Thursday, June 25, 2009

Father's Day & All Our Grandchildren

My son's three daughters worked with the three-year-olds in Sunday school this past Sunday. Because it was Father's Day, the children made paper ties as presents for their fathers. 

My granddaughters got "into it" and each made their father a tie. Here's a picture of him wearing all three paper ties as he stands outside the church, where everyone could see him. Ah, love!

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Here is a picture of all seven grandchildren, taken in our new apartment on Father's Day. Johnny and I are so proud of them. Each one is a delight! From left to right, there's Lauren, Caeli, Zachary, Jenna, Pierce, Brittany, and Ara. They're ages 20 to 10.)

What a special time this was for the whole bunch to be together to celebrate Johnny's birthday and Father's Day for the three fathers (Johnny, our son, and our son-in-law).

PS Picket (and others) want to know, and I will answer on tomorrow's post!


  1. Such a good-looking group! How did you manage to get that many kids to look so happy and contented, long enough to have their picture taken? They must really have been enjoying the occasion!

  2. Very wonderful picture!

    It is lovely that you will now get to be there for the "everyday" life of these young people.

    Becky K.

  3. Oh, Sally, what a precious picture of your son and his tie givers! That's a sweet idea! What beautiful grandchildren you have! You're truly blessed!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. What beautiful grandchildren, Sally ... and beautiful memories, too, captured in that picture forever.

  5. Gorgeous family you have, Sally!

  6. What a blessing you have this wonderful family, and that they enjoy spending time together. That does not alays happen in so many families.

  7. you've got so many grandbabies!


    And look! Red tights I see! Red tights!


  8. What a wonderful picture of a great group of grandkids. I am sure this is a first of many wonderful memories for you and your family.

  9. No wonder you wanted to move closer to them. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  10. Hi are truly blessed with your children & grandchildren. What a wonderful family. I am happy for you :-)

    Have a nice day

    Lots of luv,

  11. Oh Sally girl...I am so happy that you got to be with your family....what a beautiful bunch of grands you have girl!

    Ok inquiring minds want to know..when you move do you carry the toilet paper in the car with you so you can put it in the bathroom when you first get to the new house....Sally...hello..are you there!!!! Hey!!! I know I am not the only one one the planet that does that! lol

  12. Hello Sally, I love your photos and post today. We do love our grands don't we? I will have soooo much fun with most of mine on our camping trip.

    I love the ties and what a good sport wearing all of them. it made me smile. You have so many blessings with such a handsome and loving family.

    I'm glad you are settled and I hope your computer picks up some speed soon. I hate that.

    Have a wonderful week.

    Until next week, hugs...Jeanne

  13. GM Sally girl you have been so Blessed with your beautiful family...And that Picket just crack me she not the funniest thing you ever met...and do tell did you carry the TP in the car with you ha ha!! What agreat post Sally how to move and what to do with the TP...May you have a great day my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  14. The move was worth it just to get that picture of the grandchildren together. Sally

  15. It had to have been a special day to celebrate with everyone together. I know there will be many more celebrations ahead.

    Beautiful photos of the family!!!

  16. What a cute collection of grandbabies. It must be such a pleasure to be living closer to them now. I'm sure they bring you lots of pleasure.
    In response to Picket, no she is not the only one...there is always an "open me first" box with a roll or two in it safely transported in the trunk of the car!

  17. Love the paper ties!! What a blessing Sally! I like the looks of your apartment, too. :0)

  18. Great family pictures, the ties.
    So nice to be close to them all.

  19. What a beautiful family!

    I love the ties :) You can see and feel the joy in your family!!

    Love and blessings

  20. What a lovely family! I love the ties -- great idea!

  21. They are precious grandchildren, Sally. You are truly blessed to have so many. I'm glad you are close to them now. Your apartment looks nice and roomy.

  22. I see the move is paying off already! You get to be close to such a beautiful family, lovely smiles all around!

  23. Sally
    Isn't it wonderful you can be close enough to see all your grandbabies for Father's Day. You must be so very happy with the move..although you'll have one more to go.

    Your apartment looks lovely too..I like the oval framework.
    and thank you for the warm weather...let me know if you need any rain your way...we're up to some this afternoon..but nice again Sunday..then some rain.
    have a great weekend.

  24. Sally, I am so glad that you were able to spend Sunday with all of your children and grands! What fun! The girls really look like they enjoyed making the tie for their dad. :D

  25. The paper ties are adorable!

    Looks like you've gotten settled in pretty the countdown to when your house is finished.

  26. These are awesome photos Sally!!! Your granddaughters are just too cute to make paper ties for their dad. I bet they're a so fun to be around. You have a beautiful bunch of grands.

    Hey Picket, I'm a bring the tp, paper towel & soap with me kind of lady! (Well, all that & then some but they were the first things I thought of... ☺)

    ☺♥☺ Diane

  27. What a wonderful family shot, Sally, and they are all darling! I love the pic of your son with his daughters and the ties. LOL! I'm so glad you all are together. That's so important, and what a blessing!

    Love to you, my friend, and I look forward to meeting you soon...


    Sheila :-)

  28. How nice everyone was together for these special events. Love the ties.

  29. A time to be treasured. Thanks for sharing your joy.

  30. It sounds like it was a GREAT Father's day! All of your grandchildren are so CUTE!!!

  31. Hi Sally, Congrats on a GREAT move. Looks like everything worked out extremely well for you all... I read all of the posts I missed while out-of-town.

    Love the Father's Day ties... AND--what a wonderful group of grandkids.

    How's the new apartment???
    P.S. I'm sure you have to have some t-paper close at hand... ha ha

  32. Wonderful photos! I hope you're enjoying your new place. Welcome to the wonderful west coast! :-)

  33. Wow! You are indeed blessed.

  34. I know this is what made your move all worth while! Look at those happy faces - they're happy that their Gramma lives nearby! ~ Robyn


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