Monday, December 28, 2009

Blue Monday - Talented Artist!

It's Blue Monday!

To participate: just click here for BLUE MONDAY INSTRUCTIONS or check out the instructions in my sidebar.

Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links. Have some fun by leaving comments; you'll be surprised how many will return the favor.

I hope that you were able to celebrate the birth of the Savior and are now ready to show Blogland some blue!

Carol from At My Painting Room held a giveaway recently, and I won a print from an original painting of hers! She was kind enough to wait until after we moved before she mailed me the beautiful print I chose. It came prettily wrapped in white tissue paper with a darling blue polka dot ribbon, tied in a bow. This gorgeous note card was included. Look at that vibrant bluebird! He's sitting on a bush that's loaded with blue flowers. Folks, let me tell you, I plan to frame this note card and proudly display it in my home; it's way too nice to toss away!

Here's the print I chose--Red Hollyhocks. The print image is centered on 8" x 10" archival fine art paper, with a white border, and Carol packaged it with such care. I wish that you could see it up close; it's quite unique. She's one talented artist, and of course, it's signed. I plan to frame it and hang it in a special spot. I'll take a photo of the finished picture once it's hung. I love the red against the blue background.

Quite unexpectedly, Carol also enclosed these additional note cards, each one more delightful than the next. I will use them, but it'll have to be for a special recipient. They're so pretty.

Carol has an etsy shop called Carol's Painting Room. Take a moment and check out her available treasures.

Happy Blue Monday!

Blue Monday Participants
1. LIZELUND Winter-wonderland...but no snow!
2. Charlotte
3. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove
4. Candy @ The Little Round Table
5. peggy gatto
6. Mary@OnePerfectBite
7. LaVoice
8. Claudie@Bubblin'Over
9. Fifi Flowers
10. Rinkly Rimes
11. Anne Fannie
12. Christine
13. carolynUSA
14. katherine
15. sylvia extra from villa extra
16. Hagemor-Norway
17. judith
18. Coffeedoff UK
20. hip chick
21. Linderhof
22. gengen
23. ...Molly
24. A Vintage Cottage Home
25. shirl
26. Vivian
27. Beverly
28. mizhelle
29. LUNA
30. Debbie@DiningWithDebbie (rolled blueberry cobbler)
31. Jeanne,backyard neighbor
32. cindy
33. Karen @Elsie Eleanor Designs
34. Rose, WV
35. JohnC
36. Dixie
37. Manang Kim,USA
38. Erica[Kitty Kats]
39. Ivory Spring
40. Myrna @ My Enchanted Home
41. Kristina
42. My Random World
43. Maria, Sweden
44. Kathy
45. JLS Hall (Joysweb)
46. Irene Photography
47. Boogieboard Cottage
48. Annabella
49. Jean Stockdale
50. boliyou
51. DeAnna
52. Baba's Special babies
53. barbara jean
54. Lynn's Lovelies
55. HoodPhoto (OR-USA)
56. Kvasthilda, Sweden
57. Joy-Books and Life
58. Carrie - Carola Nativity Gallery
59. Clara
60. Dhemz
61. Mary
62. Shy
63. Yoli ~ Apron Senorita

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Mary, Did You Know?

Myrrh was used for burials; the wise men foretold Jesus's sacrifice on the cross.

Spiritual Sundays are hosted by gracious Ginger and charming Charlotte. To visit other participants, click here.

See you tomorrow for Blue Monday!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Pink Business Sign

Sometimes people just have bad taste. Even pink doesn't help this sign that is actually planted in a person's front yard!

The house sits across the street from three schools: a high school, a middle school, and a private school. I wonder if it draws in customers.

Precious Beverly at How Sweet the Sound hosts Pink Saturday

Please Pause at her Place to see Plenty of other Pretty Pink items that Precious Pink Participating People are Presently Presenting for your Perusing Pleasure.

They've Plotted, Planned, and Preformed to Perfection so you can take a Peek.

See you in two days for Blue Monday!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Blue Monday - Blue Bath

It's Blue Monday! To participate: just click here for BLUE MONDAY INSTRUCTIONS or check out the instructions in my sidebar.

Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links.

We are in our new home and because of the hours and hours of help from our wonderful children and grandchildren, we are "up and functioning." (Left to our own devices, Johnny and I would have needed months to get this far!)

We still have plenty to do, but the big push is over.

In our new master bath, we've used two colors from Sherwin Williams. One is 6115 Totally Tan, and the accent wall is 6478 Watery, an aqua blue! That is a temporary curtain you see covering the window. Remember, we only moved in Thursday.

One bedroom wall and the connecting hallway is the same 6478 Watery while the other three bedroom walls are the same 6115 Totally Tan. Because it's Blue Monday, I'm showing you much more of the 6478 Watery.

I'm including this picture so that you can see the arches that lead into the master bath. The doors on either side are closets.

Happy Blue Monday!

Blue Monday Participants
1. Chari @Happy To Design
2. Charlotte
3. Claudie@Bubblin'Over
4. Fifi Flowers
5. LaVoice
6. peggy gatto
7. Kathy b
8. Mary@OnePerfectBite
9. Boogieboard Cottage
10. Rinkly Rimes
11. barbara jean
12. Irene, Norway
13. Dhemz
14. katherine
15. Maria, Sweden
17. Rose, West Virginia
18. hip chick
19. JohnC
20. gengen
21. Coralie @ A Vintage Cottage Home
22. Jean Stockdale
23. Terry (Giveaway)
24. shirl
25. Karen @Elsie Eleanor Designs
26. LUNA
27. Beverly
28. Erica [Sweet on You]
29. aino
30. cindy
31. Carol@My Painting Room
32. Martha
33. Clara
34. Happily Retired Gal
35. storyteller
36. Manang Kim,USA
37. 2010 Color of the Year
38. Jeanne,backyard neighbor
39. mizhelle
40. charmine
41. ...Molly
42. Christine
43. Yoli ~ Apron Senorita
44. Black eyed Susan's kitchen
45. Kvasthilda, Sweden
46. carolynUSA
47. JLS Hall (Joysweb)
48. Linda @ A La Carte
49. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove
50. Myrna @ My Enchanted Home
51. The Bliss Journey
52. Mary @ Vintage Comfort
53. Slee @ Paisley & Pretties
54. Joy - Books and Life
55. Carrie - Oak Rise Cottage
56. Carrie - Carola Nativity Gallery

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Greatest Gift

My Christmas wish is that you will receive the greatest gift, the gift of eternal life.

Spiritual Sundays are hosted by gracious Ginger and charming Charlotte. To visit other participants, click here.

See you tomorrow for Blue Monday!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Pink Saturday - Birthday Cake

Beverly requested that this week we "Tell us about your favorite holiday tradition."

Each Christmas Eve, my family gathers at our place for a buffet meal, Christmas carols, and a time to reflect on the birth of Jesus. When the grandchildren were quite small, we began to have a Happy Birthday, Jesus cake with candles! It helped the little ones get the concept of Christmas. They love singing Happy Birthday and blowing out the candles.

As the grandchildren grew, I decided one year to abandon the cake, thinking that they might find it silly, but when Jenna, a teenager, heard about THAT plan, she was horrified and exclaimed, "Oh, Grandma! You HAVE to have the Happy Birthday, Jesus cake! IT'S TRADITION!"

Of course we had the cake. And, this favorite tradition continues. Here's a picture from the internet that looks similar to our birthday cake.

Precious Beverly at How Sweet the Sound hosts Pink Saturday. My computer may not yet be connected (as we just moved) but I will return all comments. I promise!

See you in two days for Blue Monday!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Our Red Door

We closed on our new home this past Monday, and as promised, here's a picture of our red door with our new Christmas wreath.

The painters have finished, and it looks more like home inside. We move tomorrow! Please understand if I'm slow to respond as I'll be a bit busier than usual. However, I promise that I'll return every visit and comment.

Susan at A Southern Daydreamer is the gracious hostess for Outdoor Wednesday. Participants post pictures of anything that they might find outdoors.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Blue Monday - Blue and White Planters

It's Blue Monday! To participate: just click here for BLUE MONDAY INSTRUCTIONS or check out the instructions in my sidebar.

Please remember to leave me a comment or I'll cry.

I bought these three planters together, so I'll show them together. I think of them like The Three Bears. I'm fairly certain they were meant to hold some lovely plants, but so far, I've simply displayed them for their own worth.

Here's Papa planter.

Here's Mama planter.

And here's baby planter.

The Three Planters!

Here's where they live, along with all the other blue and white lovelies while we rent our condominium.

It's quite difficult to get a good shot of anything under glass. The blinds are closed here to reduce the glare.

You see more clearly with the blinds open. This also lets you see a bit more of the condo arrangement.

However, my china cabinet no longer looks like this as Today is CLOSING DAY on our new home, so it's an especially Happy Blue Monday! I may be slow responding to your comments, but I will come to each and every one of you.

We plan to move this coming Thursday.

Blue Monday Participants
1. Mary @boogieboardcottage
2. Candy @ The Little Round Table
3. ellen b -
4. Linderhof
5. Carrie - Carola Nativity Gallery
6. rinkly rimes
7. Anne Fannie
8. Claudie@Bubblin'Over/Olympic Torch memories
9. LaVoice
10. Fifi Flowers
11. Mar
12. carolynUSA
13. Mary@OnePerfectBite
14. barbara jean
15. Hagemor-Norway-Fotosafari
16. LUNA
17. Rose, Weirton WV
18. hip chick
19. katherine
20. John
21. Becky K.- Blue Christmas
22. charmine
23. A Vintage Cottage Home
24. Paula Grace Designs (Brooklyn Limestone's E~Design)
25. Beverly
26. cindy
27. Helen
28. Erica [Nativity Set]
29. mizhelle
30. Maria's Space
31. Shelia @ NoteSongs
32. Karen @Elsie Eleanor Designs
33. The Explorer, Philippines
34. Yoli ~ Apron Senorita
35. Dixie
36. gengen
37. storyteller
38. Ginger
39. Maria, Sweden
40. kathy b
41. Candy
42. Jeanne,backyard neighbor
43. Shirleys World
44. Charlotte
45. Charli and Me
46. Myrna@My EnchantedHome
47. Kvasthilda, Sweden
48. Ladynred
49. Katt...
50. Joy
51. Ladyinblue
52. Irene, Norway
53. peggy gatto
54. ThriftyAnnabella
55. Carrie - Carola Nativity Gallery

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

First Things, First

As we prepare for Christmas, let's remember the proper priorities.

Spiritual Sundays are hosted by gracious Ginger and charming Charlotte. To visit other participants, click here.

See you tomorrow for Blue Monday!