Wednesday, September 23, 2009

House Progressing

Each time we visit our new home, we excitedly see that another item can be scratched off the list of things to complete. In Florida, the building code takes into account that we live in a possible hurricane area; therefore, houses might be built differently from houses built in other areas.

This week, we see that the tie beam was poured, and the hurricane clips are in place. See them sticking up above the blocks?

Concrete has been poured down through all of the blocks to make solid walls. Then these hurricane clips are put in place. They will later be nailed to the roof trusses.

Holes must be left open so that the inspector can be certain that steel bars go all the way down to the foundation. making the walls more secure. Later, these pieces of wood will come off.

Monday we discovered this treat for our eyes: petitions and sheeting had been delivered. Here comes the roof! Here comes the roof!

Susan at A Southern Daydreamer is the gracious hostess for Outdoor Wednesday. Participants post pictures of anything that they might find outdoors.


  1. YEAH!! They are coming along very nicely!

  2. How exciting! Do you visit the site everyday?

  3. How wonderful for you to be having a new home built. I would probably be camping out watching every step they do.

  4. it is so exciting to see a new house built especialy when it is yours. Have a nice day and thank you for visiting

  5. I know that you have to be very excited! How wonderful to see your house in progress step by step. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day!

  6. it must be exciting to see your new home being built. i'm sue you have already set your sights on what furniture to get.:P

  7. Good morning Sally, it was very exciting for us to watch every step of the way when our house was built 19 years ago!!! Have fun and your house looks very big..hugs, Baba

  8. Hi Sally. So nice and exciting. looking forward for more..

  9. How exciting that must be to watch everything come together!

  10. How exciting to watch your home being built!!!

  11. Hi Sally, how exciting for you. Isn't it wonderful to see your dream coming to life before your eyes. Can't wait to see more progress... hugs ~lynne~

  12. That must be so exciting. checking now and then when is everything ready and finished. Well, goodluck in your dream house sally, im happy for youand your family.

  13. Wow, it's going up very quickly, isn't it? Well, I guess probably not fast enough for you, but it's really coming along. Of course, the term "hurricane clips" makes me very nervous, but I guess you gotta make some sacrifices to live in Paradise!

  14. Progress seem much too slow when you are building your dream home. I am sure it will be worth it all in the long run. I trust the weather treats you good in the future.

  15. Once the roof goes on the inside goes rather quickly. How exciting for you to watch your new home being built from scratch. My daughter just sold her house this week and they are not building new in our area so she is looking for resales and if she does not find a home she will go into an apartment until the right home comes along. I keep telling her that atleast I am having fun looking at homes with them:)

  16. I can just imagine how exciting it must be to watch your new home in progress. How long will it be before it is completed? It is interesting and reassuring to know that things are being done to keep your home safe in hurricanes.

    Have a happy day.


  17. Very interesting ~ Your new home is coming right along! Thank you for your sweet comment, my friend.

  18. I remember when they were building our house .I went everyday. I know you are so excited !!

  19. How exciting...continued good luck with you home!!!

  20. I was not aware of how homes were built to withstand hurricanes and it makes me feel better about visiting the Southern coast!!

    How very happy you must be to see your house coming along and I am happy for you!


  21. Hi Sally
    Wow the house is coming along so very quickly now...soon you'll be able to camp under that roof!
    great pictures..exciting.

  22. How exciting it must be to see the building going up step by step!

  23. Hi Sally,
    I'm so excited for you! Thanks for sharing.

  24. That looks so exciting...watching your home be built like this.

    I know it won't be long til you are moving in!
    :) Diane

  25. How exciting it must be to see the house go up. It won't be long now. Will you be in your new home for Christmas?

  26. Sally, I'm so thrilled to see pictures of your new home's progress and interested to hear how homes are built in hurricane country. (We contend with earthquakes so I'm clueless about other parts of the country.) What level of hurricane should the house stand up to? Loved your post! ♥ Diane

  27. What a wonderful record of your new home's building progress ... very exciting! Thanks for visiting Happily Retired Gal ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  28. Hi Sally! Yippee for progress on your home. Enjoy the process :0)

  29. Hooray! I'm so happy for the progress made on your new home. It's very cool that you are getting an excellent recording of the progress. I can't wait to see how you decorate it.

    Enjoy your evening sweet Sally!!!

  30. Sally, this looks like it is going up fast. How exciting to see the roofing materials delivered! In your head, are you already placing the furniture? I can't wait to see it finished. Bet you really can't wait. laurie
    p.s., my holiday closet is probably one of the smartest ideas I've ever had! Hope you can find a spot for holiday storage.

  31. Hello Sally,

    How exciting! You get to start decorating with a clean slate!

    Thanks for sharing!

    ~ Tracy

  32. Oh my gosh Sally! You must be so excited! I can't believe how much is done. I think it is going to go fast now. Keep us posted. It's fun to see your house progressing. I hope you are having a good week ♥

  33. You have hurricane clips, we have earthquake standards.

    It's exciting to see your house going up.

    Kathy b

  34. Thanks for the update, Sally. I know how excited you all must be getting. Soon--it's going to be a HOME... Yeah!!!!


  35. Howdy Sally
    What a great blessing to see all the progress being made on your new home .
    I look forward to the photos of the roof :)
    Have a fantstic rest of the week !
    Big hugs from Texas
    Happy Trails

  36. How exciting.
    Our internet was down all day. I thought about you. You may not have a good connection there, but at least you had a connection. Ours was gone completely. I hardly know what to do with myself when I can't get on the internet. Huh oh, I'm really addicted.

  37. Hi Sally,
    How fun watching your home being built! What an exciting process~ I bet there will be some lovely blue in there! Hugs, Cindy

  38. Progress!

    Thanks for visiting Family Fountain recently!

  39. It's exciting, Sally! The construction of your new home would make a great Metamorphosis Monday post, too.

  40. It's so exciting to see progress isn't it? When are they saying it will be done? I know you are moving into the drier weather now so hopefully things will move quickly.

  41. Progress! Looks good. Keep the reports coming.

  42. I know a lot of builders have more than one going at the same time. It gets crazy at times. When supplies don't gewt there when theyu sre due. It is the old addage" Hurry up and wait. I am sure it is going to be beautiful. Kathy

  43. I know a lot of builders have more than one going at the same time. It gets crazy at times. When supplies don't gewt there when theyu sre due. It is the old addage" Hurry up and wait. I am sure it is going to be beautiful. Kathy

  44. I am glad that your construction is so solid. I always felt uncomfortable with the idea of tornadoes down there since there are no basements. I guess with concrete walls you are pretty safe though. Our construction is not nearly as when tornadoes threaten we head to the basement.


  45. OMGosh...they are moving along on this so so fast..Woo Hooness..


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