Saturday, February 7, 2009

Pink Saturday - Review: The Pink Panther 2

People! Beverly at How Sweet the Sound hosts Pink Saturday. Pause at her Place to see Plenty of other Pretty Pink items that Precious Pink Participating People are Putting out for Presentation.

Yesterday afternoon Johnny and I went to see The Pink Panther 2, a movie just released. We've always loved the story of The Pink Panther--a huge diamond--that keeps getting stolen only to be recovered by an inept inspector, Jacques Clouseau.

It stars Steve Martin and there was a good bit of laughing--LOUD laughing--in the theater. It's a clean film with no violence, profanity, or sex scenes.

I hear people say that this is the type of film they want to spend their money on, so I'm letting you know. I feel that's it's worth the admission price. I give it a big thumbs UP!


  1. Oh you brought back fond memories of my Pink Panther's toy. During my teenage years, I had this toy on my office desk and every morning my pink panther will be in different position cause its legs, hands and tail are bendable. My colleagues love to bend the pink panther in all Finally, one morning someone stole him...sobs....

  2. Someone else today said it was an excellent movie...will take some of the grands to see it.
    Thanks for the tip and
    Happy Pink Saturday.
    xo bj

  3. My daughter wants to go see it. Steve Martin is always so goofy the shows are hilarious!

  4. "Morning Sally,
    I love the old Pink Panther movies. Hubby and I aren't big movie buffs these days but maybe we'll check it out. Love the pink!


  5. Sally, Your pink post has me ready to relax and take in a movie! Hmmmm...just me and a bucket of Popcorn (extra butter) alone in a theatre, Snowcaps tucked in my purse for later, Hmmmm....Could make for a WONDERFUL me day!

  6. This is nice to know, Sally. I saw the previews and they didn't appeal to me. Of course I'm not much of a Steve Martin fan. AND--I always struggle with newer versions of old movies that I love. BUT--glad you liked it. I should give it a chance!!!

    Have a great weekend.

  7. So glad to read your review. I'll put that on the "remember to rent dvd" list :-)

  8. Glad to hear that this is a decent movie. Steve and I just watched the last Pink Panther movie, on tv a couple of weeks ago. They actually finished it after Peter Sellers had died. They used bits and pieces of cuts from the previous films. David Niven was in it, and was so ill from throat cancer, that Rich Little dubbed his voice.

    By-the-way...I had no idea that Percy had been dognapped until I got the text message on my phone, last night! I'm hoping that my readers will flood Cliffs blog with demands for his safe and timely return! (With a bagful of New York bagels and cheesecake, to soothe my frazzled nerves.)

  9. Morning Pink Smiling One! Oh, I just love Steve Martin and I'm sure this movie is a hoot!
    Thanks for popping in to see Chloe Dawn's Pinkness.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  10. Thanks for the recommendation! I always appreciate hearing about films that are good and also clean.

  11. Hi Sally, I'm glad there is something worth seeing. I'll try to catch it next week while I'm in Utah. I don't think there is going to be much of anything else to do given the weather (brrr!) I plan on catching up on my reading and maybe doing some quilting if I'm lucky!
    Hugs, Bridget

  12. Sounds like a great movie!

    Happy Pink Saturday!


  13. I love the Pink Panther too! :) I can't wait to see it..even more now that you said it was good! :)

  14. Hi Sally
    Steve Martin is such a goofball! Thats for the recommendations, I will be sure to see it!
    Happy Pink Saturday.
    Love, Ann

  15. Hi Sally - Thanks for the review of the film - I do enjoy the Pink Pather actually I love the music that goes with it too.

    I've picked a verse out of the Bread of life box for you and this is what it says:-

    Psalm 16:8 "I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved." God bless you, Judith

  16. GM Sally...Great PINK Saturday post..I loved the Pink Panther and will see this movie..I can not do any kind of movie with violence in it..I will get up and leave the movie..Maybe that why I love Shirley Temple old movies..hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  17. I love Steve Martin! I started watching him in Jr. High when he would host SNL. Glad you gave it a good review. Happy Pink Saturday!

  18. Happy Pink Saturday, Sally.

    I'll have to tell my husband about this. Thanks for the thumbs up!

  19. How nice to have a movie you can go see and know it will be clean good fun. I saw a clip...let me bring you up to speed...we know are up to speed...TOO FUNNY!
    ♥Roberta Anne

  20. Sally, I am glad to hear that you give the movie glowing reviews. Our movie critic panned the movie here and said he was so bored by it that he almost fell asleep. I suppose it wasn't racey enough for him. I can't believe that you don't like Godiva! Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Robyn

  21. Thanks for the review. You sold me! I can't wait to see it! laurie

  22. I loved watching the original Pink Panther and wondered if the new one was worth watching. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on it. It's now on my list to see.


  23. I loved watching the original Pink Panther and wondered if the new one was worth watching. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on it. It's now on my list to see.


  24. Thanks for the review. It's so hard to find decent movies this day. Sounds like this would be a fun one to see.

  25. You just reminded me that I have to get a couple of Pink Panther movies to watch with my grandsons. Thanks!

  26. I always like the Pink Panther too. I will look for this movie when it comes out on DVD. I hope you are having a nice day. It's in the mid 40's here. Yahoo a heat way LOL

  27. Can't wait to see it Sally. Thanks for the review. A couple of girls had Pink Panther posts. Great advertising & review.
    Love Claudie

  28. Wow! What a backyard you have! Thank you for your kind comments over at Laurie's! The ole radio is really one of my most prized possessions. I'm so glad it brought back fond memories! Thank you again! L~

  29. THe scenery of Paris in The Pink Panther is AMAZING and the sets are gorgeous!
    ENJOY your Pink Saturday!

  30. Happy Pink Saturday Sally You know as a child I saw my first Pink Panther movie, and ...................I was sooo disapointed that it was not about the cartoon!! I have never watched a pink panther movie since! I just never got over my disapointment.

    Thanks for the review, I think I'll get past my disapointment and go see it! lol!!!

  31. Sounds like a great movie, thanks, Sally ~

  32. I always enjoy Inspector Clouseau. Thanks for the review!

  33. Hi Sally,
    Thanks for the movie review! Sounds like a winner to me!

    Happy PS to you!

  34. I love Steve Martin and Pink Panther! We saw the first movie and thought it was hilarious! I've been wondering if this one would be worth seeing...looks like it will be the next one to see on my list! Thanks for a great review...Happy Pink Saturday!

  35. I forgot to ask...did you ever figure out how to create a new header? Let me know if I can be of further assistance...I'll do my best!

  36. I'm not much of a "Pink Panther" fan, but I bet my husband and son will venture out to see it. Thanks for the recommendation. Sally

  37. I have to go see this movie! I love Steve Martin and the old pink panther movies!
    Have a wonderful pink Saturday!

  38. we went to see it with our 10 yr. old and we all loved it! a good family film...with lots of slapstick!

  39. got to love Steve Martin!

  40. I love the panther. Happy Pink Saturday Sally..and see you Monday. :)..

  41. Thanks for the movie review. I love Steve Martin and this sounds like a meeting my grandchildren would enjoy.

  42. Hi Sally,
    glad to hear that you endorse this film. The hubby and I had stopped going to the movies because we never knew what was going to show onscreen. Now we just rent films that we know are family worthy.

    Have a great Pink Saturday!
    Deanna :D

  43. Every time I see Steve Martin I think of SNL and that arrow through his head... LOL... he's so funny. Loved him in "Roxanne"... so thinking we'll be seeing him in PINK Panther... thanks for the Pink Saturday review... Dixie

  44. Sally, this looks great. Now I want to go see it! :-)


    Sheila... who is late making rounds!

  45. I loved the 1st PP w/ Steve martin, can't wait to see this one!! ;-)



  46. My husband had to keep telling me to be quiet because I couldn't stop cackling (laughing so loudly) in the movie theater. You know when there's always that one person who is so loud?...Well, this time it was me! Steve Martin is a genius! Reminds me of the male version of Lucy! Thumbs up! It's worth a good laugh!

  47. My husband and I have great memories of seeing the original Pink Panther films years ago with precious friends. I want to see the new one for old times sake - thanks for the good review!

  48. Hi! nice to meet you!!! I love pink panter! La pantera rosa for me in spanish.

    great pink post!
    happy pink saturday!
    visit me anytime....


  49. I usually like Steve Martin in just about anything I see him in but have been borrowing more and more DVD's from the library and
    this will go on that list :)

  50. I'm sure Steve Martin will be a wonderful pink panther, but the originals always leave me in stitches too. :)

  51. Grace wants to go this weekend...: ) We have the old PPs on DVD and we are working our way throough them with Grace. She had never seen them and just laughs and laughs!!
    Xritics are not kind and it is ahame that people sstay away. Phooey on critics! We all need to laugh and feel good noyt see just dark and depressing, violent and, well, you know what I mean!!

    Thank you for I KNOW we will go!



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