Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Trash to Treasure - New Inventions

My friend, Diane at A Picture is Worth A Thousand... hosts Trash to Treasure. She's a creative and crafty lady. She finds what someone thinks is not worth much, and paints it or tweaks it a bit to create a thing of beauty and value for her home. If you'd like to join in the fun, click on the link.

With Diane's permission, I'm stretching the idea of trash to treasure as I am neither creative nor crafty, so please bear with me. You decide if these new inventions are TRASH or TREASURE.

You've heard of a spring mattress/box spring? Well...

Now, who could possibly lose their grip with this glass?

For the wanna-be American Idol to use when practicing...

Can we ever have too much storage space?

For my tea drinking Blog Buddies, I give you an automatic tea bag dunker.

This is a grown-up dimmer switch!

So that once and for all, he'll stay on his side!

Why? Can you figure out why?

For all the dieting Bloggers to watch that waistline dwindle.

To unscrew a hot light bulb.

Trash or Treasure?

Now, this is my idea of a treasure! Anything that has cookies attached...

Have you ever shared an umbrella and stayed DRY?

It's a joke, folks--a joke.

Oh my. Now, I really don't want to discuss this.

Did you see any treasures?


  1. I'm not sure I could use to many of your treasures, but I would like to buy a coffee cup to store cookies in the bottom of it. LOL


  2. Morning Sally, funny stuff. I have to say the tea bag dunker is mighty cute to look at. Thank you again for the book. It arrived yesterday and I can't wait to start it.

  3. Sally~
    This was so much fun to read and look at all the "inventions" you found! I happen to think that umbrella is quite clever. I wouldn't mind having one of those sponge microphones...I can sing like a mockingbird when I'm taking a shower! LOL! Have a super day and thanks so much for sharing all these neat and unique ideas!

  4. I sure did!! I really liked thos stairs.. wouldn't that be great.. to have somewhere "invisible" to put shoes!!??!

    Other than that, most of them were really funny!!
    Well... maybe I alsoo liked the dimmer lamp.. it was kind of cute! :-)


  5. Loved the ideas! It's amazing what people will think of....

  6. The one of the stairs is a good idea!.The others are tooooo funnnny Kathy

  7. I love the stair drawers!!! The cookie mug is good too, but I'd want milk in there, instead of coffee.

  8. love the coffee cup and the stair drawers were a great space saving idea!!! some of the others were just too funny....where did you find these?

  9. What a fun post, Sally! Loved all of your witty things here. I love a good smile!


    Sheila :-)

  10. Those are interesting. I actually like the drawer in the bottom step. Our house is short on storage space.

  11. I liked the shoe storage space. It would be great to have storage drawers in your stairs!!

  12. Wow those were truly great finds! The gripper cup and the 'dimmer' light were my favorites!

  13. I am so laughing out loud at all this, Sally....you just tickle the water outa me..hence the reason I would LOVE LOVE LOVE that last one!! tee hee.....

  14. These actually brought a big smile to my face this morning. I loved them. Some of them would actually be pretty handy.

  15. That cup would be great for my dad. He likes to have oatmeal cookies with his coffee. The storage in the steps is another good use of space too. I think that is clever. Thanks for sharing all of these interesting things.

  16. I thought most of them were just plain silly but the storage stairs...that looks mighty appealing to a packrat like me. ;o)

    Happy T & T Tuesday, Sally!

  17. I work for an accounting firm. Just before tax deadlines, I'm so busy I could use the potty desk chair. It would be perfect if you could hook up an IV to keep me hydrated, too. lol

  18. Too funny, but I loved the stair drawers.

    Did you get my wave? Where was your sunny and warm weather while we were there???? We had a blast anyway.

  19. Very funny.I liked most of them.The bed,i couldn't understand or the ladder,duh.....Ann

  20. Some are so funny!!

  21. Sally some of these are pretty funny! This is a very creative post for Trash to Treasure!

  22. Most were just terribly funny but the stairs, now that was a great idea and if I had stairs I would do that.
    Roberta Anne

  23. Hi Sally,
    That post is a scream! Very funny. Thanks for posting it.


  24. Some interesting treasures here. I really like the drawers in the stairs idea.

  25. Some interesting treasures here. I really like the drawers in the stairs idea.

  26. Woops. I did it again. Too impatient.

  27. Great post! I love the stairs too. i always have a pair of shoes sitting at the bottom of the stairs waiting to be carried up. With those drawers, I could just hide them away!
    I liked several of the other gadgets and I thought the box spring was adorable!

  28. Funny stuff, Sally... I love the storage shelves under the stairs. I liked the camera one since George has to put up the old tripod when we take pictures of the two of us.. I laughed at the potty next to the computer... CUTE!!!!

    And of course I liked the cookies with our coffee!!!!

    Loved this post!!!!

  29. Hi Sally, funny stuff! Don't you ever wonder how these people come up with some of these ideas!
    Love, Ann

  30. Hi Sally
    *lol*..lots of funny ideas around here. Love the spot under the stairs to store away things..
    Thank you for sharing

  31. Oh, that was pretty funny! Thanks for the giggle Sally.


  32. lol, Sally, where in the world did you find all those things! I could use some of them.

  33. GM Sally...Girl I would love to have that toilet chair..and the coffee cup with cookies thats a blogger dream come true..this was a great post...higs and smiles Gl♥ria

  34. Those were great!!! I love the bed with the measuring tape marks. I'm always telling my husband that he's hogging too much of the bed LOL!

    take care,

  35. Ok, first of all I thought that stairway storage was the smartest thing in a long while until...I saw the toilet desk chair. I had to call my husband over to see it..cuz, well let's just say it is perfect!!! Absolutely fun and great post!!

  36. The "throne" computer chair is great. If they really made such a thing, it would have been a perfect fit for the last job I had. A very busy office where one barely had time to get away to the ladies room.....

  37. Sally,

    This was too funny! Can you actually buy these things?


  38. An automatic tea bag dunker? Why, the only reason I enjoy hot tea is because I get to dunk the bag in and out of the cup! LOL! Not really... but still! Too funny! Thanks for sharing!

  39. I would love to have stairs that do that! I am always looking for extra storage. I also would actually use that camera arm thingie.

    As for that ladder? I hate climbing ladders but just know that my foot would slip and I'd fall through.

    And I so need that cup for my kids! It would be such a hoot! I wonder if they actually sell that somewhere.

    Hee hee about that toilet chair! I guess some people would never have to leave their computer! Sadly, there are some who would actually use it!

    These were fun!


  40. These are some neat inventions! I bet they are treasures to the one who thought of them and is now making lots of money!

    Thanks for linking...sorry to be so long in dropping by!

  41. These were such fun to see! I love that penguin tea dunker! And who wouldn't love to use their stairs for another duty!
    The toilet/compter desk is well, well...oh my! Made me laugh though!

    I am getting ready to do your interview on blog! I will post it tomorrow or later today! I am sorry to be so slow!


  42. Sally, these trash or treasures were hilarious!! Oh my gosh, just too funny - love that mug at the end with the teeth on the bottom!!... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage


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