Monday, September 27, 2010

Blue Monday - Blue Gift Idea

Welcome! It's Blue Monday! For instructions, just click here.

Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links.

We drove up the Florida highway to celebrate our grandson Zachary's 18th birthday. It was a perfect day for a drive. Even though the windshield became bug splattered with those nasty love bugs, we still appreciated the beautiful blue sky.

It's always so difficult to think of the "perfect" present for anyone, but when the person is a teen, it's especially tricky. I think I've found a solution. Zachery is holding the gift his Papa and I brought him. Of course the wrapping is a blue background with sports icons printed on it.

Note the additional gift from his cousins is also wrapped in blue.

Inside is a giant chocolate bar, and hidden under the wrapper is money! Chocolate and money. Yep, Zachary thought that it was the Perfect gift!

Zachary is dressed in a blue shirt, blue pants, and blue hat.

Happy Blue Monday!

Blue Monday Participants
1. Little World of Fun
2. Kero, Dubai
3. LaVoice
4. Treasures
5. mizhelle
6. Loui
7. My Place to Yours
8. Dena Es Dream Doodler
9. Milla
10. Traveler's Notebook
11. Fes Journey of Life
12. lightbluelife,taiwan
13. Linnea
14. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove
15. Maboe, Norway
16. Pie
17. Gunsside, Norway
18. Fifi Flowers
19. La Dame de Nage
20. Dhemz
21. Anni / Sweden
22. Gracia Fashionista
23. genny@ Life is a Battle
24. Rune K. Norway
25. carolynUSA
26. Fickleinpink
27. NatureFootstep Photo
28. Mar, Spain
29. Self Sagacity
30. junneth
31. Rinkly Rimes
32. Judith, UK
33. Shannara
34. Gypsy Lala
35. JayLeigh
36. Beverly @ How Sweet The Sound
37. Crafty Gardener, Canada
38. Jeanne,backyard neighbor
39. Mariasspace
40. Siromade Australia
41. Donnie W
42. Kebeni
43. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen
44. Mary's Little Lamb!
45. Vernz
46. Grandmother Wren
47. Taipei City
48. Eden, Australia
49. If All The Words Go Flat
50. The Tablescaper
51. Linderhof
52. Debra Kaye
53. Christine
54. Poetic Shutterbug
55. hapzydeco
56. Priyanka Bhowmick
57. Joy- Books and Life
58. Kathy @ Me & My Memes
59. Mom's Place - Kat
60. Go Blue!
61. Joyful
62. Mary@OnePerfectBite
63. Valerie @ Traveling Through
64. Cass at That Old House
65. Fighter
66. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA
67. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA, 2nd entry
68. Kayce's Daily Notes
69. peggy gatto
70. sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

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  1. Lol my entry today is about sky also hehehe and I am the first for the first time. I love hersheys I am sure he had a blast during his natal day

  2. what a fun road trip!..and i am drooling on the huge Hershey's bar =)

    Happy Monday, Ms. Sally!

  3. Enjoyed seeing the way you and grandson celebrated his special day. I have found that young people his age and even some of the older ones, prefer to have money. You would not believe all the ways I have come up with for that purpose.

  4. Happy blue Monday!
    excellent birthday gifts..
    I've never seen a teenager who didn't like both money and chocolate!!
    glad you had a lovely drive and even better time with Zachary!!
    warm sandy hugs..

  5. So glad you could spend the weekend with your family!

  6. Hey Sally,,,how proud you must be!!!! Congrats!!!
    Many blessings to you in this new week~~~Hugs Dena

  7. what a wonderful presents he got from his family. Watching his smile in the picture shows he's happy for what he got :) Happy Blue Monday Sally

  8. That does make for a good present. I have a Birthday cake on my post for my nephew's birthday. No I did not make it...but he turned 13 and we gave him a gift card. He loved that. I think he plans to pick out new clothes with it.

    Happy Blue Monday!


  9. Lovely blue sky.

    Who wouldn't want to receive money and chocolate?

    Happy Blue Monday.

    My Blue Monday.

  10. What a great gift - happy birthday!
    - my blue post this week are bears along the street in Berlin on a weekend trip ;)

  11. awwwwww...happy birthday to him!...yummmy chocolate....:)

    happy blue Monday Sally!

  12. Oh yes, I'd love to have chocolate and money for my birthday - who wouldn't?

    Happy Blue Monday!

  13. Yours is birthday... Mine is at the Hospital

  14. This is my post at the Suite Room in a Hospital

  15. hi it is y first time to joined blue monday. and my entry is about my sister's wedding motiff. happy to joined here. cheers!

  16. Chocolate and money, splendid, one can buy even more chocolate ... a kind of gift I really would enjoy :-)

  17. lot of blue there. But I wonder, is Z dressed in blue by chance?

    I am showing a blue balconylamp that I worked on in a photoshop program. It is in one of my challenges and of course, everyone is welcome to join.

  18. Happy bday to Zachary!! my son would also think that's the perfect gift!!

    Happy Monday!

  19. You found a lot of blues Sally. Your grandson is so gracious to let you take his photos for the blog---I realized that wasn't the only reason for the photos. My teenage kids would have a couple of things to say...LOL ;-)

  20. Happy Birthday Zachary and thank you for wearing blue and posing for your grandma's photos!!!

  21. Lovely blue Monday you showed us. Thank you.

  22. That's so great!! What an awesome gift! :D And the sky is gorgeous!

  23. Happy Blue Monday, Sally.

    Grandsons are a great gift. Yours is a cutie.

  24. I'd love chocolate and money for my birthday too. I've got some bluejay photos for Blue Monday.

  25. Chocolate and money....who could go wrong with that? Smart hubby!

  26. Chocolate and money seriously is the most perfect gift.

  27. I'm eating my oatmeal and all I can think about is chocolate....Love your Blue Monday post.

  28. Good morning Sally, your grandson is very handsome and I would like chocolate and money for my birthday anytime. Smile.

    You won't believe where I am. I am sitting next to Beverly in her craft room. We are in Raleigh for an event with the Senior Olympics State Competition and Beverly lives near here. This is about 5 plus hours from where we live in the mountains. Bill is in a bowling tournament. We are having the most fun because I spent the night and now it is early in the am with our coffee. Fun, is an understatement.
    Have a great day.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  29. hi Sally
    I have joined for the first time. I love your blue photos :)

  30. Hi Sally, Happy Blue Monday, who wouldn't love a beautifully wrapped gift like that?
    ♥, Susan

  31. Chocolate wins out every time!
    Happy Blue Monday!

  32. Hi Sally, Zachary seem happy with the gift... who would not it's a chocolate.... mine is up

  33. Chocolate and money Is the Perfect Gift - Happy Birthday, Zachary!

  34. Belated Happy Birthday to Zachary!
    Yummy chocolates!

    I have chocolates too.Happy Blue Monday

  35. have a lovely blue Monday!
    Thanks for the fun blue post.

  36. You're so right. Buying for a teen is very difficult, but I think you hit on a great idea.

    Thanks for hosting.

    - The Tablescaper

  37. Chocolate....YES!!!!! Happy Blue Monday, Sally!

  38. He looks so happy :) chocolate and money would be the perfect gift for me as well. I'm glad I came across your meme. It looks like fun.

  39. Good looking guy! Happy belated bday to him and Happy Blue Monday!

  40. Happy Birthday Zachary! That sounds like a perfect gift to me Sally :) Happy Blue Monday!

  41. Thanks my dear Sally have a great Blue Monday! Thanks for making our day great by this meme! Junneth

  42. Pass the Hershey

    Happy Birthday to Zachary!

    Happy Blue Monday Sally.

  43. Happy Birthday to the birthday boy! I love the wide open road being travelled ;-)

  44. Oh Sally, we're going to have to get you new glasses! LOL! Where's the blue? It's in EVERY SINGLE PIECE of china on that table - cobalt blue, a deep dark BLUE - not to mention the blue crystal wine goblets.

    - The Tablescaper

  45. I think you found the perfect gift :-). His smile says it all. I forgot to post last night. Better late than never - I hope. Blessings...Mary

  46. Hi Sally,
    I love the Florida sky and the beautiful blues to be seen in it. Looks like your grandson had fun, yes money and chocolate just can't be beat! Happy Blue Monday.

  47. Florida...chocolate...
    That would be great!

    Happy Blue Monday!

  48. What a cutie your grandson is. And great gifts!

  49. Chocolate and money works for me too! Aren't the love bugs just awful. We've been in Florida many times during the "season" of bugs. The first time, we just couldn't believe it!

  50. Lots of nice blues there, and money and chocolate make great gifts!

  51. I'd like those for my b-day too!
    Clever idea!!

  52. It doesn't get any better than chocolate and money!

  53. Yum! Chocolate is always a winner.
    I didn't get to link up earlier today and now the option was no longer available. When do you close it?

  54. Happy birthday to you Grand son Ms. Sally

  55. Chocolate and money? I think that is the perfect gift for anyone at any age!
    I know it would put a big smile on my face. :-)
    Thanks for Blue Monday!

  56. Happy Happy Birthday to your handsome grandson! You can't beat a giant Hershey bar, in my book!:)

  57. Well, I'm going to get in line next to Zachary because I think that's the perfect present, too! LOL! Love it, Sally. Happy Birthday (belated) to Zachary. What a handsome young man.

    Checking in with you because life has been very crazy. Mr. Magpie's recuperation took longer than anticipated, but he is on the mend. Thing is, my house is a wreck, and I'm behind. But I hope to be blogging again in a week or so.

    Love you...


    Sheila :-)

  58. Your grandboy is so handsome...and a cute idea for a gift. Those teen boys really are hard to buy for and we generally give money, too.
    This week, we have 3 girls birthdays...that can get expensive when it's so many at once. Then, about 2 weeks later, a grandson is turning 1 yr older, too. WHEW...

    Just wondering how you are doing. I don't get to "talk" with you very often..and I've noticed yuou are only blogging once a week.
    What do you do with your time now?
    I know you must really be enjoying your new house. It is so pretty...
    Take care..and will come back in the morning to link...:)


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
