Monday, June 22, 2009

Blue Monday - Magic Blue Tape

It's Blue Monday! To participate:

1. Post about something blue on your blog. It can be pretty, ugly, funny, old, or new as long as it's blue. Leave a link to this blog on your post.

2. Place the Blue Monday button on the top of your post so that people can easily spot it. Place another Blue Monday button on the sidebar of your blog.

3. Mr. Linky will be up after midnight. Return here and link in with Mr. Linky by leaving your name and the Permalink to your post. To create a Permalink, click on your Blue Monday post title and copy all the stuff in the http window. It is a longer address so that people can find your post even later in the week--whenever they get a chance to visit.

4. Leave me a comment. I promise that I will visit you and leave you a commet. Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links. Make someone's day; leave a comment.


Blue tape works almost like magic. It indicates the destination of filled boxes!

All boxes were numbered and items placed into each box were listed on a legal pad. I posted about that here. Boxes going into our apartment were marked with Blue tape that was placed under the box number. That way, we can easily see any box without the Blue tape should be kept on the truck to be taken on to the warehouse for storage. Those boxes are filled with items we will not need until we move into our new home.

Boxes filled with items we will need during the next five or six months were marked with Blue tape.
In addition, I wrote the room (office, bedroom, kitchen) where the box should be placed on its top. Note that this box has "Fragile" added to the four sides and top.

You may notice that my home seems empty. That's because we have given away our six-piece sectional sofa and our kitchen table and chairs. Some of our furniture was placed into storage before we listed our house (as suggested by HGTV).

Here's a couple of shots of the kitchen just for BJ. She wanted me to show my kitchen. Here ya go, BJ!

Some boxes were not yet sealed in this picture. The kitchen cabinets are Sanibel maple.

It's easy to see that these boxes dressed in their pretty Blue tape are headed toward our apartment. I'll give you a full report on the movers tomorrow.

Good stuff, that Blue tape.

Blue Monday Participants
1. Lana G!
2. ellen b
3. Shirley Corwin
4. Becky K.
5. Susan
6. Sheila
7. hip chick
8. Tina @ Enchanted Rose Studio
9. Mary@One Perfect Bite
10. Mojo, NC, USA
11. Iris
12. Charlotte
13. Lynn
14. Chandy
15. Marjorie...Molly
16. printersdevil~Felecia
17. Fifi Flowers
18. Barbara Jean
19. lavoice
20. Elizabeth
21. Ita @Something To Share
22. Mary @Boogieboard Cottage
23. Aussie Nikki NC USA
24. The Explorer, Philippines
25. Maria Berg, Sweden
26. Barbara@purplegoatlady
27. NicoleB Hungary
28. irene
29. Gemma
30. Janie at Southern Lagniappe
31. Ginger~Wilmington, NC
32. Tink *~*~*
33. Becky
34. charli and me
35. Sandi
36. Shirls Rose Cottage
37. gee
38. Knitty
39. Jeanne
40. The Pagan Sphinx - Massachusetts
41. Susan M Hickam
42. Cindy
43. TheOldPostRoad
44. bj
45. Marty Mason
46. KayC
47. Helen
48. Monica@The White Bench
49. Carrie at Being Domestic
50. LadyJane
51. Ivory Spring
52. Regina,Philippines
53. Light Impressions
54. Lindsay-Ann
55. Lady Katherine
56. Rantings of a woman
57. srp
58. Jensmere
59. Ninnu, Finland
60. Debbie@Like a Rose
61. Martha - Menagerie
62. Terry
63. Mary
64. Kim @ Querer-Viajar-Vivir
65. Linnea
66. Robyn

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. Sally! I'm so impressed that you are keeping up with blue Monday even through your move! What a trooper. Hope all is going smooth and all your stuff gets delivered and unpacked soon :0)

  2. Sally! Oh the joys of moving. Hope you had a wonderful Sunday and here's to a little rest before the next move!!

  3. I love that you used BLUE tape to be the code. Very cool.

    It must be wonderful to be close to family. I am so happy for you.

  4. That blue tape is the best! I have a bunch of it for painting purposes, and I use it like you do when I'm moving things.

    Great job with the packing! I have been MIA for a number of reasons, but I wanted to be sure and get by here and check out your progress. We'll have to get together after you're settled. I will drive over to meet you or whatever you say...

    Happy Blue Monday and all the best with the move!


    Sheila :-)

  5. Oh moving is so exciting. I hope the hard part is over and the best is yet to come.

  6. Sally, just a few more days and you'll be settled - for a while anyway :-). Using tape to differentiate destination is an inspired idea, using blue tape borders on greatness. Smooth move and blessings...Mary

  7. Wow. You are way too organized for me! I know who to call if I ever move again.

  8. You must be excited and tired. I like all that blue tape and scissors. I agree you must be very organized to keep up with Blue Monday and moving.


  9. Last time we painted we used a lot of blue tape. It's really good. Looks like it's good or marking moving boxes too. Looks like you're really organized. It really helps to have the boxes marked for the room they go in. We did that last time we moved. We still use some of the boxes with those names on them 20 years later.
    Happy Blue Monday.

  10. Sally, how wonderful and tiring it is to move! Hope everything goes well and you'll be settled in your new home in no time!

    Wishing you a safe and trouble-free move!


  11. How about an airplane that has blue strips on it. This is my first try at Blue Monday.

  12. Sally you are the queen of multitasking! :-) Moving and blogging, wow!

    Oh, the hubs say your header is amazing! I agree!

  13. Wow, I agree, I am impressed that you are still hosting Blue Monday during the move. It is so great to see you already starting to decorate in blue with the first items that will be delivered to your new home! Thanks for hosting this.

  14. Ooooh... moving... blue tape... and a surprise over at Fifi's... what a FAB Blue MOnday... ENJOY!!!

  15. Goodness you sure were organized, I'm sure it helped make a hard job a lot easier. Blue tape can work miracles

  16. If I ever have to move, will you come and help me? I love using blue tape to label things. Hope things are going well w/ the moving and settling.

  17. Moving is a hard thing to do. However, you make it seem so easy. You get a gold star for a job well done on the move and your post.

  18. Mary @Boogieboard CottageJune 22, 2009 at 2:39 AM

    Your post about the blue tape was so fascinating. Happy Blue Monday! :O)

  19. Blue tape is one of those miracle items with multiple uses!

    You're amazing & I'm so impressed with your organization! IF we ever move again, I'm sure that I'll need a refresher of all your tips and steps for organized moving. ☺♥☺ Diane

  20. Sally, Thanks again for letting me list a giveaway.

    Wondering how you are doing all of this with moving?

    I know you are anxious now to get this over with for a while and then when the house is finished, another move.
    Have a Happy Blue Monday.

    Hugs, Barbara

  21. O gosh, what a pain ;)
    But at least you are well organized :D!!
    Have a safe move!

  22. Impressive organisation! But that colour coding, numbering and listing really pays off in the long run! Saves many headaches!

  23. Sally, it looks like your move went smoothly. I'll have to remember your blue tape idea the next time we move (hopefully, not for a long time!).

    I'll look forward to reading your review on the movers.

  24. Hi Sally..I know you must be tired but excited, isnt it. I can see that you are well organized with all the stuff and the blue tape is 'helping' a lot..:-)

    Happy Blue Monday

    Lots of luv,

  25. Blue tape is my best friend! And LOTS of it!! Your new place looks great even withought things put up. Kathy

  26. Looks like you've got everything organized and well in hand. Hope everything about the move goes smoothly for you.

    Tink *~*~*
    Disney's Pop Century resort

  27. Best wishes with your move...lots of work...

  28. Good morning Sally. You are so organized. Great ideas for having an almost stress free move! I loved your kitchen. It was beautiful. I can't wait to see your kitchen in your new house. I hope you have a great day! Happy Blue Monday ♥

  29. Good Morning Sally, Happy Blue Monday. Wow you are a very organized person. Must have made your move very smooth. Love that blue tape idea! I saw your previous post of where your going, Tampa must be beautiful being that close to the ocean and on the Gulf side! How lucky! I can't wait to see pics of your new view!
    BLess you, Shirl
    Shirls Rose COttage

  30. Hi Sally,
    You are something! Keeping up with all your blogging in the middle of moving! That blue tape scares me!! We have moved so many times that I hope we never have to use it again; at least not for moving! Have a nice day. Happy Blue Monday.


  31. Organizing in this manner before the move is like that adage about a stitch in time saving nine. Good for you for your planning ahead!
    I agree that blue tape is great stuff.
    Happy Blue Monday!

  32. I officially crown you the Organization Queen. Happy Blue Monday, Sally.

    I hope you're getting settled in your place.

  33. Dear Sally,

    Your blue tape is lovely and to be different is another way to be creative. This is 2nd posting. Thank you for making my life more colourful. Btw, I hope you can delete my entry no. 37 dan 38.
    Happy Blue Monday.

  34. Sounds like you have everything under magnificent control Sally. Blue Tape is inspired.

  35. Great blue post. You're clever to notice the blue tape.

  36. Before I even read your words here, I thought, "OOO, there's Sweet Sally's kitchen, at last!"
    What a beautiful kitchen it is, too. I just knew it would be a pretty one. Maybe we'll get to see the new kitchen, too???
    Hugs to you and you are so smart to use that blue tape the way you did. If ever I move, I will remember that trick.
    xo bj

  37. Blue tape....who knew it's real purpose in life was to get us organized!!

  38. Moving...what fun...
    We have one more move(hopefully) and I am half excited and half dreading it. I'm sure you feel the same way. You look well organized and I hope that is what I will be! Thanks for hosting in the middle of ALL that work!

  39. cute post sally, I know you can't wait to get into your new home, markign the boxes is a great idea, it also works wehn you've been in a palce 20 years & start to cull out, which I'm doing now whew! Happy Blue Monday!

  40. Wow girl...You are superwoman!!!! Packing and moving and still keeping us entertained with these great Blue Monday post! great idea with the tape...I always mark on my boxes what is inside and what room it goes in..

    and your KITCHEN!!!! Oh my word Sally...why haven't you showed us this is gorgeous! I am so happy for you moving to your new home that is always so do you feel packing up your stuff and walking around in your old home...does it bring back memories of when you first moved in? Whenever we move..after everything is packed into the moving van I always go back and mop and clean everything spotless and as I make my way back to the door I turn and take one last look...then I begin to pray and thank God for allowing us to live in the sweet home and for all the memories we have made there and then I ask Him to bless the next family and let their lives be blessed with much love and happiness in the home...moving is just filled with so many emotions..I am not even moving and I done got all teary eyed! lol have a great week sweetie!

  41. Hi Sally! Here I am again... thanks for hosting!!
    Happy Blue Monday,

  42. Hi Sally!
    I'm definitely learning a lot from you on how to move the right way! Have a Happy Monday!

  43. And I saw blue-handled scissors, too, and what looks like blue diamonds on the flooring.

    Great idea for quickly identifying which boxes are where!

  44. you are so smart and organized!!!!

    but I should have guessed you would use blue tape! :)

  45. Sally you could write a book on moving organization and ....things that are blue, Of Course! It will be fun to see all the new blue hings you discover in the area where you now live.

    Kathy b

  46. I thought at first that the pics were from you new apartment and I was shocked at how big it was. lol No wonder it was so hard to leave, your house was lovely. I'm sure the new place will be just as wonderful once you have a chance to get settled.
    Great idea with the blue tape. I've had to do those two stage moves a couple of times and it is so frustrating when the movers mix up some of the stuff like sending ALL of your child's clothes into storage. UGH! It's a good thing she was going to a school that required uniforms, we only had to purchase weekend wear.

  47. Sally... well how smart are you! great tips for moving... though I'll probably never move again... i'll pass the tips on to others...

    have fun unpacking!

    hugs. Dixie

  48. Happy unpacking.
    Have a nice week, filled with joy.
    (Posted my Blue Monday)

  49. Hi Sally
    I am new to your blog and have joined in with your Blue Monday. I hope I have done everything ok! Just going back to my post to add a link to you.
    I have enjoyed reading your lovely blog today. Wishing you much happiness in your new home.
    Best Wishes from England.

  50. Wow, you are one organized lady! The kitchen is just lovely!

  51. Good luck on the Move, I love the blue tape idea, it really shows up. I'm just redoing my kitchen cabinets now and I love the finish you have on yours.
    Happy Blue Monday

    Rantings of a woman

  52. Good luck on the Move, I love the blue tape idea, it really shows up. I'm just redoing my kitchen cabinets now and I love the finish you have on yours.
    Happy Blue Monday

    Rantings of a woman

  53. Oh,you are so organized. Good luck on the move so far. Take time to relax as time allows... :-)

  54. Such organization! I was not nearly so organized and then when I had to move again and this time combine two complete households of furniture with part of a third thrown in... well.. chaos would be a good description. Good luck!

  55. You are so organized! Perfect BLUE post. Sally

  56. Happy Blue Monday, and hope you're not too tired and worn out right about now*! Can't wait to see your new place*! _Ashley

  57. I played along for the first time finally!

    You must be exhausted! Good luck on the move :-)

  58. Howdy Sally
    Wow that blue tape is almost as amazing as you .
    Thank you so much for your dedication to Blue Monday.
    Blessings of joy,happiness,and continued organization during and after your big double move .
    Have a wonderful week.
    Happy Trails

  59. While I did not participate in the today's Blue Monday, I still like to roam around and see what others are talking about. Your post gave me that bitter sweet taste I get when I know I have to move and leave my friends and all my ties behind. I've known it for a while but seeing these boxes all taped up....{{sigh}}--it's going to be tough leaving this place in September. I'm dealing with it well I think.

  60. Love the blue tape! You look very ready. May the move be go well!!!

  61. Great idea for the blue tape! I also noticed BLUE scissors too. LOL! Hope you are managing just fine with all the moving. I am late with my post today due to our out of town trip. Good luck with with everything.

  62. Gee, I wish I'd had these tips before moving from Florida to Arizona!
    When DH spotted my belongings coming off the truck he wondered aloud if I had stock in 3M. 'Don't even want to think how many rolls of tape I went through, "just in case."

    Thanks for keeping us in the loop!

  63. Thank you for your sweet words on my blog. Last time I moved I swore that my next move would be to the next level of existence.
    It is good, though. Some scientist did a study with rats and found that the more times you changed a rat's cage it got more intelligent! Just think of how smart you are getting!!!

  64. Such organization, Sally! A great use for our trusty blue tape! Have a Happy Move! ~ Robyn

  65. Being organized is the only way to survive a move, and if you have to do apartment life for a while marking the boxes with you Blue tape is an excellent idea! Hope everything goes smooth Sal!

  66. Hi Sally, we just arrived home and I wanted to say hello. I am glad you are in the apt. and I bet by now you have most everything unpacked. I hope you will have a breather soon. You have really been through so much. I have moved enough to know how exhausting it is. I love your tape idea and it makes so much sense.

    Anyway, we are happy to be home after such a long vacation. We did have a wonderful time.


  67. Hello Sally; My but you are a very cleaver and organized lady. I would never have thought of all that. Makes great sense though, that way you know where every thing goes...


  68. hi, this is interesting. I am taking part.


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