Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday fill-ins - 92

Janet hosts Friday Fill-ins here. Drop in a take a look. Maybe you'll choose to join in.

1. October is the beginning of lower humidity around here.

2. Mean-spirited people scare me.

3. Leaves are falling all around; it must mean that there's a disease, because this is South Florida. We have leaves on healhy trees year round! Now, please don't go feeling sorry for me because I haven't experienced fall; I grew up in Maryland. I saw plenty of beautiful leaves.

4. My favorite horror movie is I don't have one because I've never seen one! I was just reminded of Alfred Hitchcock; he's my favorite horror guy!

5. Family times = good memories.

6. It was a dark and stormy night which made me thankful that I was safe and secure, with a good book to read.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to a relaxing evening with Johnny, tomorrow my plans

include church, and Sunday, I want to enjoy small group with our friends and read the newspaper!


  1. Two days in a row! People will talk...

    Florida doesn't sound like any more fun than Arizona - I need autumn!

    Mine are up here.


  2. I agree on the mean spirited people! I haven't seen a scary movie in a while. I like a good thriller...not slasher movie.

    I'm looking forward to my weekend to relax. I sure hope you are enjoying yours.

    By the way, my post yesterday said my daughter did the drawing for her three year old daughter, not that a three year old did it. Sorry if the way I wrote it was confusing!

    take care,

  3. I don't like mean spirited people either. I loved your answer for #3 LOL I hope you have a great weekend.

  4. OOOHHH, I'm with you on #2!!

    Have a great weekend. Stop by when you have a chance~


  5. LOL about the trees in Florida. Very true! We'll be visiting family in Florida in about 3 weeks. I can't wait!

    Have a great weekend.

  6. hey Sally have a good weekend.
    Glad you popped in to see me !

  7. Interestingly, the new pastor at my church was from south FL way! He's frequently commenting on the differences of weather/seasons between ME and FL.

  8. Ha! I enjoyed reading your fill ins. It was amazing to experience trees with all their leaves falling when we moved to Washington from Southern California! Have a great weekend Sally!

  9. Hi!
    I agree with your number 6. A good book to read is wonderful!!! But then I can read anywhere, storm,sun,rain,snow you name it, I just love to read! Take Care!!


  10. Good morning, Sweet Sally...I always enjoy your FILL INS and this one was great ! It's almost like answering something off the top of your head and those are always the fun answers!!
    love, bj

  11. Thanks for stopping by! I love your answers. I'm with you on the horror movies!!! But anything by Hitchcock is worth a look!

  12. I grew up in the north part of the country too and now live in the south. While I do miss the change of seasons, I sure don't miss all that work...more leaves than we have now to rake, snow to shovel, blow, slipping on the ice, defrosting the windows of the HOUSE!!! Of course, I'd not be so happy if the weather hadn't broke. 110 on the first day of October is not acceptable.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. I enjoyed reading your entry.


  13. There's nothing as good as having a good book to read on a dark and stormy night!
    PS. I love your header - it makes me wish for summer again. :)

  14. Thanks for stopping by! I did have to laugh at your answer to #3. I still miss the beautiful leaves falling! Have a wonderful weekend!

  15. Even if you live in Florida you can have trees that the leaves fall of off. Like the 11 oak trees in my yard. And a few others like peach and bay. But if you're talking about the palm trees Florida has, that's a different story.

  16. Mean people -- definitely bad.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  17. I absolutely love Florida...was just there 2 weeks ago...Tampa area. And live close to Maryland, I live in PA, just across the Mason Dixon Line.

  18. I'm with you on #5. thanks for visiting and have a great weekend! :)

  19. Thanks for 'singing' Happy Birthday to my Caitlin. She was so excited that Grammy's blogging friends took time to comment on her birthday post. Have a great weekend. Sally

  20. Great answers!! Definitely with you about the horror films. Thanks for visiting my blog!!! You have a great blog.

  21. Thanks for stopping by once are so faithful. I try to be but you know it is hard when I read WAY TOO MANY blogs!! smile..I have to keep up with what my buddies are doing now don't I...Sandy

  22. Thanks for stopping by!

    Sounds like you have a good weekend planned.

  23. I am sure that you are looking forward to those less humid days. Great Friday fill-ins.

    Have a good weekend.

  24. My Bob is going to be out of town Saturday night, and I think I'll just read and read till I can't focus anymore.

  25. I think of Hitchcock more as suspense than horror. But sometimes suspense is worse than horror, not that I've ever really seen a horror movie.

  26. Thumbs up for #5! Good memories starts in the family. :)

  27. Anything involving a book sounds good to me. Hope you have a good weekend.

  28. interesting to know about #3

    with u about #2

  29. Great post! Neat idea for post inspiration, too! I don't like horror films either, but LOVE Alfred Hitchcock!

    ~Rhonda :)

  30. Thanks for stopping by & leaving me a comment. I enjoyed reading all your answers. I totally agree with #2. They scare me too! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

  31. I think when most people hear horror or scary movie they think of those awful slasher movies so popular now. Another great scary movie is Silence of the Lambs!

    Thanks for playing, have a great weekend :-)

  32. Now I see that our "fill-in" for No. 6 is very similar. One of the nicest feelings, I think--being dry and secure inside with the storm outside.
    Thanks for the visit and comment, BTW.

  33. Thanks for your comment on my blog! I LOVE to read too :) I added your book review blog to my Reader ;-) Unfortunately, I can't enter your book giveaway as I'm in Canada :( Boo, I love discovering a new book. :)



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