Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Love on Wednesdays

Suzanne at Colorado Lady is hosting a photography meme for this month, and she's calling it Love on Wednesdays in February. She's an expert on showing love. Come join in the fun!

This is the glass table by my front door. It's actually just a piece of thick glass placed on top of two piers. The heart plate is a recent purchase from The Home Store. I've had the red wired basket with the heart-shaped handles for years. I filled it with red and white mints so that whoever comes in can enjoy a bit of Love.

At the other end of the table is a sweet heart-shaped dish I won as a door prize. The roses on the dish are hand painted by the giver showing Love.

Let me give you a closer look at those hand painted roses. You might notice the small pink and the small red hearts inside this dish. Those are the ones that Claudie sent me, showing Blogger Love. The reflection to the right comes from the glass blocks that Johnny put in beside the front door. That was a labor of Love. They show up better in the previous picture.

Did you notice that EMPTY vase? It really needs some Love flowers, doesn't it?


  1. Hey Sally!

    I've participated in the meme, too, but I've put a little different spin on it. I LOVE all your Valentine's decorations! You've done a super job of spreading the love!♥

  2. The heart shaped dish with the roses is just lovely!

  3. I just love that rose shaped dish. It's beautiful.

    take care,

  4. What a lot of love you have there! Great decorations for February and Valentine's Day. Oh, and that's another nice lamp, too.

  5. Hi Sally... I love Valentine's Day and after seeing your pretties, I must look around for some things to show the painted bowl!
    ;-) Bo

  6. Sally,
    You certainly have some LOVEly items in your home! What pretty little goodies to put you in the mood for Valentines day!

  7. Beautiful bowl - lovely subject!

    If I can't get some photo's posted soon, I'm going to lose my mind!

  8. Beautiful rose dish...and I have a good feeling that vase will be filled with flowers from Johnny, with LOVE !!
    hugs, bj

  9. Morning Sally,

    I LOVE all your pretties. Especially the painted dish.♥

  10. Good Morning Sally, It's 12 degrees here and snowing this morning. Don't know when we'll get to the grocery store today!!!!!

    Love your Valentine 'pretties.' That heart shaped dish with roses is absolutely gorgeous!!!!


  11. Such pretty symbols of love.
    Psst, Johnny, if you are reading this, run down to Publix and get some pretty pink roses for that vase! : )

  12. Very pretty items you have there. Makes me want to put out some "love."

  13. Hi Sally
    Thank you for sharing all your lovely Valentine treasures. You've received some wondeful gifts...and maybe Johnny will fill that vase with some flowers for you for Valentine's Day.
    Thats such a nice corner...
    I'VE MOVED TO BLOGSPOT SALLY...follow to my old Wordpress address and link to visit me at Blogspot.
    have a lovely day

  14. This is so pretty. Oh my, another Wednesday meme. This one is temporary though.
    I love the color of your walls with the white trim.

  15. Sally, I really like the hand painted dish, now this is real love, a head painted item from the heart, as a painter myself, I know how special a gift like this is.

  16. Very pretty Sally and L♥ve does make the world go round...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  17. Very pretty Sally and L♥ve does make the world go round...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  18. Morning Sally girl!!! Pretty post...'love' that little hint for the flowers in the vase girl....maybe your hubby will read the post! lol lol Thanks for coming by girl..your sweet comment made my day...I know it is just old junk stuff that I have in that cabinet...but you made me feel like it was a national treasure! Thanks sweetie!

  19. Someone did a wonderful job painting those roses. Lucky you! I love the heart plate too. Something about hearts and dots always seem happy to me.

  20. Thanks for sharing all that love!
    Roberta Anne

  21. LOVE the hand-painted roses on the heart-shaped dish!

  22. They all all very cute. I love Valentines decorations.


  23. A buch of tulips would look really great in your vase! :-)
    Let me ask... do you also decorate for valentines day??? I was not aware of that... hmm!


  24. I love that pretty dish, Sally.

  25. I love all your heart shaped goodies! That painted dish is just beautiful...I was just thinking to myself yesterday that a big ole' bouquet of flowers would look really nice about now!! LOL.

    Thanks for participating in Love on Wednesdays...I love your post and your beautiful always have such wonderful things to share. Have a "lovely" day!

  26. What pretty vignettes you show today! Hope your lovely vase doesn't remain empty too much longer. (smile)

    Blessings, Lana

  27. Those hand painted roses are beautiful. :) And the red white mints are a nice idea, however I'd probably never get my 3 year old out of your house. Hard peppermint candy is so his downfall. LOL

  28. I love your collection of great items on your table to greet your friends as the come into your home..

  29. This is a LOVEly post Sally. It's so fun to have seasonal decorations out--it really gives the heart a lift doesn't it?

  30. Sally - Everything is lovely but the heart shaped dish is my very favorite. The vase would look nice with flowers. I hope that you receive your favorite.

  31. Cute! I love the plate especially.

  32. Everything looks so beautiful Sally. Your guests will have such a pleasant surprise when they enter your home and see all the love you have there :>)

  33. Hello, Most Smiling Lovely One! I love the love you're showing today! The hand painted bowl is so pretty.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  34. What a beautiful hand painted dish!

    Sorry it has been so long since I've made a blog visit. With so much going on, I'm way behind. Well, I'll be a lady of leisure in just over a week, so will have lots of time to visit then.



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