Saturday, April 25, 2009

Pink Saturday - Hand Painted Roses

Beverly at How Sweet the Sound hosts Pink Saturday. Pause at her Place to see Plenty of other Pretty Pink items that Precious Pink Participating People are Presenting for your Pleasure.

A couple of years ago, I won this hand painted heart-shaped dish at a ladies Bible study class. I seldom win anything, but I think I made up for not winning much with this gem. It's sitting on my glass topped entry table by my front door. When my son comes over, he dumps his keys into it, saving my glass top from scratches. He's the only visitor who does this. 

A close-up shot of one of the blooms. I'm so impressed with talented people.

I moved it onto the dining room table so that you could see it without the glare.

Happy Pink Saturday!

See you for Blue Monday


  1. Happy Pink Saturday!

    First, your blog banner's photo is spectacular! Love it!
    And love the hand painted roses!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  2. that is a beautiful bowl!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  3. Hi Sally,
    Love the little dish! Very pretty! Have a wonderful Pink Saturday.


  4. Hi Sally :)
    Happy Pink Saturday
    The bowl is so PRETTY..Really,some people are sooo talented!

  5. This is just beautiful..
    I, too, am in awe of talent. I am in awe of your precious personality, too.
    Did I tell you that I love your new header? So pretty..

  6. I would love to know how to paint on glass. I have these little water glasses that are begging to be decorated. I guess I will have to go Google hunting for directions and a little painting talent wouldn't hurt.

    Anyway after all that, the rose dish is really pretty, a treasure.

    Happy Pink Saturday
    from the Raggedy Girl-Roberta Anne

  7. Beautiful dish, I love painted roses!!! Happy Pink Saturday
    ♥ Teresa

  8. Very pretty...Happy Pink Saturday, Sally!

  9. I just love that, I am especially in awe of her painting cause I know how hard it is to paint on glass using the one stroke method, she did a fantastic job.
    Thanks for sharing.

  10. Beautiful! That is a treasure. Happy Pink Saturday.

  11. Wow they are beautiful. Love the painted flowers on the dish. Have a nice weekend and Happy Pink Saturday.

  12. Happy Pink Saturday. Your blog is just such a delight to visit each week. Of course, all of the pink goodies always warm my ♥. This week everyone seems to be out-doing themselves!

    Wishing you, and all those close to your ♥, a purr-fect weekend filled with joy, peace and gracious living.

  13. The dish os sooo pretty. I bought a book of instructions for painting roses (10 years ago) and I got it out this week and am going to start practicing. You get one too and we will see if we can do it.

    Love your heading picture.

    God Bless You,

  14. That is just beautiful, Sally, I love it!

  15. Gorgeous, Sally.. Someone VERY talented painted those roses. AMAZING.

    Have a great weekend.

  16. *´¨)
    ¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
    (¸.*´ (¸.*´* HAPPY PINK SATURDAY *

  17. I love your pretty pink roses on your dish*! So pretty*! I hope you are having a lovely Pink Saturday* _Ashley*

  18. It is a really pretty dish the roses are just lovely!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend

  19. Hi Sally!
    Love your new banner!

    The dishes are beautiful!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  20. Sweet rose bowl, perfect pink.
    I never make the list but come see my pink, you might like it or not.
    Cheers, Candy

  21. Beautiful little heart dish. I say any dish can look better with roses on it, LOL! Your son sounds like he's very thoughtful, I guess you raised him right!

  22. Sweet blog. Happy Pink Saturday!

  23. Afternoon, Most Smiling ONe. What a beautiful hand painted dish. What a nice son to try not to scratch up your table!
    Oh, shut your mouth! Me? Too many dishes? ;p
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  24. Sally, you definitely hit the jackpot with this beauty. You better keep your eye on it the next time I visit. ;-)

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  25. you're right-that is a fabulous win!! just beautiful! happy pink week!!

  26. OMG Sally that dish is just beautiful girl..I just love it...thanks for sharing..I wanted to do PINK Saturday today but Bev email ended up in my junk folder and don't know I didn't get to sign up...oh well always next week...may you have a great day my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  27. You're right, you did make up for not winning with this pretty little gem! It looks lovely on the glass top table!

    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts

  28. That is beautiful! What a cute meme for Saturday.

  29. Hey Sally
    What a sweet dish !
    Such a neat blessing to have .
    by the way I love your humor .
    It always brightens up my day.
    Thanks for being you!
    Blessings and hugs to you.

  30. That's so cute! Thank goodness for considerate children. ;-) Happy Saturday!

  31. Such a pretty bowl. Happy Pink Saturday!

  32. Happy Pink Saturday Sally
    What a lucky win that was...the dish is so lovely. It seems a perfect spot for your son too..
    have a lovely day and thank you for sharing

  33. Very beautiful bowl. I wonder how they do that??

    Happy Pink Saturday.


  34. WOW that is totally gorgeous! It is amazing what people can do!

  35. did you paint the dish?.....very nice...
    God Bless

  36. That is just the prettiest dish ever! Happy Pink Saturday!


  37. That's a wonderful dish - the handpainted roses are beautiful. I also love your Savage Chicken cartoon in the sidebar - made me smile!

    Happy Pink Saturday to you!

  38. Very pretty dish - such talent! WOW

  39. Hi Sally, Sunday morning and I am just getting to Pink Saturday. What a day I had yesterday. No time for anything. Your dish with the hand painted roses is gorgeous. It looks like reverse painting. The artist did a beautiful job on those roses. The best part is, you won it. Your son is sweet to put his keys in it to save the table.

    We are leaving for church so I will be back for your Sunday post.

    Havea a great Sunday...Jeanne

  40. wonderful idea and it works! Pretty too, love the roses, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  41. This is definitely a great prize. In the second photo the flowers look like they are pressed in the glass. I may be crafty, but I"m no artist!

  42. How pretty! Someone did a marvelous job of painting that dish! Happy Pink Saturday!

  43. Sally your dish is absolutely beautiful. I had to giggle because I don't have a entry way but I do have a table with a glass top that is next to the entry door and on that table is a crystal dish that we keep our keys in :>) Yet another thing we have in common :>)

  44. Hi Sally.. what a pretty dish.. love the roses around it. have a good week! I am late for my PS round.

  45. I hope Jay is feeling better? pretty dish and a good son.Happy pink, heidi

  46. Hi Sally,
    That is one of the prettiest bowls I've seen!

  47. Hello Sally, I'm still making my Pink Saturday visits. What pretty glassware you have here today. Beautiful painting!
    Bless you, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  48. I ♥ PINK and ROSES!!!! Beautiful!


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