Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Problem with Pigeons

Pigeons live from 3 to 15 years, depending on environment, and they breed during all seasons. The female lays 1 or 2 eggs. The incubation period is 16-18 days. The young leave the nest at 4 to 6 weeks of age. More eggs are usually laid before the first young are weaned. Simple math will have you head spinning!

Pigeons have decided that they like our house. They can quickly become a nuisance. They like to perch right over our front door. Guess what they leave behind?

Johnny thought of a solution. He placed some wire mesh on the ledge; he used concrete nails to anchor it. So far, it's working!

We like to keep a pretty plant to the right of the door. We've had to throw out our latest because of the pesky pigeon droppings. Now, we can go shopping and make our entrance a welcoming one again.


  1. I have always heard that they are the "rat" of the bird community. I would hate that mess also and I'm glad your hubby came up with a humane solution....just make it unwelcoming for the pigeons! Your front entry way looks gorgeous and I know you will be glad to get another beautiful plant out there.

  2. That is the only bird that drives me bonkers! I sympathize, Sally! Hope this does the trick for you!


    Sheila :-)

  3. I love birds, but I've never taken to pigeons...they just always seem "dirty" to me. Hope your problem is a thing of the past! Love your walkway!

  4. Darlene is right, they are flying rats!

    Many areas of Michigan have trouble with Canadian geese. Their droppings in grassy areas where they congregate are not slippery to unsuspecting people, often kids who are playing. :(

  5. A few weeks back I went to HEB and there were men hanging plastic owls on the roof by the entrance. I asked them why (I had a vague memory of owls scaring off birds) and one of the men told me it was to keep the pigeons away. He said they wouldn't go near the owls. I've seen plastic owls at the gardening store but never really paid attention. I hope your pigeon problems don't last too long. It looks like y'all came up with a great solution! Hope you have a nice day Sally :) Love, Kathy

  6. Reminds me of the sea gulls we have here in Maine:) Hope your solution works out and your entrance is beautified again:) Have a great day Sally!
    Gina Jo

  7. Good Morning Sally
    Oh those darn pigeons! I didn't know they multiplied like that. Thats rather scarey sort of like flying bunnies..*lol*.
    I'm glad you came up with a solution. I love your front entrance.
    have a lovely day

  8. I know they can be awful pests, but I've always been fond of pigeons because my father used to keep them. For some reason, pigeon-racing was a hot hobby in Texas back in the 1950s! But some of the birds were really very pretty.

  9. Looks like you have a solution to the pigeons. Your entrance is beautiful. I love the Florida look!!

  10. I had no idea that they lived that long.......and reproduced so often. We have the smae issues with the swallows here. They make mud nests on the walls of the homes and are so terribly messy. I'm glad that you found a solution to your problem.

  11. Morning Sally..what a pretty front entrance...hope that takes care of your problem...thankfully I don't have pigeon problems...but I did have one young mockingbird that would roost on my birdhouse on a table on the front porch...oh my word what a mess! lol lol Hope you are having a great week friend!

  12. I'm glad you found a safe way to discourage them!

    Love that window!

  13. I am glad you found a way to get rid of them. You have a beautiful entry...Christine

  14. Two or three years ago I wrote about how pigeons were "driving me nuts." Words can't describe the mess they were making. For some reason they no longer hang around our house. Maybe it's because I am more stubborn than they are. Every time, which was often, I saw one on our house I would go out and clap my hands like thunder and they would fly away. It was a lot of exercise for me--and them. I guess they finally got tired.

  15. Oh Sally, it is a shame, but birds can be a terrible mess. Pigeons being some of the worst. Your dh is very clever to use wire mesh. I hope it continues to work.

    Have a happy day.


  16. I drive my hubby crazy because I call the pigeons...doves and he says there is no comparisons. I have heard if you get a fake owl and put him up where they can see it that it scares them away.

    Have a Wonderful Wednesday
    from Roberta Anne

  17. Oh Sally---and you have a gorgeous home!!!! I'm sorry. I've never heard of Pigeons roosting on people's houses.. I know they like tall buildings and they LOVE churches. At one of the churches I worked in New Orleans in the '80's---they had a horrible pigeon problem. I'm not sure what they did to get rid of them---but they found something humane. Good Luck!!! I think they are the worst nuisances of ALL of the birds.


  18. the entrance to your house is beautiful and I'm glad you've found a safe of keeping the pigeons away because I actually quite like them. Judith

  19. Wow now that would be a lot of pigeons!
    I'm glad that Johnny's bird deterrent is working. That would be a real pain to have to dodge bird poo at your front door!

    I didn't mean to come off as if I was dissing Melissa, I have always adored her. I just wanted to point out that maybe there are two sides to the story. But then again, maybe Jason was just a complete douche bag! lol

    I hope Jillian fares better during her round. She is such a cutie!

  20. GM Sally beautiful entry I have pigeons that sit on the power lines right above my glass sunroom roof about a mess at all times..Len is always out there cleaing that roof..Hope this take care of your problem girl..hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  21. Sorry about all the pigeons,Sally. Your entrance is very pretty.

  22. Oh my goodness, that mess would not make for a welcoming entry for your home. Yuck! I've seen lots of solutions like that on public buildings.

    Kathy b

  23. We have fought pigeons for years. They always end up winning. And boy you are right. They make a big big mess.

  24. We have had a problem with birds for the last couple of years. The hawk has helped a little but I don't really want him hanging our over here. I like looking at the birds but I don't like the mess. Then there are the squirrels and cats. I'm glad you found a solution to your problem.

  25. We have had a problem with birds for the last couple of years. The hawk has helped a little but I don't really want him hanging our over here. I like looking at the birds but I don't like the mess. Then there are the squirrels and cats. I'm glad you found a solution to your problem.

  26. The breeding rate of pigeons is very scary. I don't blame you one bit for protecting the front walk from them. Glad it's working. :)

  27. It soubds like a wonderful and very humane way of dealing with them. I know how quickly bords and ducks can make a mess of a home.

    Your entry way is very lovely!


  28. I wonder what it is with pigeons this year. We had two sitting on the ice on our pool cover. Your hubby came up with a great solution.

  29. You do have a lovely entrance Sally! :-) I have always wondered where pigeons live..... NOW I KNOW! ;-) hehe


  30. Afternoon, Sallyness! Oh, those nasty little birds! They're so cute but can be little pests! Your front entry is so loverly, Dearest!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  31. Hi Dear Most Smiling One! I can't stay away long! I've been popping the Ibuprofins and that's been helping a bunch! You know me, I gotta get my table on!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  32. Pigeons, ugh! What a pesky bird! Did you ever read Buffie's post about how she scared the pigeons away from her yard by setting off firecrackers? rofl Sadly, she no longer has a blog.


  33. What a great solution...I like critters as much as anyone...but not pesky critters!

  34. I wonder if you could screen in your front door alcove? I'm planning to do this to mine. The frogs like to hang out there and there are droppings which I do not want to bring into the house, so I rarely use the front door. Also, there's an overhang and mud wasps are constantly building there. So I'm going to screen it in when the tax refund check comes!

    Tink *~*~*
    NOW PLAYING at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* :
    Disney's Port Orleans French Quarter resort


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