Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Roof!

These pictures were taken over several days time that show the roof going on.

Notice how he is strapped to the roof as a safety precaution.

Finished! Now it needs tar paper, inspection, and then shingles.

The saleslady said we should be in by December.
The builder said by November.
Johnny says the middle of December. We'll see who's right.

Susan at A Southern Daydreamer is the gracious hostess for Outdoor Wednesday. Participants post pictures of anything that they might find outdoors.

Goodbye September!


  1. Hi Sally--it's great seeing these photos of the progress on your house. I could never be a construction worker up on a roof no matter what safety gear I used. I'm so glad there are people out there who love doing it. I hope you are in your new home in time for Christmas.

  2. Looking GOOD!!Fingers crossed for before Christmas, too!

  3. Yahoo, Sally! It's getting closer! And you have blue skies there too. You'll have to have a virtual tour of your home when it is complete.

  4. Congratulations. You will have to keep us posted on the progress and we will see who wins the "move in" month guess. After all, it is always a guesstimate.


  5. So things are really moving along! Hope the November date is the correct one (builders should know, right?). Those shots of the roofers are great - a little nervous-making, though!

  6. Progress! Love it!

    Hope your builder is right...then you'll have more time to prep for Christmas...

    Becky K.

  7. Definite progress being made! How exciting!!

  8. OOOOooo look at your home coming right along!!! I am hoping the builder is correct and you can be in your new home as soon as possible!

  9. I'm with Lorrie. I can get woozy just looking at pictures of people in high places.

    Have you thought of writing messages on the studs? We didn't find anything interesting when we remodeled our home, but I left messages on some of the uprights in case a future owner does remodeling of their own.

  10. How exciting. Reminds me of when we first moved here. Ours was the first house completed on our cul-de-sac. We watch all the others being built and of course would make a little tour through them when the workers were all gone.
    I hope it's finished in November.

  11. It looks great...hopefully you will be in as early as possible...

  12. I am so excited for you, Sally!! I want to wager the end of November, but I hear the electricity and plumbing is the longest.

    I remember when the Summerhouse was being built. I watched most of the process and when they lifted the walls, my heart skipped a beat. Amazing how things are built and the talent of those builders!


  13. Looking good, I vote with Johnny Mid-December, and hopefully before Christmas...the inside finish work is were it all slows down....

  14. Wow, Sally, It's beginning to look like a house now! I'm very happy for you.

  15. It's really starting to look like a house now! I think you're beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

  16. You are at the point you can count time left in your temporary quarters in days. How nice! I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  17. It is finally looking like a house or home now. I would say you will be fine for Christmas.

  18. Hi again Sally.
    I just gave you an award on my Scottsdale blog. Hope you don't have too hard a time getting the blog to come in. I'll be glad when you get a faster internet connection. I know how frustrating that can be.

  19. Hi Sally ~
    Always use the later date and add a few more, LOL !

  20. wow, you are really close to your neighbors!!

    let's hope you are in in time to decorate for christmas!

  21. Just in time for Christmas! It's looking great Sally!

  22. Sally, your house is goin' to be beautiful. I love those blue skies framing your new abode. Crossing my fingers and my toes that they'll get you in by Christmas.

    Have a gorgeous day, lovely lady.

  23. Hello Sally, your new home has a wonderful design. I say December if you are lucky. I hope I am wrong. It does seem like they are moving right along.

    Hugs, Jeanne

  24. Hey Sally; Your house is really coming along.. I would be strapped up if I was on the it is really looking nice... hope you get in by Nov.. that would be so great.. have a good week.


  25. Sally, your new home is such a pretty style. I love that beautiful entry. I'm really looking forward to seeing the inside when you get moved in. (I bet you are too!) laurie

  26. Hi Sally,I also wondered why the sheep wore covers on their bodies. The sheep cannot be shorn if their coat is wet. It takes a whole year to grow their coat and it is imperative to keep the wool clean and dry before they are shorn.
    Now we both know. I will add that info to my post. I am leaving this post up for tomorrow. It took hours to post it and I'm giving more of my friends a chance to visit. I also added a link to the Mt Bruce Station website.


  27. Hi Sally, Your new home is going to be beautiful. Hope you get in the first of December --so that you can celebrate Christmas there. WOW---what a wonderful gift!!!!!


  28. Yipee! You'll be living there in no time, Sally. It's looking good!...Christine

  29. Yea!!! It's is going to be a beautiful the lines of the roof!

    At least you should be in by Christmas it sounds! :) ~hugs, Rhonda

  30. woohoo....the roof is a good sign! Great progress on your lovely new home! Will you be in by Christmas??
    Have a great day Ms Sally!

  31. I wish the builder would be right but I doubt it. I think Johnny is the one that may know. Regardless, it's looking good!

  32. Hi Sally how exciting.
    Looks good.

  33. Hi Sally
    A roof AND a porta potty! Things are looking good. Nice that you are close enough now to be checking out the development with pics.
    have a nice weekend.

  34. Your house is looking awesome already Sally :>)

  35. Sally
    I'm praying that Thanksgiving Dinner 2009 is served right there in your new home.

  36. Wow! It's coming exciting for you! :o)


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