was going to cut it down. He didn't like the flowers on his grass. I loved the look of golden flowers on the grass. I begged him not to cut it and he never did. His tree happened to have a beautiful shape and did not look bad all year. They were good friends of ours and our sons and daughters are still friends with their son after all these years. They are all in their 40's now. We moved from there in 1988. You sparked a memory Sally, Thanks.


  11. The flowers are spectacular. I wouldn't like the mess either, but they are just fabulous to look at. Hugs, Marty

  12. Hi Sally, You are right it does remind me of dafodils , and it looks like it stays pretty about as long. I have never heard of Yellow Tabebuia until today.Does it have any fragrance to it? Thank you for sharing.

    I want to thank you for stopping by and for taking the time to leave me such a sweet comment. I am hoping that the memories we create will always be good ones and that they will remember fondly as you have. May you have a most blessed and happy Easter.

  13. The tree is beautiful. I bet it's nice there. We had frost last night year. I'm still waiting for spring!!

  14. That's the kind of tree that is nice in someone else's yard. I understand, we have some trees with the same scenario here in Nothern Calif.

    Kathy b

  15. It is a beautiful tree when it holds on to its blooms! ;-)

  16. Beautiful flowers. The way the trunk is woven is very sculptural.

  17. I love yellow! That is one of my favorite colors in a flower!!!

  18. You are very wise to admire this tree from afar!
    It's quite beautiful when in bloom, too bad it doesn't last longer.

  19. I've never heard of that tree - it is beautiful. Thanks for sharing it with us. Sally

  20. Wow, that tree is just amazing! I have never seen a tree with yellow blooms before. It really is very beautiful. Amy

  21. Love the blooming tree! I love the yellow flowers!
    Thanks for stopping by.

  22. Hi Sally, your yellow tree is soooo beautiful.

    I live in Florida also....Orlando.

    Happy Outdoor Wedneday.


  23. Hi Sally,

    Thanks for your visit. I feel I know you well as we read the same blogs.
    The trees are Gorgeous while in bloom. I love seeing different trees and florals in other parts of our beautiful country and world. I can understand why you do not have one in your own yard though.
    The trees almost look like they have arthritis...when not in bloom, poor trees. The blossoms are so pretty.
    Spring really is about to pop here in Utah!

    Happy OW!

  24. What beautiful blooms!! Is it native to your area?
    Thanks for visiting my blog! don't have to worry about him kicking you...he is just happy to be alive. He is a lover-boy...:)

  25. Thank you for your comment. I love the color yellow! It is such a happy color. Get pictures:D

  26. Silly me that is great pictures not get pictures;)

  27. I've never heard of this tree, and yellow isn't one of my favorite colors, but I can see how it brightens up a yard!

  28. I love these trees. They are my absolute favorite. :)

  29. There are so many of these in Lakeland. When they are in bloom (whether yellow, or shades of pink), they are truly a vision to be seen.

  30. Does the Tabebuia come in other colors? Doesn't matter. I love the yellow. Just curious.

  31. Thanks for introducing me to this pretty tree. Never heard of it before.


  32. Sally,

    I also would like to say thank you for your visit. What a surprise, a nice surprise.

  33. Oh shades of pink, that answers my question about other colors. I am partial to that sun shiny yellow.

  34. Yes, it does make me think of daffodils too. Remember Wordsworth's poem about daffodils? "I wandered lonely as a cloud, a cloud of yellow daffodils"

    I hope I didn't mess up the words.

  35. Molly, hope you feel better soon. I went through the tooth thing last year, oral surgery. Ouch!

  36. Sally,
    Love your beautiful yellow flower tree...That's Amazing! The tree is so unique......Would love to know what it fragrance smell like. Thanks for sharing...I learn something new...Have a wonderful week...Kathy

  37. Hi Sally
    Love the yellow also. We have trees called the "dogwood" they have beautiful flowers also but only last a couple weeks and make a huge mess. We had tons of them in Vancouver, more so than here in Ontario.
    Happy OW and hope your having a great week.
    Love Claudie

  38. Beautiful. Your pictures and words made for a very interesting post. Thanks for sharing.

  39. Hey Sally,
    It is like a rose bush or azalea bush; beautiful when in bloom. Question: Do the flowers have a nice fragrance?

  40. it is gorgeous when it is in bloom..too bad it is for such a short time!!

  41. Those yellow blooms are just beautiful*! Yellow is one of my favorite colors*! Have a blessed day* _Ashley ~

  42. Hi Sally! I have never seen one of those trees. It is beautiful when it's in bloom.

    I'm sorry but I don't remember where I got that plate stand. You know, I have several plate stands in my cabinet and just pull them out as needed. Probably got it in one of my favorite little girly stores in the past.

  43. The tree is beautiful but I'm like you, if it looks awful most of the time I don't especially want it in my yard.

  44. Happy Outdoor Wednesday Sally! Beautiful yellow blooms! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan

  45. Sally, I'm not sure I've ever seen a tree like that before...Yellow Tabebula, huh???? Very interesting...

    Is it tropical??? I guess what I'm asking is where else does it grow??? I love that yellow color.. The color is like our Forsythia.

    Thanks for sharing this..

  46. What a gorgeous tree in bloom! I've never seen one before. Like you tho, I'm not sure I would want several. I have avoided camellias just because the ground is so messy under them.


  47. What a lovely tree! The mess would get old quickly though.

  48. Hello, Most Smiling One! Oh the tree is lovely. But I don't blame you...only gorgeousness should be in your yard. No abused looking trees!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  49. That is a very pretty tree, Sally.

  50. I can hardly wait for the trees to start blooming here. The tree is just lovely. I like all of the yellow. Very pretty. I hope you and your family have a very blessed and beautiful Easter ♥

  51. Hi Sally,
    Thanks for stopping by, this tree does have the most gorgeous flowers. It's sad when they have to go so fast. I bet it's beautiful where you are right now. Cindy

  52. Love these pictures. Those trees are so beautiful. Thanks for stopping by my blog today and for sharing have a great Wednesday!

  53. This is the first time I've have hear or saw this tree. My world has opened up a little more, thanks to my blog friends. Thanks for sharing.

  54. I have never seen anything like this beautiful yellow tree. I am planning a trip to Florida in the fall and am anxious to see more of your beautiful blooms.

  55. What beautiful tree blossoms! I love yellow flowers and really enjoy seeing the brilliant color of forsythia bushes in our area.

  56. How pretty is must be when a lot of these are blooming at once...I think I would still want Sally, that is one pretty tree when it is blooming.

  57. That is a beautiful tree! I love all the yellow. Thanks for stopping by.

  58. That is a spectacular tree, very beautiful!

  59. What a beautiful tree. I have never heard of it before. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  60. Oh that tree is spectacular in bloom! Thanks for sharing that. laurie


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