Monday, April 27, 2009

Blue Monday - Lurker Friends

It's Blue Monday! To participate:

1. Post about something blue on your blog. It can be pretty, ugly, funny, old, or new as long as it's blue. Leave a link to this blog on your post.

2. Place the Blue Monday button on the top of your post so that people can easily spot it. Place another
Blue Monday button on the sidebar of your blog.

3. Return here and link in with Mr. Linky by leaving your name and the
Permalink to your post. To create a Permalink, click on your Blue Monday post title and copy all the stuff in the http window. It is a longer address so that people can find your post even later in the week--whenever they get a chance to visit. For those who just can't wait, Mr. Linky will be up after midnight!

4. Visit other Blue participants by clicking on their links. Make someone's day; leave a comment.
I appreciate those who leave a comment for me.


I have a good friend who lives in Jackson, Mississippi. We've known each other for over thirty years--ever since our sons were in Optimist football when they were about eight years old. Belle Jo and her husband, Bobby, were born and raised in Mississippi, moved to Florida and then moved back to Mississippi after they retired. They are super nice people.

However, they are not perfect. For instance, not only do they not blog, they do not comment! They lurk! (I know, I know. I hear your gasps.) 

When the mail carrier brought this package from my friends, I squealed like Picket and ripped it open. The card says, "Your Friendship Is a Blessing" and "Thanks be to God for His gifts. II Corinthians 9:15. " There's a sweet message inside too, along with Belle Jo's instructions from her husband: "Bobby said to write something crabby, something blue." This was when I figured that Belle Jo and Bobby are trying to make up for all of that lurking. At this point, my Blogging Brain finally took over, and I grabbed my camera. See the sweet card?

I opened one item, but look, there's another so nicely wrapped!

Two blue crabfest glasses--one for Johnny and one for me! Can you just imagine how good the iced tea will taste in these delightful glasses?

Here's a picture so you can see the back of the glass. Now, what's special about these glasses? I was raised in Maryland, home of the blue crabs, and let me tell you, nothing tastes better! I've bragged that people who use those silly wooden hammers don't really know how to eat a Maryland Blue Crab. (It's done with hands only.) Beside that, the glasses are blue, and Belle Jo and Bobby know that I'll show them on Blue Monday.

I can hardly believe that I'm fortunate enough to have such delightful friends as Belle Jo and Bobby. And because I know that they will read this, I will shout out, "THANK YOU. Now, please leave a comment!"

Look at the sidebar for book giveaways!

Blue Monday Participants
1. Rechelle
2. kathy b
3. ellen b
4. Lana G!
5. m
6. Susan
7. The Bliss Journey
8. Knitty
9. Sandi
10. Barb~Bella Vista
11. Christine
12. Charlotte
13. sharing with Sherri
14. Carrie @ Being Domestic
15. Shirls Rose Cottage
16. Barbara Jean
17. Candy
18. CuisineKathleen
19. Marjorie Molly\'s country memories homeplace
20. Libby Twirl&Taste
21. Fifi Flowers Le Train Bleu
22. Kady@Life on the Edge
23. Ivory Spring
24. Elizabeth
25. Becky K.
26. NicoleB Hungary
27. Jeanne
28. Vikki
29. charli and me
30. Beverly
31. Mojo, NC, USA
32. Janie at Southern Lagniappe
33. Tink *~*~*
34. Judi
35. Diane @ A Picture is......
36. Debra Kaye
37. Shelia @ Notesongs
38. bj
39. KayC.
40. Iris
41. Katherine
42. Elizabeth
43. Serenata in England
44. Black eyed susans kitchen (white wicker)
45. ANN
46. Amanda Guthrie ( Calif, USA)
47. Baba
48. Terry
49. Mamapippa - Belgium
50. Cass at That Old House
51. katrina~
52. Cathy
53. pagan sphinx
54. Michal
55. Jane/Blondie
56. Cindy
57. Gayle
58. Carrie - Carola Nativity Gallery
59. Linda

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. I had me a good chuckle. They may only Lurk, but they picked a perfect gift to share this Blue Monday. How special they are!
    Enjoy your day!

  2. Sally! What great friends to send you these great glasses and what an encouragement along with it. I'm sure you will enjoy them and continue to enjoy your special friendship!

  3. Too cute! Those glasses are adorable!

  4. What a nice surprise for you! Happy Blue Monday!


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Cute glassware!

    C'mon out of hiding lurkers. We don't bite!

  7. Sally, the glasses are lovely and so are your friends.


  8. Cute glasses, Sally! Love the crabs!



  9. What nice lurker friends you have. Love the glasses. Thanks for sharing them.


  10. Those glasses are too cute, and what nice friends (even if they aren't bloggers) to send them to you!!

    Btw, My husband and I met a very nice couple from Maine while on a cruise.
    After we got home they sent us some "LIVE" Maine lobster!
    Can you imagine my suprise when I opened the box!!!

    Have a great Blue Monday!

  11. How cute! I have lots of family lurkers too...they will not comment for their lives, but they read...Oh well.

  12. That is so sweet. Iced tea will probably taste better than it ever has in these cute glasses. Aren't friends wonderful?
    Happy Blue Monday.

  13. Sally,
    Thanks for hosting this Blue Monday event.

    Barbara Jean

  14. Hello Sally, Happy Blue Monday. Oh what beautiful glasses and how yummy Maryland's blue crabs are! What sweet friends to send them to you.
    Bless you, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  15. Ohhh nooo...didn't want to be accused of being a lurker so thought I better comment today...wink!!! heheheee...

    Hi Sally,

    Love your new blue crab iced tea glasses!!! They're so cute!!! What nice friends you have...such a sweet gift!

    Warmest wishes,

  16. The glasses are so cute!!You have great friends,even though they lurk..grin!!

    Happy Blue Monday!!

  17. What a wonderful story, Sally! Have a great week!

  18. What wonderful friends!

    Love the glasses!

  19. That's an amazing gift. One that's thoughtful and one that makes one a bit homesick, no?
    I've spent 4 weeks in Maryland when I was 17. I doubt I ate the Blue crabs though.

  20. Nice glasses and good friends - life is good!

  21. What a great post Sally! You are fortunate to be blessed with these two wonderful and thoughtful friends. I love your glasses. Yes, ice tea would taste really good sipped out of one of those pretty glasses. Happy Blue Monday!

  22. Happy Blue Monday, Sally. You are lucky to have such special friends.

    I don't see a comment from them yet, but I bet they leave one before the end of the day.

  23. Good morning Sally, I love your sweet gift from your longtime friends. The 'Blue Crabfest' glasses are very cute.

    You will see I have had a problem linking AGAIN. I am giving up. I follow the instructions Beverly gave me and it works everywhere but on your Mr. Linky. I am giving up. I know it has to be me, but I don't know why. LOL. Sorry, I just had to vent.

    Have a happy blue Monday. I will, in spite of my frustration. BIG smile here.


  24. Heh. Old school blogging, eh?

  25. I love your glasses, Sally ... and isn't it nice that they will remind you of your friends every time you use them!

    Thank you for hosting our "Blue Mondays."

  26. What a sweet and thoughtful gift - good friends, there :)

    Hope your Monday is kind...


    Tink *~*~*
    Fun, fun, fun at the Flower and Garden Festival

  27. HI Sally,
    Love the glasses, and I do think the tea will taste great in them!

    Thanks for hosting!

  28. Thanks for hosting Sally. What a nice friend you have there!

    Blessings to you!

  29. Those a a couple great glasses.. now you'll have to do a seaside tablescape! LOL

    have a beautiful blue monday.
    blessings. Dixie

  30. How cute! Happy Blue Monday to you!

  31. LOL...I can understand your excitement, those glasses are too cute and the touch of home just makes them more special. How lucky you are to have friends like them, out there lurking..

  32. Awwww, how sweet of your friends to send those cute, blue, glasses to you. Nothing better than good friends!!
    xo bj

  33. What cute glasses and a reminder of the wonderful friends you've cherished all these years! CHEERS! :)

  34. What good friends you have. Those glasses are cute. HAVE A WONDERFUL BLUE MONDAY :-D

  35. I am having trouble leaving my permalink and putting your button on my post so don't know if anything worked. Anyway I love looking at all the blue treasures.


  36. I love the glasses,Sally. They even match your blog's background. I love blue crabs. You are so right about us needing a bigger house soon, LOL! In fact, we were thinking of adding an upstairs to our 3-car garage. Happy Blue Monday!...Christine

  37. Special gifts from special friends, always welcomed and cherished!


  38. Those are great, and better that they are from a good friend.
    Thanks for fixing my incorrect link..I hit enter instead of delete! :(

  39. Hi Sally! Happy Blue Monday. I just published my first Blue Monday post! Thanks for hosting and please stop by and visit sometime.
    Elizabeth @ Grand Occasions.

  40. Sally, The blue crab glasses are great and the story behind them is even better! Happy blue Monday.
    ♥, Susan

  41. Those are GREAT glasses and your tea is going to taste wonderful in them! I have some lurking friends and family also. Don't know why they don't comment cause I know they read my blog.

  42. That was a sweet surprise for you!!
    The glasses are adorable!
    Never had a blue crab before,but I will take your word for it!!
    Your off to a wonderful blue Monday!

  43. I love packages yours is very cool love to see that blue!
    mine is here

  44. Oh wow
    Now those are nice lurker friends ,
    I am so glad you chose to serve up Ice Tea .
    We can still see how beautiful the glasses are.
    Thanks for a great Blue Monday.
    Blessings to you and yours.

  45. The iced tea will taste great !
    Have a nice day !

  46. Hi Sally,
    I really like the blue crabfest glasses and I think ice tea is going to taste even better in them. Yes I can imagine you having such wonderful friends, because you are such a sweet person. I know I am glad to have met you.

    To answer your question, the wild birds will come in but I put aluminum pie pans to ward them off. But the ducks and guinea are fraidy cats they are afraid they wouldn't be able to get out. LOL However once in while a guinea will get in and run himself ragged. lolPoor guy!!!

  47. My blue Monday pictures are ready..

  48. New friends are wonderful, but old friends are the greatest. What wonderful glasses, I know they warm your heart. Hugs, Marty

  49. What a fun post and what a wonderful gift.

    Have An Amazing Monday
    from The Raggedy Girl-Roberta Anne

  50. Happy Monday Sally~
    What a super fun post! It is neat how your friends thought to send you such a great blue gift, and one that has great meaning to you! Very thoughtful!!!
    Have a blessed week,

  51. Thank you for hosting this pretty Monday Blue party. I have many friends who participate and I've always admired all the blue in everyone's world.

    Take care. I hope to be able to visit all the sites.

  52. What a great surprise from your friends! Cute, cute glasses. I've eaten crabs in MD many times -- and got swollen lips from the Old Bay! Great fun -- there aren't many foods that are a hobby as well as a meal. Yes, hands are the only way. With very cold beer.

  53. Good afternoon, Most Smiling One! Oh, aren't those glasses adorable! At first sight I thought they were cans filled with crab meat! I've never eaten a blue crab and wouldn't even know how to open it up! I'd probably try to use a can opener!
    How nice to know your friends have been blog lurkers! :)
    Be a sweetie and stay blue,
    Shelia ;)

  54. Happy Blue Monday Sally! So, you are a Maryland girl. Nice to learn these things! :-D

    Those glasses are so cute, they will go so well with your Florida scenery. And you have some very special "lurking" friends!


  55. How neat to have good, thoughtful friends who find just-right gifts!

  56. ADORABLE glasses... NOW I'm dying for some CRAB!
    ENJOY your BLUE day!

  57. Those are very nice gifts from your friends.

  58. Beautiful gift from your friends, Sally. I also have MANY friends who are "lurkers'... They SAY they read my blog everyday--but NEVER comment. Drives me nuts!!! YET---they are great friends (I think)...My gift hasn't come in the mail yet... ha


  59. Sally,
    Thanks so much for hosting this fun Blue Monday!!! I am about 1/3 of the way through the list of participants. I can't believe haw many there are...wonderful!!!

    I love your cape like and BLUE...too cute!!! What wonderful friends you have...lucky girl!!!

    Thanks again...and have a wonderful Blue Monday!!!

  60. Love those glasses. Reminds me of the Blue Monday post that I plan to do next week. We took pictures of a bunch (Ha)of blue things when we visited Joe's Crab Shack.

  61. Aren't "old" friends just the greatest (old, not being in age!)

    The glasses are adorable and sounds like the perfect gift. How thoughtful of Bette Jo and Bobby!

  62. You have two great friends, even if they are "lurkers." LOL! The glasses are really cute! Happy "Blue" Monday to you, dear friend! ~hugs, Rhonda :)

  63. An excellent gift Sally and the fact that they come from such good friends makes them even more special--I know you'll enjoy them. Better start brewing some iced tea!

  64. Hi Sal, I have lurker friends and family too. Those living outside of Blogland just don't get the importance of the "comment." lol
    What a nice gift though!!!!

  65. what a wonderful package!! I Just love getting packages and letters etc from blog land in the makes you guys all seem like you are actual....I have some folks in my life that call you all my imaginary friends! lol
    The truth is that I could never dream up such wonderful people!

  66. Kudos to Belle Jo and Bobby- what sweet the blue crab!

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  67. Hi Sally! I love those darling glasses! What dear friends to send them. Now they would truly be PERFECT if they would just comment! LOL I like Tootsie's remark about imaginary friends...that made me giggle! That's some Book Blog you have! Enjoyed perusing all those great book reviews. Sadly, in order to read, I have to either win the lottery so I can quit work OR quit blogging. I don't think I can work, blog, clean my house, do all my yard work and read. :-{ Happy Blue Monday! Susan

  68. I really have to do a blue Monday!! Great post today!

    I've started a new blog, my old one went bonkers!!

    Please visit so I can add you to my blogroll and of course you can add me!

  69. ooh! i love blue! do you do this each monday? sounds fun!


  70. What a sweet gift. Those glasses are so cute!

  71. What a cute meme. This is the first time I've seen this one.

  72. What sweet friends, but bluking is just worng!! lol!!

  73. Those glasses are so great. How kind of your friends. Do you think they lurk through your comment section too? Are they reading about their kindness? Okay, STOP LURKING AND LEAVE SALLY A COMMENT, and maybe she'll send you a gift! laurie


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
