Monday, September 7, 2009

Blue Monday - Happy Labor Day!

It's Blue Monday! To participate:

1. Post about something blue on your blog. It can be pretty, ugly, funny, old, or new as long as it's blue. Leave a link to this blog on your post.

2. Place the Blue Monday button on the top of your post so that people can easily spot it. Place another Blue Monday button on the sidebar of your blog.

3. Mr. Linky will be up after midnight. Return here and link in with Mr. Linky by leaving your name and the Permalink to your post. To create a Permalink, click on your Blue Monday post title and copy all the stuff in the http window. It is a longer address so that people can find your post even later in the week--whenever they get a chance to visit.

4. Leave me a comment. Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links. Make someone's day; leave a comment.


If you look closely, you might see blue in each one of these.

Happy Blue Monday!

Be sure to check on the sidebar for book giveaways.

Blue Monday Participants
1. Christi at A SOUTHERN LIFE
2. ellen b
3. Kathy b
4. LANA G!
5. Sandi
6. Baba's Special babies
7. Claudie @ Bubblin' Over
8. Elizabeth
9. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove
10. bj
11. Mari @ ONCE UPON a PLATE
12. RobinfromCA
13. Singapore plants lover
14. Mary@One Perfect Bite
15. Lou
16. Jeanne
17. Jensmere
18. carolyn USA
19. Maggie @ Normandy Life
20. Riet
21. AnnA
22. FickleInPInk, the dark side
23. JLS Hall (Joysweb)
24. Joan: potting shed
25. Rinkly Rimes Australia
26. Gemma, Australia
27. Judi
28. Joan @ Applejack Lane
29. Barbara,PurpleGoatlady
30. Nadine, Bulgaria
31. marsha
32. charmine
33. Christine
34. Lavoice
35. cindy
36. Helen
37. Candy
38. Maria Berg, Sweden
39. gengen
40. Pagan Sphinx
41. Lynn's Lovelies
42. Kitty_Valerie
43. Linnea
44. Married to Singaporean
45. Lynn @ Alive!
46. aino
47. storyteller at Sacred Ruminations
48. Iris
49. annies home
50. Shy
51. Ivory Spring
52. Fifi Flowers
53. Maria's Space
54. denisemarie
55. Lorie Shewbridge
56. Sarah @ Quimper Club International

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. I always enjoy the cartoons you share. We've been enjoying our long weekend. I hope all is going well with you. Happy Labor Day!!

  2. Enjoyed your cartoons, Sally. Happy Blue Monday and Happy Labour Day!


  3. Love your humor Sally.
    Happy Labour Day...I painted today, and had a little drink : )
    Happy Blue Monday and thank you.
    Love Claudie

  4. Awesome funnies, Sally! I'm sending a couple to my mom!

  5. Wishing a happy Labor Day to all...I have had two of my grandsons Ty age 11 and Zach age 9 at our house for a few days..Our daughter and SIL are on a trip to Vegas to win some money...we have been busy...enjoy your day with family..

  6. Thanks for the laughs! Have a great Labor Day!

  7. How FUN Sally!

    Love the cartoons ~ I love people with a sense of humor.

    I hope you have a great week and thanks so much for hosting us!

  8. Hi Sally,

    I hope you're enjoying this long weekend. Your post is sending me to bed with a big smile on my face. Thanks for making this event possible.


  9. Hi Sally...enjoyed the cartoons! thanks for the Labor Day funnies...

    Have a wonderful day!

  10. You gotta love that Maxine, she knows the truth!
    a bientot
    Maggie @ Normandy Life

  11. LOvely blue post Sally. This is my first time participating. I like it already. Riet

  12. Hi Sally!
    Funny cartoons you are giving us this Blue Monday.
    I am telling a blue story about my home district - I hope you will enjoy it.
    Have a nice week!/

  13. I always love Maxine - she's funny and she looks just like me! I also love Labor Day. It's one of those wonderful holidays when I don't have to cook.

  14. My first Blue day with you and I hope my entry passes the test.

  15. Wonderful collection of cartoons! These would be great for our Labour Day in March each year! (Victoria, Australia!)

  16. Happy blue Monday. This is my first. I love yours cartoons.
    Have a nice day. Riet

  17. Morning Sally, As always your cartoons are them all. Hope you are going to have a special day with your family.

    Happy Labor Day!

  18. Good morning Sally, thanks for the chuckle today. Love your post.
    I'm glad you are on the mend.

    Have a great Labor Day. I am laughing here because when you are retired, everyday is a holiday.

    Hugs, Jeanne

  19. This is my first visit to your site. You are one busy lady! I will be back. I appreciated your review of the Stephen Baldwin book. His story spoke to my heart about the power of prayer.

  20. Cute humor, Sally! Happy Labor Day and hope your day is wonderful...Christine

  21. That was funny!Happy blue monday and labour day.

  22. Thank you Sally. I may not have it right now, as I do no know much about what to do in this blog world. I know the basics, but do not always understand some of the things I mess up. I love your post today. Very cleverly done.

  23. Such funny cartoons! I'm still getting over your pink pipes from Saturday.

  24. Great cartoons! Thanks for sharing and happy Labor Day!

  25. Great cartoons. Thanks for sharing! Happy Labor Day!

  26. Happy BLue Monday Sally! cute cartoons, hope you're having a great labor day!

  27. Your post always brightens my day.
    Blessings, andrea

  28. Love that lady's sarcasm. Thanks for the laughs.

  29. My link is on the sidebar a part of my Monday's blog party list. You probably didn't see it. I will go back and add the thumbnails now that the parties are all up so it will be more noticeable.

  30. Happy Blue Monday and Happy Labor Day, Sally!!
    LOVE these cartoons...Maxine just tells it like it funny!

    Have a great day!

    ~Let Freedom Ring!~

  31. All very funny, and very apt for today!

  32. Ha, ha, ha. You always put a smile on my Monday face, he, he, he.

    Thanks for hosting this fun event.

    Have a great Monday!

  33. Fun cartoons! You always find the best ones. Hope you are having a great day!

  34. you are right just a bit of blue but so much fun

  35. LOL!! you always find the best cartoons!!!

  36. I had to link in twice. For some reason the first one goes to a non-existent page. I have no idea why. So I did it again and the second one works.

  37. That "made in China" comment in the cartoon.... wonder how many Americans may not be able to "celebrate" Labor Day today because their jobs went to China? Love the humor in these. Sometimes humor just hits so close to painful truth for some. Praying for our country and the whole economic mess that affects us everyday.

  38. Thanks for the holiday humor ;--)
    I've shared my 'blues' today at Sacred Ruminations and when you drop by you'll KNOW what I've been up to lately.
    Hugs and blessings,

  39. Very cute....I just love Maxine! Have a fun Labor Day!

  40. Well your post certainly rought a smile to my face. I loved the cartoons. Happy Labor Day.


  41. These are funny strips for labor day, hope you too will have a fun monday not blue.

    Hi Smiling Sally I join your Blue monday meme, the button is already up in my side bar.

  42. Hi Sally
    Cute...cute...cute! I loved the last one in particular...hmmmmm her family might be on to something with that.
    I hope you have had a great Blue MOnday and weekend.

  43. Happy Labor Day to you, Sally... Love your cute cartoons. I always laugh at Maxine....

    Have a great day.

  44. HI Sally! Don't you just love Maxine?! She's so full of wisdom! :) So sorry I didn't link back to you. I thought that I had, but guess I didn't double check. I'm at my daughter's using a laptop without a mouse which I'm not used to. (These new contraptions! HA) Anyway, it should be corrected now. Have a happy rest of Labor Day!!!

  45. Happy BLUE Labor Day.... sorry I am sooo late to the party!!!

  46. I have a little tiny bit of blue too.

  47. Thanks for the heads up Sally...I really do appreciate you. I just got too excited about making a post on 1 of my fav blog weekly parties. Then I got tied up making sure I got around to make comments. Blue Love!!

  48. I love Maxine... she is my hero!
    She just tells it like it is - I wanna be her when I grow up!!
    Hope you had a fabulous holiday!

  49. Sally, always love these cartoons! Thanks for sharing. If you have time stop by the QCI blog for a late Blue Monday post. Happy Blue Monday! ~ Sarah

  50. These were good ones! I am so frustrated at not being able to find anything that isn't made in China! laurie


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