Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Exercise While Pregnant

The class was in full swing.

The instructor was teaching the women how to breathe properly and was telling the men how to give the necessary assurance to their partners at this stage of the pregnancy.

She said, "Ladies, remember that exercise is good for you. Walking is especially beneficial. It strengthens the pelvic muscles and will make delivery that much easier."

She looked at the men in the room, "and gentlemen, remember--you're in this together
--it wouldn't hurt you to go walking with her."

The room suddenly got very quiet as the men absorbed this information.

Then a man at the back of the room slowly raised his hand.

"Yes?" answered the teacher.

"I was just wondering. Is it all right if she carries a golf bag while we walk?"


  1. typical!! hahaha just love it

  2. Oh my...I can just imagine that exchange. lol

    Becky K.

  3. Oh, boy...that sounds EXACTLY like something my husband would say! :)

  4. To cute...my daughter will love it!

  5. Hi Sally
    grrrrr don't you just wanna give him a smack *lol*.

    You were asking how I get done the things that I do. I have always felt "satisfied" when I have a number of projects and things on the go or on the list to do. They are relaxing to me and fulfilling. times.

    The things I don't tend to do get to therefore is watch TV (don't like it much anyway) or sit quietly and read and I do like to read...and for some time get to the gym (naughty). Instead I craft or find other things to DO. But...look out once American Idol and Dancing with the Stars begin...a whole different story.

    have a great day

  6. That's really very funny! But also very realistic, I'm afraid.

  7. LOL! I will definitely have to show that to my husband! :)

  8. THANKS for a good laugh this morning.
    Blessings, andrea

  9. Now that is funny Sally... Sadly I know a few men like that.

    Have Fun

  10. I was an older, inexperienced first- time Mom, and the Dr. told me that walking would make delivery so much easier. That was all I needed to hear - I walked a million miles during pregnancy. Thankfully, without a golf bag! Sally

  11. Hahahaha that is HILARIOUS!!!! I wonder if the man lived?????

  12. Sally, I so needed a laugh this morning. I found out yesterday that I have shingles on my face. I thought it was poison ivy. Sigh. The Dr. said I have been traveing too much and wore myself out. I know he was right. I am trying to slow down. Not easy for me.

    Your post is funny and I couldn't help thinking when I had my babies the dh couldn't even come in the room. How things have changed. For the better!

    Have a wonderful day and thanks for your opinion on a bedroom color. I'm afrid I am inclined to go with a blue or a green. Maybe a light pink. I laughed at your disclaimer. I love your decorating!

    Hugs, Jeanne

  13. That WAS my ex-husband. Honestly, we went to class to watch "the" movie and every other chair was padded. Guess which chair he sat in...Robyn

  14. Sally...this was not what I expected....I thought it was an announcement someone was expecting.....how funny....and so typical.

  15. sounds just like a man, but mine would ask if it was alright for me to climb into a tree stand...lol...

  16. Very funny. That's all I'll say about that.

  17. I can think of several individuals who "resemble that remark"! :) :)

    BTW, we finally saw "Julia & Julie" ... I'd go again in a heartbeat. But! 'just checked her blog (juliepowell.blogspot.com) and have to say I'm really disappointed at a couple thing. (Not necessary to get into here.) Just wondering if you'd been over there.

    Have a great week!


  18. That's too funny!

    take care,

  19. Hi there, We're home from our 2-day Hendersonville adventure. The plumbing is fixed and the folks are happy (I hope).

    Cute one, Sally... Made me laugh outloud.


  20. LOL! Very cute and funny!...Christine


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