Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pink Saturday - Rose's Pink Ceramic Shoe

Beverly at How Sweet the Sound hosts Pink Saturday. Pause at her Place to see Plenty of other Pretty Pink items that Precious Pink Participating People are Presenting for your Pleasure.

It's Beverly's Pinkaversary. She's been Pink one year.

Our long-time friends, Bob and Rose had us to dinner the other night, and I snapped up these pictures of Rose's special screened-in back porch. It's a fantasy land of pastel colors and whimsy. Here's one small table with several Pinks. Notice the picture frame, the ceramic shoe, and the teapot full of flowers. She's even got Pinks in her fabrics. I'll share more on other days.


  1. What cute items, I love the shoe, but the picture and teapot are also quite lovely.
    Hope you have a great week-end

  2. Dear Sally, Loved the pink shoe.
    I know this is a busy time for you, hope the packing is going ok.

    Happy Pink Saturday, dear friend.

    Hope you and the Mr. have a great weekend.

  3. That's the cutest pink shoe..
    Glad they had you over for are probably not finding time nor energy for cooking much right now.
    Happy Pink, Smiling Sally...
    xo bj

  4. Happy Pink Saturday!


    ~ Gabriela ~

  5. Happy Pink Saturday Sally
    That sounds like a cute room with all its pinkness lovelies to sit in.
    thank you for sharing
    and have a lovely day

  6. Cute pinks, Sally! You must be seeing the light at the end of your tunnel. I hope your weekend is a good one! Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Robyn

  7. That reminds me... I need to get the porch cleaned up!

    Love that shoe!

    Happy Pink Saturday Beverly... blessings to you every day.

  8. With our little PINK SATURDAY having a birthday this week, I am on "pink overload" and that is difficult to do to me! I'm lovin' it like crazy!

    What lovely pinks this week you have, my dear. The better to see your through my rose colored glasses!☺

    Have a great weekend. Not all that warm up in my neck of the woods but the sun is out and that makes the day good. I hope you are surrounded by those you love and that you, too, are bathed in sunshine.

  9. That looks like a lovely room from what I can see of it, and I just love that little vignette.

  10. The cart tray is so pretty and I just love the ceramic shoe...Christine

  11. I like her table/small carriage. And when I saw the sandal up close . . . I loved it! It's so pretty with the flower as a strap. maybe it's a fairy sandal that was left :-) Nice!

    Happy PS Sally


  12. That's a gorgeous pink shoe! That would be pretty to have a real pair in too! Your friend has a lovely vignette there! Happy Pink Saturday! Suzie

  13. Hi Sally, Beautiful cart and vignette! Your friends must have a beautiful home, based on this little delightful glimpse here! :)

    Hope your move is going well! ~hugs, Rhonda :)

  14. What a lovely ceramic shoe! And all the lovely pinks in that cart...

    Happy Pink Saturday Birthday! You chose some awesome pinks! Glad to see you here at the party!

  15. Beautiful. And I love the bookends in yesterday's post.
    Happy Pink Saturday.

  16. Cute! Cute! Cute! But shhhhh... my eye is falling on the blue stripes and the blue cushion. Glad you snuck the blue into the pic, Sally! ;-)

    Happy Pink Saturday!


    Sheila... who also loves the pink the pic, too! :-)

  17. Dear Sally,
    It is funny how when I started taking pictures increased...and I would have never dreamed of pulling my camera out and taking a picture of my friends sun room and now I want to take a picture of everything...I have been finding Blue pictures so I can join your Blue Monday one day.
    Beautiful white tea cart and all the pink on the shoe...I can't wait to see the rest of the room.
    Thank your friends for sharing their home
    Happy Pink Saturday
    hugs and blessings

  18. That little cart and all the pinks are pretty! Happy Pink Saturday!

  19. Hi Sally.. happy pink saturday.. I never see a pink slipper as pretty as yours.. I love it.. any idea where can i find one like yours.. i like the colours and the flower, is that lily?

    have a great weekend!

  20. Hi Sally,
    Love the shoe but my favourite is the teapot on that adorable tea cart! Have a wonderful Pink Saturday.


  21. she has a beautiful porch, tell her thankyou for sharing, happy pink saturday, Char

  22. Very pretty! Love the shoe, Happy Pink Day


  23. OMGosh, I just love that little shoe!
    I'll bet you had a fun night together. Hope the packing is coming along well and that you are not over doing it.
    Happy PS!

  24. That little teacart is precious! I loved all her pinks! Happy PINK Saturday! ☺ Diane

  25. oooh I wish I had a screened in back porch... the bugs are BAD here! Happy Pink Saturday ~ I hope you have a great weekend ~ Susan

  26. Love that shoe! Happy Pink Saturday!

  27. The shoe is so cute...
    God Bless

  28. Very Pretty!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs, Lisa

  29. A pink orchid on a slipper?? Do they sell that in my size??

  30. I can see that is a very pretty and relaxing room. I love the slipper ♥

  31. Happy Pink Saturday, Sally. I'm still visiting, and it will probably take me all week. Thank you for always making Pink Saturday special.

    Your friend's porch looks so pretty. I love that shoe. ;-)

  32. Hello Sally, I am still trying to visit Pinkies and I also came over to link your blog for Blue Monday. Rose has a lovely porch and her pink treasures are so sweet. The shoe is gorgeous. Clever girl taking photos where ever you go. I love to do the same thing.

    Hope your packing is coming along. Don't over do it Sally.


  33. Hello Sally, happy Pink Saturday, what a lovely porch and lovely pink! Thank you for sharing!
    Bless you, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  34. I LOVE the shoe!! I've never seen one like that! Very Pretty!... Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you're having a wonderful week!


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