Monday, September 28, 2009

Blue Monday - Mysterious Blue to Be Hidden Inside Roof

It's Blue Monday! To participate:

1. Post about something blue on your blog. It can be pretty, ugly, funny, old, or new as long as it's blue. Leave a link to this blog on your post.

2. Please place the Blue Monday button on the top of your post so that people can easily spot it.

3. Mr. Linky will be up after midnight. Return here and link in with Mr. Linky by leaving your name and the Permalink to your post. To create a Permalink, click on your Blue Monday post title and copy all the stuff in the http window. It is a longer address so that people can find your post even later in the week--whenever they get a chance to visit.

4. Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links. Make someone's day; leave a comment. Please remember to leave me a comment.


Last Monday afternoon, when Johnny and I visited our home that is being built, we discovered huge piles of wood on the property. I blogged about it here. Next to that pile, was this blue pile.

Johnny explained that this is sheeting for the roof. Johnny has built houses and he says that he has never before seen blue sheeting for the roof. Hm, I wonder if the builder knows about blue Monday?

BTW: Only the ends are blue; the remainder is a normal wood color. Wednesday, I'll show these in position on the roof.

Happy Blue Monday!

Blue Monday Participants
1. Lana G!
2. Iris
3. Baba's Special babies
4. Claudie@Bubblin'Over/ my BFF
5. LaVoice
6. Sherri at Design to Shine
7. Elizabeth w/ a giveaway!
8. Fifi Flowers
9. Anne Fannie
11. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove
12. m - tales from an oc cottage
13. Karrie Stay@homemommy
14. Mary@One Perfect Bite
15. Maria Berg, Sweden
16. Mar in Spain
17. AnnA
18. Married to Singaporean
19. katherine
20. cindy
21. Terry
22. Beverly
23. Knitty
24. Nina Xi Fotoblogg Sweden
25. Becky K. @Hospitality Lane
26. Jeanne
27. gengen
28. JLS Hall (Joysweb)
29. Rinkly Rimes Australia
30. Sandi
31. Shelia @NoteSones
32. Nadine, Bulgaria
33. DeniseMarie
35. Mary@Boogieboard Cottage
36. Miranda
37. Loui
38. Singapore plants lover
39. charli and Me
40. maria
41. Shy
42. Aino
43. Pagan Sphinx-MassachusettsUSA
44. Christine

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.



  1. How exciting to see the progess Sally! Hope it's done early for you!

  2. Well, it's a pretty blue isn't it. I bet you are just itching for your new home to be completed. I can't imagine what it would be like. I have lived in the same house since 1972.


  3. Good morning Sally. this is a cool looking stack of "blue " sheets for the roof of your new house!!!It is so much fun watching daily the progress made right before your eyes..enjoy your day..
    Hugs, Baba

  4. Some things are just worth waiting for. At this stage, it should go faster. I need a lot of redoing at my place. I have been here since 1964 and have had to do very little upkeep. I assume the builder used good material when building. I am not a mover and will be here till when.

  5. Hello Sally
    I have seen sheets with colour, but it's usually an ugly orange or yellow. The blue is right up your alley for sure.
    Happy Blue Monday as we watch your house appear before our eyes... can't wait to see the finale.
    Love Claudie

  6. Isn't that neat that the builder picked out blue just for you!?! I'm looking forward to all the house photos.

  7. Maybe they did a special order just for you!
    I've got a giveaway, Sally, so check it out!

  8. Only Blue for our sweet Sally's new home!
    Happy Blue Monday!

  9. WOW... you will be living in a BLUE roofed house!!!

  10. Everyone, THE WORLD OVER, knows that it's only BLUE for our sweet Sally....
    Thanks so much for sharing the building of your new home. I am enjoying watching so much.
    Happiest Blue Monday.
    xo bj

  11. Well, it looks like the project is coming along. I be you are happy to see that!

    have a wonderful day!

  12. How exciting to have a brand new home built!!!!

    m ^..^

  13. How neat, Congrats on your new house!

  14. How nice of them to bring those by for Blue Monday! :-)

  15. I'm really enjoying watching the progress of your home go from dream to reality!

  16. it's my first time to join here.

    Happy blue Monday

  17. It's funny, I was wondering if it was blue all over! How exciting! It's getting closer to being done.

  18. Yes, these wrapping matrial was really blue for You...
    I give other things in blue...You should have it last monday, but it was something datadefault with my html...But now it's here for you and all others in the blue...
    Have a nice week, Sally!/

  19. They definitely must know about Blue Monday, and they wanted to be featured.♥

  20. How appropriate for your home!

    I hope the construction progress remains on target. It is fun watching it come together.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  21. Nice entry for today...Mine is ready too. Happy Blue Monday...

  22. Good morning Sally, I am so happy to be on my computer this AM. Your blue is showing progress for sure. I think the construction process is moving pretty fast. Don't be surprised if at times it slows down. Drying in is important, so that phase goes faster than other phases. I can feel your excitement and I am happy for you.

    Hugs, Janne

  23. I bet you were surprised and happy to see blue sheeting. I take my camera with me where ever I go looking for colors. My Hubs thinks I have gone crazy.

    Sounds like your house is well on the way, How exciting for you.

  24. Well, it's a nice, summery blue - sort of reminds me of swimming pools and beach umbrellas. Maybe it's a Florida thing. The house looks like it's coming along really quickly, but I know it probably seems like it's taking forever.

  25. It's exciting to see the progress of your home coming along, isn't it? Happy Blue Monday.


  26. HI Dear Smiling One! Oh, it's so exciting that we're getting to see your home being built! I'm blueing with you today!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  27. Hi Sally,
    Those builders must know you LOVE blue so they gave you some!!!! Hope you have a great Monday!♥

  28. Now that is an exciting blue package. I hope there will be more blue shown as the house comes together.

  29. Mary@Boogieboard CottageSeptember 28, 2009 at 11:00 AM

    Very pretty blue, thanks for sharing! Happy Blue Monday. :O)

  30. This is very exciting Sally! The roof is going up. I can't even begin to imagine how excited you must be. I hope you have a beautiful Blue Monday ♥

  31. I stopped by your blog to verify that you were still hosting your Monday "theme day".

    In case you aren't sure why I would do that, please first go here:

    and then read this one:

    I see that you are, so I shall leave you on the lists :-D

    Cheryl B.

  32. he must have known that you needed something blue to blog about. How wonderful for him to oblige!!!

  33. Last bu not least...Sally thanks so much for the time and effort you spend making this event possible. I think it only fitting that you have wodd edged in blue. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  34. Maybe the builder knows that you are hosting blue monday meme sweet sally hehe just kidding. What a perfect timing. You seem very busy with your new abode, good luck and looking forward to see your new house. Happy Blue Monday!

  35. Your builders knew better than to give you any color BUT blue on that wood!!
    How exciting to see your home's progress Sally!

  36. Nice blues!! Congrats on the new home!

  37. How very convenient for you...the blue!


    Becky K.

  38. I hope those materials for building new homes is a good sign for th economy?

    Have a wonderful week, Sally and peace to you and yours.

  39. Oh, I know ya'll are getting excited about your new home! And how nice of those builders to provide BLUE MONDAY Material for you! LOL! :) ~hugs, Rhonda

  40. The builder must know how much you like blue, Sally. Pretty blue too!...Christine

  41. How exciting to watch your new home "going up"!! I recall the thrill (and sometimes agony) when we built ours almost 5 years ago. What a bonus for you to see the lovely blue sheeting!! I'm pretty sure we weren't so lucky on ours!

    Have a great week! Dana

  42. Blue Monday is such a fun idea! This was a good blue find too! I've never seen this blue either! :)

    Also, I am doing my first giveaway on my blog if you're interested:

  43. It was very thoughtful of the builder to provide you such pretty blue for your Blue Monday.

  44. Sally,
    I don't usually leave terse comments in reaction to other people's comments on my blog, as my visitors will attest to. I just tried the link and it works. I don't know what you missed, if anything, but I am a busy person and I don't always have time for perfection. I thought this was supposed to be fun and not a homework assignment that is graded.

    I hope you have a good week.

  45. Wow! A roof my favorite color. At least around the edges. I'll be eager to see the next pictures.


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
