Sunday, April 26, 2009

Blogger Block Is Nuthin' Compared to This!

Poor baby. Why doesn't he open the Good Book and read one of the stories that Jesus told?

Spiritual Sundays are hosted by Ginger and Charlotte. To visit other participants, click here.


  1. Sally, Love your cartoon and so true. I can always count on you coming to visit and I really appreciate that.
    Have a great day.

  2. And you hit on a problem with so many churches today. They aren't preaching The Word.



  3. I feel like I had one of those weeks too so I think I will open my Good Book for awhile.

    Have a Blessed Sunday
    from The Raggedy Girl--Roberta Anne

  4. Goodmorning Sally I love your cartoon this morning.It makes me ask the questions how many others are like him.You are truly a sweet inspiration to me. When noone else has visited me you always find that little extra time to come by.Thanks for being such a wonderful friend.
    Have a great day.

  5. How true, just open the Bible and let God preach.... so many Preachers are afraid of offending someone and not wanting to step on toes, till they are afraid to preach God's word.
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Good Morning! Ditto Molly's comment. Jeep is retired but he is the guest preacher at my church today. He's going to give us a message that our church needs to hear! Blessings!

  7. Sally, Happy Spiritual Sunday.

  8. Now that made me SMILE!

  9. He probably never even thought about looking in the Bible. LOL
    We always like to hear good news.

  10. Don't get me started on this! It seems to me there is a lot to be said "on both sides of the story." I have heard many sermons that were straight out of the Bible but not out of the heart.They lacked passion! I just wanted somebody to lead a closing prayer and send us home.

  11. Ha Sally.... Being from the 'church world' in employment for 25+ years, I heard many a sermon where the preacher said NOTHING... ha ha... He may not have titled it that way--but whatever he said went in one ear and out the other.... (Think I may not have been listening????? Ha) BUT--on the other hand, I've heard many a preacher who can REALLY preach the good news!!!!! His sermons stick with me. Praise God for that!!!

    Have a wonderful Sunday.

  12. Can always count on you for a Sunday Smile!!!

  13. This is funny but sad because it is so true. I struggle sometimes when I leave church sometimes it is just plan hard for me to remember the main point!
    God Bless,

  14. I was thinking about wisdom in the Word, and found this verse:

    Jer 8:9 -
    The wise men are ashamed, they are dismayed and taken: lo, they have rejected the word of the LORD; and what wisdom is in them?

  15. Sally,
    I have been in churches and thought the same thing about the speaker. This is so funny but true! Thanks for the smile.

  16. The one thing I love about our pastor is, he preaches from the Bible. I never get tired of those stories. All a preacher has to do is open the bible and there is endless ideas for a serman.


  17. Hi Sally,
    That cartoon is so true! My hubby never left home without the Word and he never stood in the pulpit without opening it either! Sadly, a lot of our preachers today spend more time trying to make everyone comfortable rather than letting the congregation know there is a heaven and a hell. Thanks for sharing.


  18. Hi Sally! This is rather sad. I know it's supposed to be funny, but the Word says not all are called! Hmmm.
    Be a sweetie and I'm going to join you tomorrow for Blue Monday! Yay!
    Be a sweetie,

  19. Cute cartoon Sally. See you tomorrow for Blue Monday.

  20. Very good point, Sally. Some ministers think their words are more important than the words found in the Bible.

    I'm looking forward to joining you for Blue Monday tomorrow.

  21. Cute cartoon and so true.
    When our church became more MAN than GOD, we joined a Home Fellowship Church group and my walk with Jesus Christ has never, ever been stronger. It was, by far, the BEST thing that ever happened regarding my church and God.
    See you for Blue Monday..
    xo, bj

  22. I miss the days when it was cool not to be cool (P.C.) but just to be honest and forthright
    before God and let all the rest go.
    Thank you for the cartoon.

  23. Sally,
    Sadly we had a preacher who sometimes preached for 40 minutes and kept going round and round the point...just needed to open the bible! Thanks for sharing. I am a little late catching up with SS posts but something just kept nudging me to do it!



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