Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Clean House

It may not be sparkling clean, but with all of this packing, it's sure getting cleaned out!

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Blogger love coming this way!

Carrie at The Natural Kitchen gave me the One Lovely Blog award June 10th. Carrie is a homeschooling mom who cooks up a storm. She takes great pictures of her recipes in various stages. Now, if I could only wangle an invitation to dinner ...

If you are going to comment on this post, you must be a lovely blogger, and therefore, must have a lovely blog! So, please help yourself to this pretty cup of pink Blogger love from me to thee.

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On June 6th, Sandi  at Sandi’s Yellow Door shared this Two Rag Dolls award with me. Aren't they the cutest? Sandi is one of those sweet ladies who constantly thinks of others. Please take a little time to go visit her.

I would like to share this award with those of you who are on my Followers list. 


  1. Oh thank you dear Sal!I have never received any awards till date.

    ♥ Chaitra

  2. Good Morning Sally... Hope your packing is going smoothly... When exactly are you heading iover to this side of the state???? Thanks for the awards... Loved them!


  3. Congratulations on your awards Sally. You sure do deserve them.
    I love your cartoon. I guess your place must be overrun with boxes...
    have a lovely day in spite...the move is yet to come!!

  4. That is a cute little rug, Sally (It is a rug, isn't it?). I wish you luck in getting the rest of your things packed up soon!

    Congrats on your award, you are very deserving! I will visit those blogs as you remommended~always looking for a new friend!!

    Have a great day, my friend!


  5. I think I should just keep a door mat out like that all the time...hehehe

    Congratulations on your awards!

  6. I need one of those mats!

  7. You're sharing with everybody on your follower's list? :) That means me, too! :)

  8. I need a door mat like that too! It has been ages since my house was clean. Too busy doing other things plus working. I need a few days off work to get my house clean again. I'm off work this weekend, but we are traveling. Otherwise I want to save any other vacation time for a trip for our 30th Anniversary later this year.

  9. Good morning Sally, Congratulations on your lovely awards and thank you for giving me an award for being a follower. I will post it next week on Tea and friendship Tuesday. I hope you have a beautiful day. The sun is shinning here in our area.

  10. What a great thing to happen. Get a reward! If anybody deserved it, you did. I am happy for you. Don't over do it, because house cleaning is hard work.

  11. Love the doormat, but it is probably true at your place this week too!!!!

  12. oh my gosh, I need a doormat that says that!!! love it!!

  13. Can I have the first picture as an award...lol..That fits me so well. Congrats on your awards I have already recieved both or I'd snatch them up.
    Hope moving is going smooth.

  14. Hi Sally, looks like things have really moved along quickly for you with your move while I've been away. I hope the packing goes well and you're soon settled in your apartment!

  15. I have a little wooden sign hanging up in my house, with the same saying on it!

  16. GM Sally...girl good luck with the move this week...I hope it all goes well for you...may you have a blessed week my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  17. Hi Sally
    I have another award for you over at my place .
    I know your busy,busy,busy,but
    I just wanted to let you know how
    wonderful you are.
    Blessings as you are almost there.
    I can see third base coming up.
    Have a great day .

  18. You deserve all the awards you get. (If I got 30 or 40 comments on my posts I would know that my stories were liked and appreciated and I would keep on writing.) Have a great day.

  19. Hi Sally...Congrats on the well deserved awards & for sharing them. Wow, things are really happening fast for you in your new adventure of changing lifestyles...That is wonderful! It must have been meant to be. ;-) Bo

  20. Congrats Sally on the awards... I may snitch the second one --since I haven't gotten it yet.

    Love that little sign.. Mine would probably have to say "This House was Cleaned last MONTH".... ha ha


  21. O, my, I am in shock. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would receive an award, let along two. I am so happy and thank you is too small as to how I feel. Bless you.

  22. Hey you! Congrats on the awards girl...I may not get over here as often as I would like to but I still love ya girl! lol Now about this clean house thing...we don't want to hear that we want to see boxes slung all over the place and things turned upside down..you know...real life moving adventures! lol lol I hate packing and cleaning out but I am so thankful that I have all these Burly Boys...cause come the actual moving day they all show up and buddy they can load a moving van in nothing flat...they are like my very own moving army....they know their stuff and they getter dun! lol
    I do hope the moving goes well for you sweetie...wish I was there to help you...I am an excellent packer! Take care and hurry up and get your toilet paper in your new house! lol lol

  23. LOL, yep, with all the extra work of packing, sometimes you have to let the other stuff go.

    I saw a plaque once that said, "If you're coming to see me, you're welcome any time: if you're coming to see the house, make an appointment."

    Thanks for the award! I don't do the Follower thing because, as I understand it, only people with Blogger blogs can sign into that and I'm on WordPress. But I do keep up with you via Google Reader.

  24. I have always enjoyed moving, because everything does get sorted and cleaned. Otherwise, I never quite get to everything. Sally

  25. I can't write too much here, Sweet Sally because I need to get in my car and FIND ONE OF THOSE MATS !!
    Adorable...and so dang true!
    xo bj

  26. In all this time, I am afraid I have failed to follow you. Now, I can't figure out how to do it as it's different. I guess I don't NEED to follow since I come every day but I know you like NUMBERS !!

  27. congrats to you!!! and happy packing!


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