Thursday, July 9, 2009

Unread and Waiting

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Today's question: An idea I got from The Toddled Dredge (via K for Kat). 

“Today I present to you an Unread Books Challenge. Give me the list or take a picture of all the books you have stacked on your bedside table, hidden under the bed or standing in your shelf – the books you have not read, but keep meaning to. The books that begin to weigh on your mind. The books that make you cover your ears in conversation and say, ‘No! Don’t give me another book to read! I can’t finish the ones I have!’ “

My Response:
Books are heavy! When we moved, I decided to be strong and give away boxes and boxes of books. Therefore, today's question is an easy one for me to answer. These few books on the top shelf of my office bookcase are waiting to be read.

This stack sitting just inside the front door are ready and waiting to be read. Notice the darling bookends that BJ sent me are holding them in place.

Here's the one I'm currently reading. 

I've dramatically slowed down in my reading. Hey, something had to give! 

How many books do you have calling out to you? 


  1. Hi Sally! Oh, I am so bad! I have soooo many books I need to read! I save my favorites for the beach, when I have lots of time and no chores staring me in the face! What a luxury!...Debbie

  2. I have one important one, and we both know what it is! ;-)



  3. Yep, something has to give somewhere when you've had as much going on as you have lately.

  4. I also have way too many to list...My mother reads all the time, and passes her books off to me...

  5. All I can say, "so many books, not enough time". With this blog business, that is the story of my life. However, I am almost through with the one you sent. I remembered the story once I got into it. I had read The Note as well as saw the Hallmark show. Great story.

  6. Currently, I have 3 books waiting to be read! Oh, to find the time during the summer!

  7. Hey---who has time to read with all of this blogging going on??????? ha ha....

    Unfortunately reading gets to the bottom of my list these days. I do take books and magazines and even newspapers with me when we are traveling--so that is when I do most of my reading.


  8. I have so many books that are waiting to be read! Too many to list...and what do I do...I buy more! I've got to stop! I haven't been reading as much as I usually do...I spend more time online blogging, and reading blogs! Eventually I will get to them... :o)

  9. Someone recently me a small box of books (ten)they wanted me to have and read. I rarely buy books now but I recently bought the Paul Harvey story and I'm just getting into it. I looked up from the computer and I see six books I have on the shelf that I want to get to. And I have six books coming in the mail that I will need to review. The review books will get priority. Some commenting said with all the blogging there is no time for reading. I feel just the opposite. With all the books I want to read I have to make time for blogging. Today I'm off to my daughter's house to meet a repair man and I don't have time to take a picture of the books. Have a good day.

  10. BB (Before Blogging), I read a lot! I don't think I've finished a book since I started blogging (other than the 3 I read when we didn't have power and therefore was without internet for 10 days)! I often feel like your description...don't tell me about another good book-I've got so many good books I haven't yet read! I still LOVE those bookends. laurie

  11. About three weeks ago I bought a stack of books at our library book store. So, in that stack alone must be six books. I have begun to read them though. I did just finish the book I won from you. I enjoyed it and passed it off to my Mom.



  12. No unread books here. Can't afford to buy them anymore, and I hate going to our library with all of the weirdos on the computers, etc. etc. plus to me libraries are not suppose to be noisy. I have real issues with our library. My weekly coffee group does pass books around to each other, so I'm not completely without reading material. Have a great weekend. Sally

  13. I'm afraid to go look! but I could send you my "to read" spreadsheet... you know you're in trouble when you keep your reading list on a spreadsheet huh?

    tonight... I'll be starting a new book... which I won on one of my favorite blog sites... oh.. it's yours Sally! the book? Ghostwriter: A Novel
    by Travis Thrasher

    thanks Sally!

  14. I almost always get my books from the library, so I am forced to read what is here. When I do buy a book, I immediately read it, and then give it away, except for cookbooks.

  15. Evening, Most Smiling One! Oh, was it hard to toss some of your books? I must say I adore those precious little bookends with the children playing tug 'o war on both sides!
    Is is hot down your way? We're dying here! The TV news folks are suggesting we keep our thermostats at 80'! They must have lost their minds! :)
    be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  16. That's simple to answer, it's too many.

  17. Just taking a summer break from WW and Heather missed it so much this week... she offered to "guest host"... ain't she sweet?

  18. I have started the one I won from the way, thanks so much!! I have not had time to really get into the story yet, that is the only one...I know when I am really busy, I have to set the reading on the back burner....I can not imagine moving tons of books!

  19. I have about 7 books stacked on the table by the chair where I usually sit and read. I also sit there to watch TV so I sit there a lot. I'm reading all of these books. Blogging does take priority though. Oh ya, and I've been doing a lot of knitting the past couple of days in that chair as well.

  20. I have always wanted a huge library full of the classics. About 3 years ago, I finally started collecting them and I realized how many of them I haven't read. I try to read them as I get them, but the good deals on ebay happen faster than I can read. I have to take a picture of a whole bookcase to capture all the books I own but haven't gotten to yet.
    I will though, just give me some more time.


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