Monday, September 13, 2010

Blue Monday - Blue Song

It's a good idea to show this blue jay. Many people place the Blue Monday button at the top of their post so that visitors can easily find their Blue Monday. Another Blue Monday button can be placed on the sidebar of your blog. Some choose to place the link within the Blue Jay button, but I don't know how to do that.

Leave a comment for me; I guarantee that I'll visit you and leave a comment for you. Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links and leaving comments.
There's a snappy blue song that I've heard recently, and I'm sharing a cartoon version of it with you today. I've placed a video below so that you might hear the tune. The words follow. It's fun to sing along. In fact, you can even exercise to it! Simply follow the stick man.

I'm Blue

Yo listen up
Here's the story about a little guy that lives in a blue world
And all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue like him
Inside and outside
Blue his house with a blue little window and a blue corvette
And everything is blue for him and his-self
And everybody around 'cuz he ain't got nobody to listen.

I'm blue da ba dee da ba di
da ba dee da ba di
da ba dee da ba di
da ba dee Da ba di
da ba dee da ba di
(repeat once)

I have a blue house with a blue window
Blue is the color I thought that I'd wear
Blue are the streets and all the trees are too
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue
Blue are the people here that walk around
Blue like my corvette it's standing outside
Blue are the words I say and what I think
Blue are the feelings that live inside me.

I'm blue da ba dee da ba di
da ba dee da ba di
da d ba dee da ba di
da ba dee Da ba di
da ba dee da ba di
(repeat twice)

Inside and outside
Blue his house with the blue little window and a blue corvette
And everything is blue for him and his-self
And everybody around 'cuz he ain't got nobody to listen.

I'm blue da ba dee da ba di
da ba dee da ba di
da ba dee da ba di
da ba dee da ba di
da ba dee da ba di
(repeat once)

Happy Blue Monday!

Don't forget to check out my sidebar for my book giveaway.

Blue Monday Participants
1. Race
2. Anne-Marie
3. Milla
4. Lani, Taiwan
5. Maurice
6. Jeanne,backyard neighbor
7. Anne
8. Niko
9. Candy
10. Fe
11. Ging
12. LaVoice
13. Sarah
14. Cristine
15. Fifi Flowers
16. Lani
17. Mary@OnePerfectBite
18. Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA
19. Spencer
20. barbara jean
21. lightbluelife,taiwan
22. Maboe, Norway
23. Samson, IND
24. Sammy Makes Six
25. Anne Fannie
26. Fighter, Sweden
27. Pie
28. Junneth
29. Dhemz
30. DeputyHeadmistress,
31. Atlantis Aquaventure
32. Hyacinths For The Soul
33. gungeligung, Sweden
34. Self Sagacity, US
35. NatureFootstep Sweden
36. Shannara
37. Grilled Tequila Lime Chicken
38. Blue Table for Two
39. Maritz, Dance
40. Mrs. M @ TLC
41. Johnny Deep
42. Toves Foton
43. Becky K
44. Ella Maes Barn Gathering
45. Reach Beyond Limits
46. Maria's Space
47. Siromade Australia
48. Cozy Kitchen by the Sea
49. Eden, Australia
50. Maria Berg, Sweden
51. Beverly @ How Sweet The Sound
52. Vintage Book: Twins!
53. Kristen
54. Junneth
55. Wrigley
56. Vernz
57. Singapore plants lover
58. Grandmothers Decorated Egg
59. Wifey10-United Kingdom
60. Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
61. hapzydeco
62. ellen b -
63. Ash Tree Cottage
64. peggy gatto
65. sandi @ the whistlestop cafe
66. Valerie @ Traveling Through
67. Linda @ A La Carte
68. Lisa @ Vintage Redo
69. Baba's Babies
70. Debbie@thepaintsplash
71. My Place to Yours
72. Kayce's Life and Journey
73. Cass at That Old House
74. Ruth
75. Tinas Photoblog
76. Books and Life - Joy
77. Dena
78. Doni @ faithgracecrafts
79. Judi
80. Bella@The Art of Living Beautifully
81. La Dame de Nage
82. Lydia Osborne
83. JnJ Milestones

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. Hi Sally,

    Hope you had a great summer. Ours was hot and I'm appreciating the finally cooler weather. I was the one that posted the song with the video. Once its in your head it never leaves LOL.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Same here I could not find the mr linky, the song makes me want to dance. LOL

    Anyway here's mine thanks

  4. Happy Blue! I'll check back! But if you want to link me I'm at !! Thanks so much! Jacqueline

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. yay there is no link yet??

    here's my blue monday entry ;0

    have a great week ahead sally! :)

  7. Happy Blue Monday Sally!

    Here's my entry:

  8. Just a quick visit here sally,HAppy blue Monday to you! ohh no mr linky. hmm well here's my link for this week

  9. Love the song, I heard this before . One of the song became hit here in my country before :)

    here's my link

  10. Sally you always find the neatest blues. That is a cute song. I am glad that no matter how long you have been blogging, there is a chance of a mishap. Thanks for making our Mondays a perfect way to start the week.

  11. Hi Sally! Hope you have a great week!


  12. You found a perfect theme for Blue Monday, LOL!...Christine

  13. Hi Sally, I should be sleeping but here I am still awake. This is the cutest blue song. Very clever and kind of hip hop. I was reading the comments and I didn't have a bit of trouble linking. Considering my past history for linking, I guess I have improved. HA!

    The first commenter said she did the U tube for I'm Blue. Is that true? Very interesting that she found your Blog.

    Have a wonderful day. I hope you are feeling better.

    Love ya, Jeanne

  14. You are entirely too much :-). This was fun. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  15. A fun song. Thanks for sharing!

    I have a fairy-tale waterscape of an island on the deep blue sea for you:

  16. thanks for hosting, Sally


    barbara jean

  17. Hi Sally!

    Your little blue tune made me chuckle...

    I made a boo-boo when I added my link and added the LAST Blue Monday link.... I don't know how to delete the darn thing either. I'm soooo sorry.

    Have a wonderful week...


  18. My favorite song. It made me dance with the tune. Thanks for posting my dear Sally!

  19. thanks Sally for my adding my link ;)

  20. I was looking for some new blog hops and found yours but have no clue if I did it right or not. Either way I am happy to be here, happy to be a new follower for you and looking forward to lots of great new stuff!

    Have a great Monday!

  21. Best regards from Sweden!

  22. I've never heard of that song before....:) glad to know...thanks for sharing Sally!

  23. I'm sorry Sally I mistakenly click enter thrice! I mess your linky!

  24. This is great fun! You find the best blue things to post, Sally. Thanks for hosting this fun Monday meme.
    Have a great week! ~ Sarah

  25. Thanks for the lyrics. lol. What a great way to start out the day. I will have to come back and listen, as I am writing this in the dark and early Monday morning, have to keep quiet.

  26. Thanks for linking me up, Sally! I still haven't listened to your song because it's 1 am here and the baby is sleeping but I will in the morning!


  27. See our interpretative Dance here

  28. See our Church Anniversary here...

  29. Hello Friend,

    We have returned from the mountains! It was fun but good to be home and back to the real world again. Mikey's BIG interview at Longwood Gardens is this I write Warren is helping him tie a tie.
    Making more memories.

    Becky K.

  30. I'll have that song in my head all day.

  31. I am familiar with this song. Nice song.

    Happy Blue Monday

  32. Happy Blue Monday, Sally. I'm in a rush to get to work.

    Cute song! And, fun beat.

  33. Sally! I'm still chuckling over that song! Perfect!
    Happy BLUE MONDAY!

  34. Exercise!? What's that?

    Very cute. Never heard this one before, but I'll be hearing it all day now! Have a great Monday.

  35. G'morn, Sally ~ Hadn't heard this one before ... it'll be in my mind all day long ...

    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  36. My kids got a kick out the video. It was a great way to wake up on a Monday morning!

  37. HI Sally thanks for haring my first time to hear this song ..

  38. Oh Sally.. I have not participated in quite sometime, as summer posting has been slow altogether!.. but I do love to visit still! LOVE this song, and the blue video you've posted today! Have a great week! ~tina

  39. Happy blue Monday Sally. The song is cute, thanks for sharing it.

  40. That is so cute. I will be humming (because I cannot carry a tune) that song all day. Thanks for sharing. ~~Sherry~~

  41. The sad part about that song is that it seems to fit sooo many people today. Where has all the joy in life gone these days?

    Thanks for hosting.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  42. Happy Blue to you Sally. Hope you have a lovely week.

  43. Reminds me of when I was a little girl. My parents built a new house and my Mom wanted me to pick out the colors for my bathroom. What colors did I want? Why a blue tiled floor, blue tub, sink and toilet, blue wallpaper on the walls. Mom asked if I wanted any white added for contrast ... I said no.

    Happy Blue Monday Sally!
    Susan and Bentley

  44. Funny video Sally! I linked up too. Happy Blue Monday!

  45. Hey Sally I made it.. Was trying to get a video to run on my post BUT to no avail :0(

  46. Love the blue song! Hope your having a fantastic day.

  47. Sally how fun was your post today! So glad you host this blog. Have a great week. Debbie

  48. Hi Sally, thanks for sharing this blue song with us..I have never heard of this song..have a great week. Hugs, Baba

  49. And what a HaPpY BLUE Monday song you shared with us~~~

  50. love all the blues in that song...

  51. What fun!
    Played it twice, and sang along.

  52. OMG, that song has a great beat and how perfect for today! Happy Blue Monday!

  53. Hi Sally! Lovely Monday to you!
    I've linked up to your party with my crusty old bottles and a story to go with it! Hope you like!
    Blessings, Doni

  54. What a cute song. Hope you have a lovely Blue Monday!

  55. Cute little song... I'll be singing that one ALL DAY LONG now... ha ha

    Happy Blue Monday, Sally.

  56. Hi Sally! Now that's one song I've never heard. I'll have to go to Youtube and listen to it.
    Hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  57. Great video! A little fast for my Tai Chi type exercise but I like it. Thanks for dropping by. I think of you often but "I don't get around much anymore."

  58. A blue song ?

    Chanson bleue de Sacha Distel
    Chanson bleue des matins sur la mer
    Chanson jeu des grands feux de l'hiver
    Chante-la elle est pour toi
    Le bleu te va bien
    C'est le bleu de tes yeux des jours heureux
    Le bleu des nuits de juin
    Le bleu des nuits de juin

    Chanson bleue qui me tombe du ciel
    Quand il pleut fait comme un arc-en-ciel
    La couleur dépend de l'heure
    Elle dépend surtout de toi
    Selon que tu viens, selon que tu t'en vas
    L'amour est bleu ou pas

    Oui chante-la elle est pour toi
    Le bleu te va bien
    C'est le bleu de tes yeux des jours heureux
    Le bleu des nuits de juin
    Chanson bleue qui me tombe du ciel
    Chanson bleue est comme un arc-en-ciel
    La couleur dépend de l'heure
    Elle dépend surtout de toi
    Selon que tu viens, selon que tu t'en vas
    L'amour est bleu ou pas

    Chanson bleue, chanson bleue, chanson bleue...

    Thanks for this remember !

  59. Very cute! Now your blog has a theme song!!

    Hope all is well with you!


  60. What a cute idea for a blue Monday!

  61. My first Blue Monday! I hope I did the link thing right.

  62. Hello, my sweet, smiling Sally,
    I just wish I could send you some jam...but, boy, it is sooo easy to make, especially this freezer stuff. Really fast and easy.
    Right this very minute, I have StoneGable's BEER BREAD baking and it is smelling so good, I am about to faint. OMGosh...

    I am lovin that blue song..:))

  63. Hi Sally
    What a cute song for Blue Monday...:o)

    Thank you for adding my Link. I don't know what happened because I did add it and then tested it by going to my own blog from it. I don't know what thank you!

    Hope you've had a great weekend and a nice start to a good week!

  64. Love the song Sally, and maybe if I would exercise with it, I might become like the stickman. lol.

  65. Hi Sally-thanks for another great Monday- I think I see everything in pink-thanks again for being such a great host!

  66. Well, that is a perfect song for Blue Monday! I would have believed you if you had said that you wrote this song! It's cute! laurie

  67. now that's a song that could stick in your head!

    sorry I haven't visited in a summer was just plain busy. Hopefully things are starting to settle down now!!!

    Are you still enjoying your new house?

  68. I know that song from Lexi. She loves it and dances around singing it!!

  69. Sally,
    It's quite possible that I'll be singing that tune in my head all day long!

  70. I must hand it to ya Miss Sally, this has got to be the most creative 'Blue Monday' I've yet to see!

    Now, I'm thinkin' all all the songs I know with blue in 'em. I love it!

    God bless and have a incredible weekend girl!

    Ya know what they say....better late than never!!! :o)

  71. I'm going to try to figure out how to do Blue Monday- sounds like fun. Love your blog.


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
