Thursday, July 17, 2008

Booking Through Thursday - Vacation Spots

Do you buy books while on vacation/holiday?

Do you have favorite bookstores that you only get to visit while away on a trip?

What/Where are they?
This seems to be an easy one for me to answer. I have never bought a book while on vacation. However, I usually read while on vacation.

This month, to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary, we rented a big house on Fort Meyers Beach, and I brought reading material with me. I brought a stack of magazines--three July issues, plus some June issues--and a book I had started. Our daughter-in-law brought along a book to read; she finished hers. I just dented mine. Our son brought five books he's working on. I say "working on" since they were all work related.

I enjoyed reading on the large wrap-around porch one beautiful morning and one late afternoon. Other than that, I read a teeny bit while taking a rest. Vacation time is more of an active time for us.

What do you do for reading pleasure while on vacation?


  1. I do a lot of magazine reading on vacation, too - probably more than I do when I'm not on vacation. They're so easy to pack and easy to pick up wherever you are, and easy to leave behind when the vacation's over.

    Oh, and happy anniversary!

  2. I knowingly pack more books than I'll need, just so I'll have options based on my mood, etc....the wraparound porch on your beach house sounds like a wonderful reading spot!

  3. Reading on the porch sounds lovely.

  4. First of all, congratulations on your 50th wedding anniversary! That's no small thing, to be sure!

    Fort Meyers beach is beautiful, too. And I love reading on the porch, especially if there's a nice breeze blowing.

  5. I only bring one book on vacation and never end up reading it. lol

  6. Congratulations on your anniversary! I love taking magazines on vacation too- get to catch up on all those back issues! :-)

  7. I love the idea of a restful vacation, with a big house and a porch or comfy place to read, much as you described. I'd be perfectly happy to spend a couple of hours a day reading while on vacation. However, I'm married to a Type A person who thinks a vacation is a time to cram in new things that he doesn't normally see or do on a regular day, LOL! I always take more than I end up reading too, although I do usually get time to read while traveling, either in a car, sitting in an airport or on a plane.

    I've never been to one either, so you're not alone! Thanks for stopping by my BTT earlier - have a wonderful day! :)

  8. Happy anniversary! :)

    Reading on porch sounds very very relaxing and lovely. I have maintained a vacation pile--books that I don't touch until I go on vacation--and they are usually lighter reading.

  9. Congrats on your anniversary! :)
    Reading on the porch sounds wonderful! I always make sure to pack at least one book for vacation. Well, you just never know when you'll need it! ;)

  10. Hi Sally,
    I agree with you. I don't usually read on vacation because of all of the activities, but I do like to buy books and bring them home with me. When I pick them up I immediately start thinking of my vacation and all the fun I had.

  11. Happy Anniversary!

    I love to read on vacation, but I bring a stack of my own books with me. I don't buy any while I'm away.

  12. I try to read on vacation but my family gets mad at me! Oh well...

  13. Oh, yes, I love to read on vacation. Stacks and stacks of books.

  14. Fort Meyers Beach is a nice place and sounds like you had a pleasant vacation.

  15. Shucks, I have not had a vacation in over 10 years ... so I don't know! Ha haa
    The Century was the last book I dug into. Couldn't put it down :-)

    Out blog hoppin, so I guess that counts as reading too.

    Hello from SpeedyCat

  16. Congratulations!

    I do take along books but seldom read!

    Here is my BTT post

  17. I always bring "lighter" books on trips, in case I have distractions while trying to read. I also love to hit independent book stores wherever I go. They will usually have a display of local authors, and sometimes toys or reading paraphernalia I haven't seen elsewhere.


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