Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pink Saturday - The Craft Show

Beverly at How Sweet the Sound hosts Pink Saturday. Stop by her place to see the many other pink items people are sharing.

Johnny and I went to the craft show this past weekend. What a big place! They even had booths set up outside under the portico! There were some handpainted, humorous, pink signs. Two examples were, "We have no children, but we do have one cat" and "I like to fish, but I must work."

Inside, they even had an information booth, decorated for the season, but not in pink!

There were the expected beautiful Autumn floral displays; however, no pink floral displays.

This pleasant couple posed for a picture with their gorgeous jewelry. She's got a touch of pink on her jacket.

Here's an example of their work, in every color but pink.

Some nice ceramic pieces were for sale at this table, but alas, no pink.

This friendly craftslady (did I just make up a new word?) showed off her pillow shams, made with Marlins/Yankee material to reflect the World Series when the Marlins beat the Yanks! She confessed that she was a bit timid about selling them as she didn't want to anger the embarrassed Yankee fans! My Marlins-fan husband had a good laugh at that. (We know those team colors are not the one we're looking for.)

This table, managed by Norine D'Auria, had a ton of ceramic pieces made, but this one piece was her focus. It was in honor of October's Pink Cancer Awareness Month. All of the profits from this piece will go to the Susan G. Kormen Breast Cancer Fund. You can go to her Pottery Peddler Etsy shop to see more about it. It's titled, Breast Cancer Challenge Entry.

With all of this temptation around me, I bought nothing! Then I saw pink and thought of Pink Saturday. Look at these pretty Christmas ornaments!

This display of hand crafted gifts by Carrie E. Appio had a delightful picture frame, along with many other pink things. You can click on her name to see her many beautiful gift ideas.

What did I buy? I collect apples, and so I bought this cute apple towel for my kitchen. See, the "blouse" attached to the towel? It is used to hang over the oven door handle. Apple red is a deep, dark pink, isn't it?

  1. I'm giving away another book. Look over at my sidebar.
  2. Remember Blue Monday is fast approaching. Come and play!
  3. Happy Pink Saturday!


  1. It was fun browsing through the craft show with you. I LOVE going to craft shows and I think we are going to a small one today...YIPEE!!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. Hi Sally, Loved your trip through the craft show. You are right, not much pink in the fall. However, you did hit the jackpot with the ornaments. Very cute. I like your apple towel too. Have a great day.


  3. Even if the craft show didn't have tons of looked like you had a great time!

  4. Fun outing! I collect apple things too. Don't have a lot yet, but I do have apple switch and outlet plates, towels, teakettle for starters anyway. Those pink ornaments were adorable! Happy Pink Saturday. I better think of something for Blue Monday.

  5. Books are a huge part of my life. I read a LOT, sweet chick....... Put my name in.......Hah.

  6. Glad you had fun at the craft show. I adore those pink Christmas pretties!!
    love, bj

  7. I tlooks like you had a great time at the craft fair. Have a gret day.

  8. I'm glad to see that you didn't have to go through pink withdrawal. I love craft shows, too. Where was this one?

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  9. Happy Pink Saturday!

    You sure had fun at that show.
    Thanks for visiting me today!
    And if you want to "rock", just click on the arrow, right on the window of the clip, and you will go to Youtube. Have a wonderful weekend!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  10. Happy Pink Saturday, Sally. Looks like you and your husband had a great time!

  11. Good morning Sally
    It was so interesting looking at the craft fair you went to...all those lovely items albeit you didn't find too many pink ones until you got to the end.
    You must have had a nice day with Johnny....thank yoiu for sharing on Pink Saturday...

  12. Cute pink post! I love that pink portico! HPS - Nancy

  13. Ooh, if I had a granddaughter, I'd be all over those pink ornaments.

    My mom's kitchen was decorated with apples.

    I love craft shows, but unfortunately, they hardly have any around here any more.

  14. Hi you! Loved tagging along on your craft show trip! You posted your comment today seconds before I got my Pink Saturday post up, I forgot to pre-schedule it yesterday, do come back I love when you visit! Now if you can remind me on Sunday, (I think turning 50 has turned my brain into soup!) about Blue Monday I'll do a post!

  15. Thank you for sharing the craft show with me.There was a lot of fun & pretty things there. It was also fun to see if there was Pink.
    Have a Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs, Bobbi Jo

  16. Happy Pink Saturday, Sally.Loved your trip through the craft show.
    Many Blessings, Virginia

  17. Happy Pink Saturday! This was a cute post. I'm glad you finally found some pink there. It looks like it was a fun show.

  18. Hi Sally thanks for visiting me today. I must tell you the mop is truly a very hot pink. I guess the picture made it look purple. When I brought it home my boys said "mom a PINK mop...come on now"..I love it.
    Would love to participate in your book give away but I live in hoo.

  19. Love the craft show trip. Thanks for sharing.


  20. I Love craft fairs....they do not have to many around here....we have a big one coming up at the fair grounds in the tour...
    Mo :-)

  21. Looks like a fun day at the flea market. Surprising there was so little pink!

  22. Nice market day. Happy Pink Saturday!

  23. Thanks for taking me along on your visit to the craft show. You did find some great pink items. I liked the ceramic piece in pink.

    Kathy b

  24. I just love craft shows. Thanks for taking us along :)
    Happy Pink Saturday! Thank you for visiting over at my blog.

  25. I loved your Pink Saturday and specially the Christmas ornaments.

  26. I think they should have had more pink things. I love craft shows too. Thanks for sharing.

  27. OK, I kept getting an error on my silly PC - (or was it directed at ME??)when I tried to commment at first - Anyway, love that you found pink though all that fall! Good eye!

  28. Happy Pink Saturday,

    Thank you for the tour of that craft show. It was fun!

    Take care,

  29. It looks like a fun pink and non-pink boutique.
    Have a fun weekend!
    Cori G.

  30. I loved your tour of the craft show and the non-pink and pink items. You must have had a great time.

  31. Hi Sally,
    You really had a time finding pink at the craft fair! :0) I'm glad you finally spotted some. enjoy your apple towel. See you on Monday.

  32. I couldn't find an email address for you, so I'm gonna have to leave my msg here.LOL

    In reference to your comment on my blog about my video: you're talking about WARREN Sapp on Dancing with the Stars, right? Not MARVIN Sapp!LOL

  33. Love how you told the story with pictures, felt I was walking next to you xx

  34. Thanks for visiting me .. Yeah! Craft fair season is really starting! Loved touring the one you went to - thanks for bringing us along :)...Donna

  35. Happy Pink Saturday! What cute Christmas ornaments. They would look cute on a baby girl's Christmas tree. Carrie E. Appio's handcrafted gifts are lovely.

  36. you featured a very nice tour of the craft show: I like those pink ornaments!!!! HAppy Pink Saturday!

  37. I noticed your comment on Gabriela's blog about her music playing over the one on You Tube. I figured by accident that if you scroll to the playlist and hit "pause" it stops their music and you can hear the one on You Tube. Hope that helps.

  38. Hi Sally,

    I just love those pink christmas ornaments you saw at the craft show. They are just darling.

    Happy Pink Saturday!!


  39. I LOVE a good craft show and you found a doosy! THanks for sharing this with PINK Saturday!

    Happy Pink...Lorena

  40. Hi Sally,
    I really enjoyed the trip to the craft show. You had some creative ideas for a pink post. The Christmas ornaments were so pretty but I especially love the dish towels. I collect little mitts and things like that. I have been looking through them for something blue :>)

  41. Great post and lovely pinky things. Hope you have a wonderful new week.

  42. Hi Sally, Happy Pink Saturday! Thank you so much for sharing the craft show, it was fun! The palm tree on your banner is just beautiful!
    Thank you for stopping by!
    Blessings, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  43. Great craft show! That is one thing I look forward to the holidays..craft shows everywhere! I love the pottery piece!

    Watch out for Penelope and Patti, estimated arrival time is Sunday at 12:02...just in time for Sunday dinner at your home! LOL!

    Have a great weekend! Rhonda :)

  44. Happy Pink Saturday. The ornaments were cute. So were the fall items.

  45. Looks like a great craft show! There were lots of cute things. So glad you finally found some pink!


  46. Hi, Sally, yes I really did enjoy the debate. I enjoyed all your pictures, and I'm glad you finally found some pink things.

  47. Your post was like a thriller :) And finally we got , what we were waiting for!
    Thank you for your comment on my site, today is " Yellow Sunday" in my blog.

    Have a happy Sunday, Sally!

  48. Hi Sally!!
    Funny trip by the craft show!!
    Not much pink? ,Doesn´t matter!!!

    Happy Pink Saturday!!
    Besitos desde Argentina!

  49. Loved being at the craft show with you. Happy belated Pink Saturday. :)

  50. What a fun day! Just my kind of perfect day!!

    Happy Pink Saturday!


  51. It's hard to imagine going to a craft show and not finding something pink. Glad you did and happy to see someone supporting breast cancer awareness too. :)


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