Monday, March 9, 2009

Blue Monday - What's for Lunch? Part 2

It's Blue Monday! To participate:

1. Post about something blue on your blog. It can be pretty, ugly, funny, old, or new as long as it's blue. Leave a link to this blog on your post.

2. Place the Blue Monday button on the top of your post so that people can easily spot it. Place another
Blue Monday button on the sidebar of your blog.

3. Return here and link in with Mr. Linky by leaving your name and the
Permalink to your post. To create a Permalink, click on your Blue Monday post title and copy all the stuff in the http window. It is a longer address so that people can find your post even later in the week--whenever they get a chance to visit. For those who just can't wait, Mr. Linky will be up after midnight!

Do NOT link in until after your post is up.

4. Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links. Make someone's day; leave a comment.
I appreciate it when you take the time to leave a comment for me.

5. Check back later to make certain you visit all the Blue participants. (That's why the Permalink is so important.)

Johnny and I had lunch this past Thursday at Scruby's Bar-B-Q, a local restaurant. It's one of his favorite places to eat. I told you about his lunch this past Friday. Now, it's my turn.

First, let's take a look at the huge mural across one wall of the restaurant. I could only show you a portion because the wider view showed the customers, and I have to respect their privacy. You can see that it's a Southern outdoor scene. There is a good bit of blue in the sky and water.

Here's the full mural, taken when it was first completed by the Scruby's folks.

This will show you some of the detail. It looks so real you want to touch it. Here's the left panel. It's a screened porch with a comfortable rocking chair. Notice the big tree with the initials carved into it, along with the red apples in the corner of the screen.

This is the center panel. Notice the sky and water have that special color: blue.

The right panel contains even more blue. See the ducks swimming in the blue water?

Here's what I had for lunch: ribs, sweet potato, cole slaw, and garlic bread. I sure wasn't blue that day!

Check out my sidebar for the latest book giveaway!

Blue Monday Participants
1. Susan
2. Kathy b
3. ~CC Catherine
4. Susan (Between Naps on the Porch)
5. M
6. ellen b
7. Karen :o)
8. Heidi Pocketbook
9. Karen
10. Sweetie
11. Baba
12. Helen
13. Marjorie
14. Charlotte
15. Lana G!
16. Theresa
17. My Rose Retreat
18. Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
19. Nell - Aust
20. Christine (xinex)
21. Sheila
22. Deborah
23. Sandra
24. Mojo, NC, USA
25. Gemma
26. Gie
27. becky@AdultDeprived
28. Barbara
29. Shirley
30. LadyJane
31. Pagan Sphinx - Massachusetts
32. Lisa
33. Diane @ A Picture is......
34. Beverly
35. Gina Jo
36. Elizabeth
37. Debra Kaye
38. Shirls Rose Cottage
39. Mom in High Heels
40. bj
41. Judi
42. Jeanne
43. JudyBug
44. Tink *~*~*
45. Helen
46. JLS Hall
47. Lisa
48. Shelia
49. Ginger
50. Robyn (imjacobsmom)
51. Janie
52. Kathy
53. Becky
54. Linda\'s Blue Gate
55. Sherrie
56. Tricia
57. jenjen
58. Mary
59. Maurine
60. charli and me
61. Susan
62. Joy (Doodlebug)
63. Florida Sue
64. Elaine
65. Maurine
66. Victoria @ Auction Girl Vintage
67. Mozi Esme

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. What fun murals in that restaurant. The food looks so darn good, too!! Happy Blue to you Sally...

  2. Hi Sally! mmmm...the murals are beautiful...but that platter of food looks even yummier... ~CC Catherine ;)

  3. When I saw the first picture, I thought it was looking outdoors and was surprised to read it was a mural! I enjoyed all the murals--what a neat place to eat and that plate looks mighty tasty.

    Have a good Monday, Sally☺

  4. Sally, you just keep on finding blue everywhere! Lovely mural.

    Kathy b

  5. Hi Sally, I also thought you were showing us outside the window shots..Looks like a neat place to eat.thanks for sharing your meal with us!!! Hugs, Baba

  6. The mural was absolutely beautiful and so real looking.
    The ribs weren't bad looking

  7. What a great idea for wall art! The food looks absolutely delicious!!

  8. What a fantastic mural Sally. And the food looks so yummy !!!

  9. The murals are just stunning and the food just looks delicious. What a fabulous restaurant. Hugs, Marty

  10. Hi Sally, saw a link to you over on Tales from an OC Cottage and thought it would be fun to join your Blue Monday if that's ok. Great blue post! Wishing you a wonderful day!
    Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
    Jacaranda Cottage.

  11. Lunch looked great! And I just love murals. In the town I lived in in Oklahoma there was a huge mural of the train and station that used to be there. I think they're just beautiful!

  12. Hi. I saw Blue Mondays on Ms. Karen's blog, Homespun Simplicity. I'm posting it on the 9th, of course. Thanks! Feel free to come by and check out my blog!


  13. Hi. I saw Blue Mondays on Ms. Karen's blog, Homespun Simplicity. I'm posting it on the 9th, of course. Thanks! Feel free to come by and check out my blog!


  14. Hi. I saw Blue Mondays on Ms. Karen's blog, Homespun Simplicity. I'm posting it on the 9th, of course. Thanks! Feel free to come by and check out my blog!


  15. The mural is very pretty,something nice to look at while your having your meal.Those ribs and sweet potato look so yummy.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Oops! Messed that up, Sally. It's late, and I'm tired. What fun murals! They are really neat! Glad you shared these with us.

    I just got back from dinner with a fellow blogger, her husband, and their daughter. Had a GREAT time! Love them even more in person! :-)

    Happy Blue Monday...


    Sheila :-)

  18. Great pictures of the murals - and the ribs look soooo yummy. :-)

  19. Gorgeous mural enhancing the dining experience. Love the blue tones!

  20. What a great mural, it is brilliant to have the whole restaurant look like it has wall to wall windows.
    Your ribs look pretty tasty but I have to confess that I am a big sissy girl when it comes to foods that you have to get messy to eat.

  21. that's amazing mural...
    happy blue monday.

  22. That looks like a grand place to eat. I love that mural.

    But I love ribs even more yummmmmmm...

  23. At first glance and from a distance, I thought that was a window. It's fabulous.

  24. Good morning Sally, your mural is gorgeous. I love your closeups to get a better look. To top it off the food looks so good.


  25. Shelia, I need some help creating link with Blue Monday Poster.
    I can't post it on my blog.

  26. I love the way the restaurant is decorated! Very nice! Oh, a plate of BBQ ribs...have mercy!!!

  27. Great Mural! Those ribs sure look delicious!

  28. I'm lovin' that blue plate special for sure!

  29. Looks like a great atmosphere! The ribs look delicious!

  30. That is beautiful, Sally. And, your lunch looks delicious.

  31. That mural is wonderful!
    I meant to tell you the last time I was here that I like your new header.

  32. That must be very nice to be looking at that mural the entire back wall while having a bite to eat. BTW, those ribs looks yummy.


  33. Hi Sally, No Mr. Linky. I have been over to link up since very early this am several times. HELP please.


  34. Good morning Sally! Happy Blue Monday! I love your post this week. I love mural's like that, we have a restaurent that has one like that also and I can just get lost in it.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Bless You, Shirl
    SHirls Rose Cottage

  35. Morning Sally,

    That mural looks BEAUTIFUL and what a talented artist to have painted all of that! Your plate of ribs and fixins' looks delicious! YUM!

  36. OMGosh, what a BEAUTIFUL painting...and the food looks delicious....Happy Blue Monday..
    xo bj

  37. Hi Sally
    i'll be back to read...but can you remove the first link I put up for my blog? Its not working. The second one should be ok.

  38. Beautiful blue in all of those:) That plate of food looks pretty good too! Happy Blue Monday
    Gina Jo

  39. What a cute place and a great idea. If folks are feeling down because of dismal weather, they can always go there to get happy :)

    Tink *~*~*
    NOW PLAYING at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* :
    Disney's Port Orleans French Quarter resort

  40. That really is a great mural. I especially love all those hearts carved on the tree. And that plate of ribs looks delicious, although I'd probably need a handful of Tums afterward!

  41. Awwww nothing like good bar-b-que, we have a Sonny's that is a lot like that, hope you're having a wonderful blue monday!

  42. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I'll take your lunch any day of the week! Mmmmmmmm!

    m ^..^

  43. The mural is beautiful, and the ribs look even better!

    Thank you for hosting Blue Monday!


  44. Morning, Most Blue Sally! Oh, that mural is really nice - it looks very real! Now I like me some bar-b-que, but not ribs! Just give me something else and I'm in heaven. Mr. Precious would eat those ribs in a heart beat. I'm up and blueing with you this morning.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  45. Now I'm hungry for some ribs! YUMMY!

  46. That mural is amazing! Love it.

  47. The mural is pretty but that food....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

  48. Mmm! Your food looks delish! I haven't had breakfast yet. Blogging comes first, you know....I too thought it was windows - how cool is that! Happy Blue Monday! ~ Robyn

  49. Hi Sally!

    What a pretty mural and so realistic! Do you know who the artist is? It's huge~must have taken days to paint...

    I sense you and you husband sort of like this place!! Your ribs looks scrumptious. How is the sauce?

    Sorry I am late posting for Blue Monday, but it is there now!


  50. Looks like a great lunch! And what a beautiful mural! I love the Spanish moss hanging from the trees.

  51. The mural is really beautiful and I would have picked the very same things for lunch that you picked, good job!!

    Roberta Anne

  52. Gosh that is so pretty... looks like you are out in the country....... that is some good lookin food..

  53. Hi Sally,
    Love that mural! It's beautiful! Your lunch looks really yummy!! Mine is posted. Have a great day!!


  54. Sally - No wonder you enjoy Scruby's Bar-B-Q. The mural is beautiful. Looking at those ribs makes my mouth water. What a lunch! Happy Blue Monday!

  55. Happy Blue Monday Sally
    What a lovely place that bbq place is. The murals are lovely and so lifelike. It must give one a nice feeling just sitting there and looking dreaming of nice places to be.

    Your dinners yum too!
    have a lovely day

  56. What fun! Thanks for letting me join in the fun!


  57. No, you weren't blue and we know why! Forget the picture--as beautiful as it is,pass the ribs please.

  58. Good afternoon Sally, I do love murals and this one is very beautiful! I was just telling my hubby this morning that I have been thinking about us going out for ribs and here is a fabulous rib dinner posted on your blog. Now I have to go get one for sure LOL

  59. Yummy mural, yummy food. I must get down to Scruby's for some good BBQ.
    Happy Blue Monday. Thanks for letting me get in on all the fun.

  60. Nice mural Sally. Makes you feel like you are eating outside. Food looks yummy too!

  61. hi:
    This is my first time to do "BLUE MONDAY" and I'm not sure if I did it correctly.. but love all the blues..

  62. Oh boy....we love good BBQ....and this looks like the real thing! And that mural is so unique. Someone was obviously very talented. I've always admired those who can do that. I certainly can't but it's so nice to sit and enjoy it in a place like that. Wish we had one here in Phoenix. HAPPY Blue Monday!
    Elaine :)

  63. That looks so beautiful!
    You know.. I thought that rockin' chair was in the room.. not in the mural! haha!!
    Beautiful work!


  64. Looks like a big restaurant, Sally. I'm glad you enjoyed your meals there.

  65. THe murals are really lovely!! I'll bet they are just stunning in person.

    Oh, and that lunch of yours look pretty good :) YUM!

    take care,

  66. The murals are just beautiful Sally, what a neat restaurant!

  67. Sally...the mural is awesome! I love the screened porch part. :-) I always love to go places for dinner that have such a neat atmosphere...thanks for sharing it with us...almost as good as being there. And those, did those look good! Drooling all over my keyboard! LOL :-) Susan

  68. Wow that mural is so detailed. Must be even more spectacular in person. I came by early this morning and I was like oh good I can keep up with Blue Monday today. I visited everybody. Now I came back to see there are more than twice as many people as there were earlier. Oh my, I am going to be up till all hours checking out the blues ....
    Have a great week Sally.

  69. It's amazing how much blue can be found if we just look for it! Thanks for hosting this each week.

  70. Hello, how does this Mr Linky work?

    my poem


  71. I can smell and tasted the garlic bread, and the ribs - they look sooooooooooooo good. I need to hobblre into the kitchen now, as I'm drooling all over the keyboard.

    I posted about a necklace I got.


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
