Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pink Saturday - Pink Tree

Beverly at How Sweet the Sound hosts Pink Saturday. Pause at her Place to see Plenty of other Pretty Pink items that Precious Pink Participating People are Presenting for your Pleasure.

As we prepare to leave our home, one thing I will hate to leave is this view of our pink crepe myrtle tree in our backyard.


I THINK that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

Joyce Kilmer 1886–1918


  1. That is a beautiful view, Sally. I wouldn't like leaving it, either!

  2. Sally, What beautiful Crepe Myrtles and I love that poem. I have read it in a long time, thanks for posting it.

    Hope moving or what ever is happening now is going well.

    Pinky Hugs,

  3. Happy pink Saturday dear Sally:)

    The tree is beautiful!But I guess there will many more pretty things at your new home,which are waiting to be discovered by you :)

    ♥ Chaitra

  4. I have always liked that poem. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I agree, there are always things that are hard to seems God always surprises us with something new to love when we reach our destination.

    Your trees are beautiful.

  6. Happy Pink Saturday Sally,

    The pink crepe myrtle is so beautiful. I enjoyed reading Kilmer's poem. Thank you for posting it!

    Enjoy your weekend,


  7. Yes we have been at Grace a little over a year now. We tried Pastor Hal's church and it wasn't a fit for us, although a great growing church. We just love it up here in Tampa and live about 10 minutes from the GFC. If you need anything or have any questions about the area, would be happy to help - my email is

  8. Oh I would hate to leave this beautiful view too, Sally! Our crape myrtles aren't blooming yet. What email did you mean?..Christine

  9. How very pretty!! Yeah, that would be hard to say good-by to.

  10. Hi Sally!
    The tree is wonderful and the poem as well. Love it.

    Lots of luv,

  11. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Beautiful poem and photo.

    ~ Gabriela ~

  12. What a beautiful tree. I would be sad to leave it, too. You know, I have never ever heard the rest of that poem before -- only the first two lines.

  13. Ah, you've captured such a great scene, Sally! Might you have it enlarged and framed to display somewhere in your new home?

  14. Beautiful - both the tree and the poem.

  15. Sally, your tree is simply gorgeous! I don't blame you for not wanting to leave it behind. Love the poem too. Happy Pink Saturday.


  16. This is a beautiful photo/post...I can see how you will miss that view...

  17. Such pretty trees!

    Happy blogoversary!

  18. These are my favorite trees in the summer. My brother had some rather large trees in his backyard, up against the house that the previous owners planted. He wanted them gone.

    My husband and my brother pulled them out of the ground with a chain and a truck. I took them home, babied them, and they are just gorgeous trees now...and huge. I am so glad I was there that day to rescue the trees.

    I know you will miss them, but maybe you can plant some new ones when you get settled.

  19. Beautiful and fun Pink Saturday blog entry! It's a little gloomy outside today (hope the sun comes out) but your blog and a little cup of tea are giving me a little sun!

    My gosh, I hadn't thought about that poem in years☺

    Happy Pink Saturday. Sending you good wishes from the tip of Michigan for a special weekend filled with sun, surrounded by those you l♥ve.

  20. I'd hate to leave that view, too . It sure is pretty. But you can plant another in your new neighborhood. Thanks for the poem, I haven't read that one in years. ~ Robyn

  21. Happy Pink Saturday Sally.....

    What a lovely and gorgeous Pink Myrtle tree. I would love to be able to grow one, but up here in Ind. it is just not possible. I can see why you will miss it.... OH and the poem was so pretty... thanks for sharing.

    have a wonderful Pink weekend.


  22. Sally, I would be sad leaving those gorgeous trees, too. You should have some planted for you at your new home.

    We had pink hibiscus trees lining our driveway in Fort Lauderdale. I was sad leaving those, too.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  23. They're beautiful Sally! They put on a show for you this year. ☺♥☺ Diane

  24. love crepe mrytles,happy pink saturday, thanks for sharing!!! have a wonderful weekend.

  25. It's always hard to leave plants that you've tended to and have brought you so much enjoyment. You'll have to opportunity to nurture a whole new landscape and hopefully be able to enjoy it for the rest of your life (unless you decide you want to downsize someday!)

  26. I should have said we sang the song in my post. I didn't even think about it. Yes, we did.

  27. Hi! What a lovely and gorgeous Pink Myrtle tree!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  28. That is a truly lovely tree! I am sure it would love to be visited. When my brother was little(2 years old) we moved from our old house to a new place and he missed the tree outside his bedroom which for some reason he called tree dinosaur(a story I have since forgotten). He couldn't sleep unless he said good night to tree dinosaur so we did a few bedtime rides over to the tree to say good night. I am sure your new place will grow on you, Just think of all the new wonderful memories just waiting to be made! Sue

  29. I can hear birds chirping, feel the gentle breeze on my is lovely!

  30. Sally... I loved reading the poem today... "Trees" was the first poem I ever had to memorize... let's see... that was 6th grade in Mrs. Lee's class... where my love of poetry began... that was ahhhhh... 45 years ago! where has the time gone... and I still love that poem...

    and your post reminds me that I need to go take some pics of my Crape Myrtles... in full bloom right now!

    have a happy Pink Saturday... and everyday...

  31. I think I may have had to memorize that poem when in school umpteen years ago, Sally. I don't remember much of it now though... OLD AGE I guess.

    Pretty 'pink' tree.... Good luck with the move and the closing, etc... Keep us posted!!!!


  32. It is so nice to read poems like that again and see the pink myrtle trees! I'm sure you can enjoy those in Tampa too when you get settled again.

  33. you have a beautiful view! I love crepe myrtles..have a few in my yard too! Happy Pink Saturday ~ I hope you have a great weekend ~ Susan

  34. I would be sad to leave those beautiful trees too. I hope your move goes well and have a Happy Pink Day. Beautiful poem too!

  35. The crepe myrtles are beautiful, espeically with the water behind them. I love it*! _Ashley ~

  36. OMG! Heaven!Happy Pink Saturday!"Health,Wealth and Love.."

  37. gorgeous crepe myrtles, Happy Pink Saturday and thankyou for the lovely poem, Char

  38. Oh, I know it must be hard leaving that beautiful tree! Happy Pink Saturday!

  39. What gorgeous trees, Sally! The buyers of your home are so lucky to get a place that has been loved and cared for. I hope they appreciate it as much as you have.

  40. Sally,

    These are beautiful trees and we do not have them up here so I admire them so much more.

    Your trees and the poem were so pretty, I have a little lump in my throat.


  41. Your Pink Myrtle tree is so lovely. Have a nice week-end.
    Joyce M

  42. Oh I agree, it'll really be hard to get used to not seeing this beautiful tree with so much pink blooms.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

    I saw your previous post and those are some amazing photos. I don't think I'd be able to "go" in that kind of bathroom. What if some guy or person decides to use the walls as mirror and check himself out while you're in there? The people may not see you but you can see them. NNNNNNoooooooooooooooo


  43. I do so enjoy a tree that booms. It makse me smile when blossoms come out to give the color to the spring. Kathy

  44. Sally

    Happy Pink Saturday and congratulations on your progress! I am inspired.

    Please let me know if I am tracking my lovely book gifts back to you correctly. I want to do a blog post, but due to age :-) and too much to do, living in two places, I am confused! Help!

  45. Sally, I must be very difficult to consider leaving such a beautiful sight.
    ♥, Susan

  46. Lovely tree and the perfect poem to go with it. How nice (sigh). Happy Pink Saturday!

  47. so pretty tree. This is amazing.

    I'm late posting for my very first entry on Pink Saturday.

  48. I can understand your missing that beautiful tree. It is one of the best I have seen in awhile. I have tow, one pink, one white, but neither this lovely. Thanks for sharing this.

  49. Happy Pink Saturday. I am late for my pinky round. :-) your pink photo is lovely.. and so is the poem.

    Hope you have a great week, Sally!

  50. I always loved that poem. Your tree is beautiful! Have you considered planting one at your new home?

  51. Hi Sally,

    Beautiful blooms especially with the palm tree fronds in the background. Had a peek at the post below about the movers. Thanks for the chuckle. :)

    .•*˙˙*•.HaPPy PiNk SaTuRdaY!.•*˙˙*•.

    Cheers! =D
    ~Kitty Kellie
    The Artful Paper Doll

  52. I'd hate to leave that tree and view, too. Best of luck in your new home... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

  53. Hi Sally! Love the tree and the poem! While I'm not signed up for Blue Mondays, I did give you a mention, in the spirit of Blue Monday! As you can see, I have all I can do to keep up with Pink Saturdays, than to go putting this old computer through any more than that! It's just not fast enough!.. and you can almost feel it's pain! It is in fact almost 10 years old, so it's amazing that it's even working at all!.. Believe me, I'm grateful! Well Happy Pink Saturday, and Happy Blue Monday to you! Hope you're having a great week!

  54. I have always loved that poem, and what a perfect photograph to go along with it-Beautiful post! laurie

  55. What lovely trees! And the lake view - wow! Pink Hugs!

  56. Hi Sal,

    That tree is beautiful beside the water. The poem fits so well. Thanks.


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