Friday, February 6, 2009

Show and Tell Friday - Chin Ups

Kelli from Kelli's House hosts Show and Tell Friday. If you have something special to share, this is the place to show it. It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Go to her place to join in the fun!

Today I want to tell you about Chin Ups: Inspirational sayings. It's over 6 inches high and 7 1/2 inches long. As best I can recall, I have had this for over two decades. When I worked, I had it on my desk. After retirement, it was a natural to sit on my desk at home. Every day one of the first things I do is flip the page to the day's date and read the little saying. This is a picture of the front.

Sometimes it's a Bible verse, sometimes it's a quote, and sometimes it's just a saying from an unknown person. Here's a shot of the back. It says P.O. Box 2545, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35403. I goggled it and could not find anything on the company. I doubt if they still exist.

This is how it looks to me. I keep it flipped to the page of the day.

The saying for February 6 is,
"Lord, who ordainest for mankind
Benignant toils and tender cares:
We thank thee for the ties that bind
The mother to the child she bears.
W.C. Bryant


  1. I love anything that inspires! I keep a "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" calendar on my desk and I read it everyday. There's always something in it that makes me think and want to count my blessings.

    Enjoy your weekend!♥

  2. Sally, you had me worried there for a minute.... I saw chin ups and thought you were starting an exercise program! :) Well, I guess it is an exercise program, isn't it? Good mind exercises!

  3. Good Morning Sally
    I like these kinds of things where you are reminded of something each day. I'm not being very good with the words today it seems myself.
    I've never seen one quite like that but I have given something similar as gifts for people who are golfers or "friends are". I love them.

    Thank you for sharing yours.
    have a great day.

  4. I like that a lot! My daddy used to have a block on his desk that gave him a quote each day. After he passed away I looked at it and it said God shall wipe all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. My daddy was in a lot of pain at the end of his life. I think God left that message for us.

    Thank you for sharing this and bringing back a wonderful memory for me.

    ♥ Kathy

  5. Very interesting! I love daily quote calendars,especially inspirational ones.

    Have a great weekend, Sally :-)

  6. When I read "chin ups" I was visualizing you doing chin ups! lol My son lived in Tuscaloosa for a few years while getting his PhD. Boy, is it ever humid there!

  7. humid in Tuscaloosa Linda? if you were here today you'd know it's down right cold! lol, sweet post Sally, seems like I remmeber those, thanks for stopping by this morning!

  8. Morning, Most Smiling One! I've missed you too! Now, girl I thought you were going to tell me you had started a tough exercise program! I'm so relieved! You would have made me felt so guilty!! That is a great way for a little encouragement each day. I have a Rick Warren 'Days of Purpose' calendar that feeds me my little bite each morning,
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. I love to read inspirational sayings. I actually have a file on my computer that I save the ones that I find and really like. I would love to print them and make something like your Chin ups to dispaly them. Thank you for sharing it.


  10. I used to have one a long time IS it??
    I really like your Chin Up better than the one I had....
    xo bj

  11. I have had the paper ones before like this but not this nice of one that can be kept for as long as you have had it..
    Thanks for stopping by...hoping that your day is going wonderful..

  12. I have a perpetual flip calendar. Each day has a quote or advice about friendships.

    Your Chin UP is a lot cuter than mine:(

  13. Good Morning Sally... I love those inspirational sayings each day. I've seen various kinds of 'chin ups' My hubby has a daily calendar which he LOVES.. It's not inspirational--but it's great. Guess what it is????? DILBERT... ha ha ha

    Have a wonderful day.

  14. It looks like a good idea. I'd like to have one too.


  15. That is so cool!! We all should've had one!!

    Have a sonderful weekend!


  16. It's great to have a source daily inspiration right on your desk.
    I used to buy one of those 365 day turn calendars when I was working full-time.

  17. My husband had one similar to that only it had a Fishermans prayer on it.

  18. Hi Sally! I remember that! I have something similar, I think its buried in my crawl space...I moved and lots of boxes never got unpacked. Hope you're having a nice day! We are having a heatwave - 44 degrees today! Yea! ~ Robyn

  19. GM Sally girl I had one of those I got as a BD present years ago and had it on my desk at the I am wondering what ever happen to it..Thanks for your prayers girl you are the best...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  20. That's a nice idea you have there, Sally, and I love today's inspiration. I miss my mother every day, but fortunately, I will be reunited with her in Glory! :-)

    I'm getting a slow start and then off and running like a locomotive.


    Sheila :-)

  21. How wonderful to have an inspiration quote for each day. Bet it starts your day off right. And what a witty name it has "chin ups" -- love it. laurie

  22. That is really neat!!

  23. I like the name Chip Ups. Very catchy and very appropriate. There are days when we all need to chip up. :)

  24. Such a great inspiration for the day.

  25. that is a very neat idea,I would like to find me one of those.

  26. that is a very neat idea,I would like to find me one of those.

  27. I love anything inspirational or that delivers with positive reinforcement. It reminds that no matter what, I've been blessed :0)

  28. It's amazing that you have had that for so long!

    Kathy b

  29. What a great Chin up for the day!

  30. wonderful Sally and now you've given me an idea for Pink Saturday - Thank You. Judith

  31. I love this quote. Isn't cool it never gets old? Who ever thought of these is one smart person:)
    Thank you for sharing today:)

  32. What a gorgeous show-and-tell Sally! I love things which make you start your day thinking about something like that when you sit down to work. And todays little verse was just so beautiful! Blessings for a lovely weekend!

  33. First I must say that I am impressed that you have had it for so long. Secondly, it must be very important to you. I like that you are able to get that inspiration year in and year out. It says a lot about what it contains.

    take care,

  34. I love that "Chin Up" cards, Sally. I want to have that. Thanks for the address, I will check it out. Have a fun friday tomorrow. :)

  35. Very cool...its too bad they are out of business. I think this is a great idea!

  36. Sally, I love daily chinups! I have something very similar in front of me right now. Mine is on Hebrews 2: 14-15. "Since the children are people of flesh & blood, Jesus himself became like them & shared their human nature, that through death, he might destroy the devil, who has power over death, and in this way set free those who were slaves all their lives because of their fear of death". Have a blessed day Sally! Great Show & Tell item today! ~CC Catherine of "Catherine de th`e Cups"

  37. Nice inspiration calendar, I haven't seen one like that before.


  38. That is really neat, Sally. It is wonderful you have enjoyed it all these years.

  39. This is really awesome Sally. I love inspirational things like that.

  40. The title itself is great! I'm sure everything inside is even better.

  41. I like that Sally and it came from not far from where I live!

  42. This is a great little calender to keep on a desk or near a phone, I would love to see a quote or read a verse first thing in the morning.

    I am very sentimental about the things that sat on my desk when I worked. You have to have a real part of yourself there to see everyday. Looks like your calendar did and does do that for you! :-)

    Left a comment on the book question from yesterday and will like to come back on Thursdays. I am a true blue book worm!!


  43. I do love this for I have a book that has inspiration for each day, sometimes its a Bible verse. It really helps get the day started. Thanks for sharing yours.

  44. What a neat Show and Tell. Thanks for sharing it. I am sure it brightens your day and helps you keep your "Chin Up". What a cute name for it!
    Thanks for visiting me have a Blessed Weekend.

  45. That is such a neat things, Sally! I love it.
    P.s Thank you for the birthday wishes!


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