Monday, March 30, 2009

Blue Monday - Blue Bowl

It's Blue Monday! To participate:

1. Post about something blue on your blog. It can be pretty, ugly, funny, old, or new as long as it's blue. Leave a link to this blog on your post.

2. Place the Blue Monday button on the top of your post so that people can easily spot it. Place another
Blue Monday button on the sidebar of your blog.

3. Return here and link in with Mr. Linky by leaving your name and the
Permalink to your post. To create a Permalink, click on your Blue Monday post title and copy all the stuff in the http window. It is a longer address so that people can find your post even later in the week--whenever they get a chance to visit. For those who just can't wait, Mr. Linky will be up after midnight!

Do NOT link in until after your post is up.

4. Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links. Make someone's day; leave a comment.
I appreciate those who leave a comment for me.

5. Check back later to make certain you visit all the Blue Monday participants. (That's why the Permalink is so important.)

Today I'd like to talk about the blue bowl that sits on our dining room table most of the year. When we moved into this new home thirteen years ago, our daughter gave us this floral arrangement that she had custom made. She picked the blue bowl because she knew that the favorite color for both her father and me has always been blue and cobalt blue is our very favorite shade of blue.

She originally had the bowl filled with beige and blue flowers, but I had her change out the blue flowers for more of the white/beige ones. I really like the balls of white with beige squiggles.

You can see the shape of the bowl here as well as the intense cobalt blue color. The bottom is a small clear pedestal.

Have a Happy Blue Monday.

Remember to check out my sidebar for book giveaways.

Blue Monday Participants
1. Lana G!
2. Karen
3. Mojo, NC, USA
4. Susan
5. Valerie, KC
6. ellen b
7. Libby TwirlandTaste
8. Theresa
9. Gloria
10. Elizabeth
11. Cindy @ Applestone
12. Sheila
13. Claudie@ Bubblin\' Over
14. Robyn
15. Barbara Jean
16. M
17. Cherie
18. Christine (xinex)
19. Linnea
20. Chandy
21. VisualVictuals,GA
22. CC
23. Lynda
24. marjorie
25. Anne Fannie
26. Mary
27. fitty
28. Gemma, Australia
29. Serenata, England
30. Sweetie
31. Knitty
32. Beverly
33. Shirls Rose Cottage
34. Jeanne
35. Kathleen M
36. charli and me
37. Heidi Pocketbook
38. Sandi
39. The Pagan Sphinx - Massachusetts
40. Darlene
41. Tink *~*~*
42. Diane @ A Picture is......
43. Debra Kaye
44. White Iris Designs
45. bj
46. Cam
47. Hsa
48. Rhondi
49. Sue @ Life at Home
50. Russ\' Photo Blog
51. Villa Extra
52. Becky
53. LadyJane
54. Picket
55. Charlotte
56. ~Theresa~
57. Sally
58. Black eyed susans kitchen
59. Kathy
60. Victorian Gourmet
61. Katrina~
62. Florida Sue
63. Tardevil
64. Lisa
65. Pammie Jo
66. Tricia
67. Gayle
68. Blue Cottage
69. Linda
70. Ashley ~
71. Ruby
72. Victoria @ Auction Girl Vintage

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. that's probably my favorite shade of blue. And I love it in glass!

  2. That is a beautiful bowl. I love cobalt as well! Happy Monday to you Sally!

  3. The cobalt blue bowl is a beautiful color and shape! Lovely. Happy blue to you Sally!

  4. what a special blue bowl! I know it is one of your favorite treasures...since it is from your daughter!


  5. Cobalt blue is so intriguing! Especially in the sunlight!

    m ^..^

  6. I love the shape, it's so graceful!

  7. What a beautiful bowl Sally! That Cobalt Blue is so pretty!!

  8. Sally what a beautiful BLUE vase and how special that your daughter had it made for you and her Father..those are the best kinds of gifts to me...Happy Blue Monday girl...thanks again for hosting this fun event...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  9. What a lovely bowl! Thanks again for being our hostess. Cindy

  10. Such a beautiful bowl. What a lovely gift. Hugs,Marty

  11. The arrangement & BLUE BOWL are beautiful Sally! What a sweet daughter you have too! Happy BLUE Monday! ♥ Diane

  12. Cobalt blue is just such a beautiful shade of blue. How nice of your daughter to have the arrangement made for you.

    I have to miss Blue Monday this week. I have a surgery scheduled for tomorrow morning and I would miss visiting and commenting. But I will be back with a post next Monday.

    Kathy b

  13. How thoughtful of your daughter to create the flower arrangement for you. Both flowers and cobalt blue vase are gorgeous!...Christine

  14. That bowl is really pretty! My mom would love it too. She has some cobalt blue things too.

  15. This is my favorite shade of blue. I've always been fascinated with cobalt. Beautiful bowl.

  16. It's beautiful bowl, Sally! Easy to see why it's so from our children always are.

    Happy Blue Monday~


  17. Love the blue bowl, it is so pretty, but I have to say Norman caught my eye first thing. I just love all of his work and I noticed one of the matts was blue...

  18. That cobaly blue is just beautiful and so is flower arrangement. Happy Blue Monday Sally..and thank you again for hosting us.

  19. Hi Sally
    Cobalt blue is such a striking color blue! Love the bowl on your table!

  20. happy Blue Monday Sally, by looking at your pretty blue bowl reminds me of blue jug.. same colour as yours.. about time for me to search for it.. :-) have a good week

  21. What a gorgeous, rich deep blue vase! And the shape is like cupped hands reaching out! Delightful!

  22. Glass that color makes anything lovely or just empty. I love the way light comes through it. Kathy

  23. I share your love of cobalt glass. I keep hoping Fenton will produce more pieces in cobalt, but they seem to be favoring indigo now. That is also lovely, but not my first love.

  24. Morning Sally, Happy Blue Monday! What a beautiful cobalt blue bowl. The arrangement is georgous too!
    Bless you, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  25. Cobalt glass is my favorite! I have a couple of vases that I just love and I keep them up all year round. The just get dressed up special for holidays.

    Tabbikat's Thoughts

  26. Good morning Sally, your cobalt blue bowl is beautiful with the white flowers. A very thoughtful gift from your daughter. I know you will treasure it always.


  27. Very pretty Sally.I also like the cobolt blue. In fact, I am fond of your whole room. Your pictures are lovely and I like the color your room is painted. Happy Blue Monday!

  28. Very pretty bowl, as is the arrangement in it. I noticed the Normal Rockwells on your wall, too☺

    Happy Blue Monday!

  29. 'Morning Sally,
    That is a lovely arrangement. Happy Blue Monday and have a wonderful day.


  30. That is a GORGEOUS blue bowl and I love the flowers in it. Beautiful arrangement! Happy Blue Monday!

  31. Good morning everyone! What a Monday it is shaping up to be already! I'm running SO late this morning, but I will have some time later on in the day to come back and make the rounds.

    Tink *~*~*
    Colorful birds from

    Orlando, Florida

  32. Cobalt blue is the most striking shade...and I love the shape of the bowl.

    Your daughter sounds like a very thoughtful person!

    Have a great Monday Sally, and thanks for hosting!

  33. That is a great glass bowl in a beautiful shade of blue. How wonderful that you received such a terrific housewarming gift from your daughter. No wonder you keep it on display all the time.
    Have a great day!

  34. Hi Sally...When I looked at the first picture, I thought the flowers were real...they are so pretty in that gorgeous cobalt bowl...what a sweet gift from your daughter! ;-) Bo

  35. What a lovely bowl and arrangement, Sally. A beautiful gift from your daughter...
    xo bj

  36. very pretty! I love Cobalt blue too!

  37. I love cobalt blue as well - It's especially nice to look at in the sun. Happy Blue Monday!

  38. hi Sally...would you like to let me know whether I succeeded in joining? thanks, sylvia from The Netherlands

  39. Very pretty! And I like the Normal Rockwell print on the wall, too!

  40. Beautiful Sally. Thanks for hosting Blue Monday, I did my first post today.

  41. No video on my post...that is just a photo of TRUE BLUE!! :o)

  42. Just beautiful.....Happy Monday!

  43. Sally! I saw the bowl and thought I had commented, but I was so sleepy when I posted last night that I guess I didn't! LOL! Love it. That is my BIL's fave color, too. We have given him many cobalt blue gifts over the years, and now I will think of you, too, when I see it! :-)

    Happy Blue Monday!


    Sheila :-)

  44. I love the cobalt blue vase! Flying in a little late this Morning...HAPPY BLUE MONDAY to you Sal!

  45. It's beautiful and what a thoughtful gift from a thoughtful daughter.
    Happy Blue Monday.

  46. Very pretty, Sally, especially since it came from your daughter!

  47. The arrangement is beautiful. I just love that cobalt glass! Your dining room chairs are exactly the kind I am looking for. What a great room. Happy Blue Monday!

  48. That is a lovely floral arrangement and the cobalt blue is fast becoming a favorite. Happy blue monday to you.
    ♥, Susan

  49. Love, love, love cobalt blue glass!
    Happy Blue Monday! Mary :O)

  50. Well, Sally I don't know if I can wade through all these link connects. Not very blog savvy. I enjoyed the visit immensely and all the places it lead me! Thanks


  51. I think I have only done Blue Monday once because I don't have much that is blue but I have a pitcher that looks like it matches your bowl. I will look around for a few more things and add them to it for a post. Your dining room is so serene and loverly.

    Have An Amazing Monday
    from Roberta Anne-the Raggedy Girl

  52. That bowl is gorgeous! She did well!

  53. That's a great shade of blue and I love how you have the grass trailing the arrangement, It looks so natural and pretty. Cheers Sally!

  54. Sally
    Happy Blue Monday
    The bowl is gorgeous. I love the shape and colour and those flowers look soooo real. Love that arrangement and the choice of colour too.
    I'm on my lunch break so I had to pop in.
    have a lovely day

  55. Beautiful blue bowl. And I see one of my favorite Rockwell paintings on the wall. Have a great day.

  56. What a lovely bowl and arrangement! Your daughter has great taste in gifts.

  57. I love your Blue Monday posts - they are such a good idea!

    Beautiful bowl and flower arrangement.

  58. Beautiful blue bowl, Sally.. And the arrangement is so pretty. I thought it was neat that the woman who owned our cabin had fresh flowers in there when we got there. NEAT!!!

  59. Oh, Sally, I know that is a gorgeous bowl. It does not show up too well on my computer, though tin the last picture, I do see some of the lovely blue at the bottom. And the flowers are so pretty too.

  60. Anything cobalt blue catches my eye. And how nice to own something pretty that reminds you of a loved one.

  61. Sally - I love the cobalt blue. The flower arrangement is lovely. Also - your Norman Rockwell adds a nice touch. Happy Blue Monday!

  62. Happy Blue Monday Miss Sally!!!!! That bowl is the shape of it & love that big pic on the wall of the woman & child praying! I love Norman Rockwell pictures. Girl I never realized how much blue was up in my curio cabinet! lol lol Hope you are having a great day sweetie!

  63. That is a beautiful shape on the bowl. Lovely!!! Sally

  64. Hi Sally!

    Now that is a VERY beautiful blue vase/bowl! :-) I love that shade of blue too!! and it goes so well with lime-green plants!


  65. Sally, I have my blue showing! Not sure on the links but I tested and my title links back to your blog. I signed in with Mr.Linky but can't quite figure out the blue button. Enjoyed my day on the web,even if I did have to do taxes today! I'll be blue all week visiting.

  66. Great bowl, Sally, and a fabulous shade of blue!

    Victoria :o)

  67. I love that colbalt blue bowl. I think anything would look pretty in that bowl. Your daughter did great! laurie

  68. What a fun blue post!! Happy monday!
    kari & kijsa

  69. I love that shade of blue Sally! So pretty!



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