Thursday, March 5, 2009

Traveling on the Train

There was an Irishman, an Englishman and Claudia Schiffer sitting together in a carriage in a train going through Tasmania. Suddenly, the train went through a tunnel. As it was an old style train, there were no lights in the carriages, and it went completely dark.

Then there was this kissing noise and the sound of a really loud slap. When the train came out of the tunnel, Claudia Schiffer and the Irishman were sitting as if nothing had happened and the Englishman had his hand against his face as he had been slapped there.

The Englishman was thinking: "The Irish fella must have kissed Claudia Schiffer and she missed him and slapped me instead."

Claudia Schiffer was thinking: "The English fella must have tried to kiss me and actually kissed the Irishman and got slapped for it."

The Irishman was thinking: "This is great! The next time the train goes through a tunnel I'll make another kissing noise and slap that English idiot again."

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As we get closer to St. Patrick's Day, I have a question for you.

Are you Irish? Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day? If so, how?

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It may not be Irish, but I have a new book to giveaway.
Check my sidebar


  1. Your jokes never disappoint, Sally! :) I have Scotch-Irish heritage, but I really don't "celebrate" St. Paddy's day, other than to wear a little green to avoid getting pinched!

  2. Hahaha!! Funny!
    You gotta love the Irish!
    We don't celebrate St.Patricks day over here..


  3. Hubby has a lot of Irish on his side so we do celebrate the patron saint day. We all wear the green of course, who enjoys being pinched right? I usually make a shepards pie for supper. If we were home we would attend the parade. Here in Maine they do not offer one;)

    There is an Irish saying that you reminded me of with your joke....
    If Irish eyes are smiling, they are usually up to something. It's so true, I know, I am married to one LOL.

    Have a good one Sally!

  4. My MIL is half Irish so my daughter is at least 1/8 (I have a wee bit myself and I do mean wee!) When she was little I would make corned beef and cabbage but I've gotten out of that habit. All we really do is wear the green now but it is fun to plan a green outfit since I don't wear much green throughout the rest of the year.

  5. That was GREAT Sally! What a nice way to wake up...laughing :D I'm a little bit of everything. My ex-husband is Irish and our son is named Patrick Randal O'Hara ♥

  6. My dad's family are English/Irish. I really do not celebrate St. Patrick's Day at all. Coulter is my maiden name. My mom's ancestors are English/ German My dad and my mom's ancestors came to America in the 1700's. I think of myself as American. LOL What a mix.

    I love your post this morning and I had a good laugh. I needed it! This therapy is so danged painful. This too will pass!

    Sally not to write a book today but check your link. It comes up something strange and has been for a time. I have to go to my side bar to get to your post.

    I'm checking out your book give-a-way now.

    Have a happy day.


  7. Sally..I wondered how that was going to end! Thats funnny...I'll have to remember that.

    I'm not Irish but we celebrate with dinner. We make the beef brisket with the brine and spices, hunked up cabbage, potatoes, celery and onions cooking in the crock pot for hours. It is sooo yummy. Sometimes we'll even have a cold beer and colour it green just for the cause. Then it gets served in a big bowl with a little dash of vinegar.

    Thank goodness for St. Patrick's day!

    have a lovely day.
    p.s. I will post a tutorial on the tassel for you. It not difficult but it does help to know what its all about.

  8. That was so baaaaaaad, it was good! :)

  9. Love your jokes Sally-- Always gets a smile! And I am IRISH! -- my great grandmother was a McKeown and we are of the Scottish Irish!!!For St.Pattys Day we usually make Reuben casserole and something potatoes!!! And my great grandmother always told us to wear orange because we are protestant -- the green was for the catholics. But we wear green and pinching was never fun on the receiving end! You have a Happy St.Patty's Day Sally!!!!

  10. HAHAHAHAHA that is hilarious!!!!

  11. What a cute story. I am not Irish but we love Corned Beef and Cabbage around here.

    Have a Thankful Thursday
    from Roberta Anne

  12. This is soooo funny. lol

  13. What a funny joke. I wish that I could remember it to tell others. My fifth 5-grandfather came to Washington Co., PA from Ireland. I wear green and make corned beef and cabbage.

  14. You silly! ;) No, I don't decorate for St Patty! I have found out recently my kin have come from Ireland! Woo Hoo! Kiss me, I'm Irish!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. Once again I'm smiling! I'm glad I stopped by.

  16. LOL funny joke. thanks for the giggle

  17. Oh Sally, you have really asked for it!!

    The Southside of Chicago (my neighborhood) is 80% Irish We have a HUGE parade a few blocks away on the Sunday before St. Patrick's Day. The parade consists of all the firehouses, the Mayor of Chicago, the alderman and all the school marching bands. The streets are crowded with people wearing the green, carrying backpacks filled with Irish beer. Many, many homes are opened up to travelers on their way to the parade, where corned beef and cabbage is served along with the traditional Irish soda bread. There are parties in the streets which are lined with hundred of police officers who also wear a little gren and can be seen doing a little Irish jig of thier own once in awhile!

    I will be posting something the day of the parade, but at least you have been forewarned!!

    PS I forgot to mention, the Chicago river downtown is dyed green on this traditional day!

  18. LOL... Great joke Sally! Yes, I'm Irish on my mother's side.
    I have cellebrated St. Patrick's Day all of my life. We wear green, listen to all the old Irish songs,and decorate like you see on my blog. I like to get one or two green tinched carnations for the table. We have Irish stew or corn beef and cabbage. We also have soda bread. Little pranks have been known to be pulled like milk dyed green,shoes hidden, shoe laces tied together,cookies found in the mail box.

  19. Oh Sally I forgot to tell you that I really like your new header. Very pretty...

  20. Oh Sally I forgot to tell you that I really like your new header. Very pretty...

  21. hahaaaahhhhaaaa...I LOVE that joke, dear Sally. Thanks for the laugh today..I needed it...bad !!
    I am not Irish and the only way we actually "celebrate" the day is making sure we wear green so we won't get pinched !
    smiles and love, bj

  22. Hilarious! We do have some Irish blood, I think, but it is mixed in with several other nationalities as well.

  23. Growing up, my family never celebrated it. My dh's Italian grandmother always celebrated it with a family dinner to serve corned beef, boiled potatoes, cabbage and even green bread or rolls. And of course a table set like it was straight out of Leprechaun-land! How I miss her and her entertaining. Dh and I have continued the tradition in our family of having those same foods (minus green bread) to celebrate.

  24. Ok that's hilarious! Thanks for sharing. It made me laugh out loud in my office. :)

  25. Hi Sally, That was a cute joke! LOL! I'm not irish, but double scottish, so I guess that sort of makes me cousins to the irish doesn't it? LOL! I'd love to tour both lands! :) ~hugs, Rhonda

  26. Hi Sally, Cute joke!!!! I do have some Irish in me... Some of my relatives were Scotch-Irish.. BUT--that being said, we don't do much to celebrate St. Patty's Day. When I worked I used to wear green--just so I wouldn't get pinched!!!! I also like to go to Irish pubs when I get a chance. There are none near us here in the mountains!!!

    Hope you are having a great day. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog.

  27. Cute joke. I am not Irish and I don't celebrate StPatricks day but I'll probably do a lesson on it with my kids :-) And of course we will all wear green.

  28. Oh my, Good one Sally!

    Yep, there's some Irish in there someplace & St Paddy's day is Murphy's birthday, my cocker spaniel. I don't celebrate it besides wearing green. I'm not a fan of corned beef either! ♥

  29. LOL!!REally funny !I am not even remotely Irish!And dont celebrate St.Patrick's Day either. Because I live in India :D.But i would love to know how it is celebrated though!


  30. As a matter of fact my grandmother was a McGinty, so I totally claim that I'm an Irish gal. And yes we celebrate St. Patrick's day. We eat green food and drink green milk and wear lots of green. We try to work some Irish history or trivia into school. (This week we learned about and built Thatched Roof Cottages and about Lead Crystal) But we don't drink alcohol in my house, so all our fun is sober.


  31. Roflmao! Great joke!

    I don't think I have any Irish blood in me, but my last name is part Irish (married name). Two of my children have Irish names: Sean and Tara.

    I don't do anything for St. Patty's day except wear green when I think of it.


  32. I LOVED THAT! I am laughing out loud! Thanks. laurie


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