Sunday, February 8, 2009

Get Ready!

We need to be prepared to meet St. Peter.

Luke 12:20 (NIV) says:
"But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?'

Spiritual Sundays are hosted by Ginger and Charlotte. To visit other participants, click here.

Check out the book giveaway in my sidebar!


  1. That is FUNNY!!! Hope you have a great Sunday Sally!

  2. That was a cute funny :) Nice reminder Sally ♥

  3. Very funny cartoon. Happy Sunday and thanks for the verse. Something we should always remember!

  4. Cute Sally.. We all do need to be prepared at all times. Right???? Like my mama used to say, "Always wear clean underwear." ha ha ha

    Have a great Sunday.

  5. Cute, but poignant! I hope I'm not in my undies when He comes for us!


    Sheila :-)

  6. What a great cartoon! The heart undies are perfect!

  7. Hi Sally,
    Good way to get the point across, using humor. I also like the valentine undies.

    Happy Spiritual Sunday!


  8. Funny thing you should mention it... last night after mass, I was talking with my priest about a young man, 41, who had passed away in our parish last week. Ftr. Bill said it was so so sad because of the life the man had lived, unhappy, without the Lord. Ftr.Bill had given the last rites at the man's bedside before he passed away, and took his final confession. Ftr. Bill said it had been a difficult week for him with this young man's passing. I told Ftr. that if something happened to me unexpectedly, just say "she had a wonderful life, she was happy and she had a great time while she was here...". Made him smile. (because he knows it is true). thanks for the sweet blessing. Dixie

  9. Now, My Most Smiling One is back to her funnies! This was cute. The scripture is a very serious one! We really do need to be ready! Thanks, Dear One.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. What a cute cartoon but they verse should keep us sober. Last night during worship service I thought that it would be a wonderful time for Jesus to come back.
    Roberta Anne

  11. Now that was funny.


  12. Hi Sally
    Cute reminder....

    I'm glad you had a nice Pink Panther 2 time with Johnny. I had seen the first one and it is comical.

    Have a nice Sunday Sally

  13. Hi Sally,
    I so look forward to your posts on Spiritual Sunday, great word, I certainly want to be prepared. Have a blessed afternoon and thank you for your words of encouragement!!

  14. Hi Sally,
    I so look forward to your posts on Spiritual Sunday, great word, I certainly want to be prepared. Have a blessed afternoon and thank you for your words of encouragement!!

  15. You definitely put a smile on my face this beautiful Sunday! Hope your day is going GREAT!

  16. Oh what a funny cartoon! And the verse is very important to remember.

  17. Cute, Sally, yes we do need to be ready, but I am afraid some dear ones don't seem to believe it.

  18. A cute reminder about a serious subject. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Oops.. poor thing! (about the cartoon)
    Today is mothers day over here, so I have been relaxing ;-)


  20. Thanks for reminding us in a fun way to be ready for HIM.
    Bless You!

  21. Hi Sally, I am finally getting some energy back somewhat. Thank you so much for your sweet get well card. I appreciate all of your kind words and encouragement for this painful surgery. This pain medicine makes it hard for me to type anything sensible.
    I have not been commenting because of it. Your comment is the third one I have attempted. I am starting the Dreamers book tomorrow if I can stay awake. I am so happy I saved up the books I have won. Smile. I do have a plan for Blue Mon. We think alike, that is the clue we are both Baptists. I have to sign off Sally dear. I am falling asleep. Lol. Hugs...Jeanne

  22. This is very funny Sally, and yes, we do need to be ready. I hope you've had a lovely Sunday.

  23. A great way of reminding us we need to be ready. I like it :>)

  24. Yes, we all need to be ready. Thanks for reminding us and for visiting my blog! Thanks for the lovely comment also! Hope your day was a great one!

  25. Yes, we always need to be prepared. I remember as a kid, my mom told me she had a Sunday School teacher who would remind them (it was a young adults class) never to go anywhere that they would be embarrassed for Christ to find them upon his return to Earth. I had a hard time grasping that thought then, but as I've gotten older I do.

    See you tomorrow for Blue Monday!

  26. Hi Sally! I'm all ready for Blue Monday tomorrow!

    Hope you Sunday was wonderful!

    Hugs, Andi

  27. Hello Sally; Love the comic, so cute and funny. But it is so so true too.


  28. Thanks for always making us smile! Great scripture verse too.


  29. Yes we must prepare-thanks for sharing as always.
    I missed a few weeks of posting at Sabbath Rest so I havn't had the opportunity to thank you fo rmy book- Joel Olsten- thanks so very much. I shall truly enjoy it. Because I just won I won't enter this time- but please know I am thankful and pray God's blessings, peace, joy and love for you.


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
