Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Blog Mission Statement

This week, Becoming Me is hosting a Blog Mission Tour. She writes, "Create a mission statement for your blog. It does not have to be long. Just write the purpose behind why you blog and what you want your blog to be."

I decided to begin a blog at the urgings of my blogging son and two blogging friends. As a successfully married woman, with two grown children and seven grandchildren who are all Christ followers, I have experienced much. I'm a retired high school teacher, I'm a Christian, I'm an active member of Flamingo Road Church, and I love to read--particularly Christian Fiction. All of these joys, I intend to post.

So my mission statement is:

To share with my family and friends and friends-to-be the essence of me: the joy of living, the happiness of family, the fun of having a relationship with the God of the universe in the hope that some may choose to follow Him.


  1. Ahhhh....blush, blush. Thank you. I like your mission stmt and I LOVE your blog!

  2. Thank you so much for participating. You have a lovely blog and mission statement. I look forward to getting to know you better

  3. Love the mission statement! Thanks for commenting on my blog!

    I LOVE the banner with the quote from Mother Teresa! LOVE that! She did such a great work!

  4. Welcome to blogland! Good start with your mission statement.


    P.S. Thanks for visiting my blog

  5. So good to meet you on the blog tour!

  6. Loved the missions statement.

    Congratulations on 50 years of marriage. That is something to be celebrated. I'm halfway there.

    It's nice to meet you.


  7. I'm thoroughly emjoying my visit at your blog. How fun it would be to sit down with you and learn from some of the vast wisdom I am perceiving from reading some of your writing! :)
    Thank you for your visit to my blog and your kind words.

  8. I'm glad to find someone a little older blogging like me. I love your mission statement and will enjoy getting to know you through your blog.

  9. Beautiful!

    I love your header, by the way...those flowers would brighten up any day!

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I thought I was so adventurous when I started my blog at age 40 - I don't have anything on you sister! Great job!

    Love your layout too!

  11. Thanks for your comment on my blog mission post. I really like yours, especially the "friends-to-be" part! It's so nice to meet you. :)

  12. Precious that SMILE:)
    Welcome and excellent,concise Mission statement...Thank you son and friends for encouraging her! From what I've seen in Smiling Sally, you are doing just what you say...may you find the JOY and experience Happiness & find lots of friends and save souls! God bless!


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
