Thursday, October 23, 2008

Amazing Awards

Darlene at Darlene's Days shared this award with me. I must admit I snatched it before she could change her mind. I felt quite deserving with my beautiful South Florida fall header.

Carol at Charli and Me awarded me with this lovely one. In the past, when I have received an award that I'd already received, I simply included the giver's name on my sidebar. This is a repeat, but it has occurred to me that not to show my appreciation is thoughtless.

Shelia at Note Songs presented me with this award.

A new friend , Joyful Sister, just presented me with the following two awards! How exciting!

Awards are wonderful to give and to receive. An award is a bit of Blogger love, and who doesn't need/want more love? So, if you're reading this and making a comment, I offer my love and these awards to you too.


  1. Hi Sally..
    Please come over when *U* can I have 2 awards for *U*.Thanks for your visits as well and I just love seeing your beautiful smiling face *smile*.

    Hugz Lorie

  2. Great awards and you are VERY deserving of each and every one of them!!!!!! Congratulations!

  3. Awh Sally you are so sweet! Congratulations on your awards. You do deserve them all. Iaccept your offer.Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful awards with all of us.

  4. Thank you very much for sharing your awards with me. I like how you offer them with no strings attached. That makes it all so much fun, no stress needed. You're a sweetheart. Love, Faith

  5. Look at all those great awards! Your witty writing and wonderful sense of humor you deserve them all. :)

  6. How nice of you to share your awards!! You're so sweet:) I am honored that you thought of me;)

    Congrats on receiving your awards. You deserve them!!!

  7. Hi Sally how sweet of you to share your awards. You so deserve them!
    Love, Ann

  8. Thank you so much for sharing your special awards with me too. You always make my day..and you always show up to say hello. ~ Luv Ya'

  9. Congratulations on all your awards. They are well deserved.

  10. Congrats on your well deserved awards.

  11. Sally, thank you for the blogging love. I can always use some love. I accept with love...Congratulations on your very sweet awards. Nice going.


  12. You are just very popular, dear Sally. Thanks for sharing your awards.

  13. Thanks for sharing the blogging love, we can all use an extra helping of love!

  14. Congrats on your awards and thanks for sharing your love and awards with all of us!!!

  15. Congrats on the much deserved awards and thank you for sharing them! That is very sweet!

  16. Hi Sally,
    Congrats on your awards! I can use some love about now. Thanks for sharing! Take Care!!


  17. Excellent awards, Sally! I think it's a great way to encourage and affirm fellow bloggers.

  18. I like the Fall award so I am going to snatch that one if you do not mind!! I get some many awards (lucky me) that I finally am putting them on another blog!! I love getting them....Hope your day is going well. i woke up sick..I had two injections yesterday and guess they threw me on my butt..literally!! Sandy

  19. Hello Sal; Congratulations on all you great awards. And I so agree with every one else you are very deserving. You are such a caring and loving person to pass out the award to us all. I thank you so much for them, Have a great weekend.
    thanks for the comment and visit.


  20. Congrats. Sally. And thanks for passing them on to me....very nice.

  21. Congrats and thanks for the generous sharing.

  22. Congratulations, Sally. YOu're very deserving of these awards. Your blog is so enjoyable to read. If I miss a day, I'm always catching up.

    Have a wonderful day! :)


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
