Sunday, April 5, 2009

What Are Your Plans?

Why don't we all plan to meet Him at His house?

Spiritual Sundays are hosted by Ginger and Charlotte. To visit other participants, click here.

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April from Straight from the Heart has presented me with the pronouncement that she is a fan of mine. The month of April has been named Tell 'Em You're A Fan Month. So, let your favorite blog sites know that you're a fan, just as April did with me! Now, instead of the rules, I want any and all who leave me a comment to allow me to say that I’m a fan of yours. Please accept this unique award from me to you.


  1. I'm a fan, Sally! Add my name to the list.

    And I love this day. The calm before the storm, but I love it because I know the next time He rides into town it will be to come for us!


    Sheila :-)

  2. I am most definitely a fan of yours, my precious sister. Have a wonderful Palm Sunday!

  3. Sally,
    This is so great!!! I am a fan of yours!! You bring so much sunshine to blogland!!!
    The cartoon has given me much to think about today also.

  4. What a great cartoon today! I love coming to your blog it always makes me smile, I'm a fan of your blog.

  5. Yes---I do believe Jesus did have some plans for Easter, don't you think???? I love your Sunday cuties, Sally... Thanks!

    I love the 'fan' also... I grabbed it. Thanks!

  6. Great post, Sally! It just amazes me that even before He came as Saviour, He had a plan!

    Me, a fan? Oh, yeah! I will help myself to the fan too. Have a wonderful Sunday.


  7. Happy Sunday To You
    Full of God's Blessings

    from Roberta Anne

  8. Great post. Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

    Love the background on your site. That is about the coolest that I've seen anywhere.



  9. I am certainly a fan of yours. Your catoon says volumes about the Day. Our Precher had his Sermon today on God's Easter plans for Jesus and how Jesus followed them word for word untill he could say, "It is Finished"
    Have a wonderful Palm Sunday.

  10. wow :o make that 3! You go Sally!

  11. Funny cartoon, as always. We had a full house today at Scottsdale Bible. And next week it will be standing room only at all the services.....I have requested my computer expert, Charlotte to drop by and tell you about the line around the poem.

  12. You know I'm a fan of yours, Sally. I like these kind of awards. I like your little lamb in the corner too.
    Clif said he was going to have me (his assistant) tell you how I put the blue frame on the poem on his blog. I did it in a program called lineform. Could have done it on Photo Shop. I saved it as a JPEG file and then added it to the post as a picture.
    I really recommend that lineform program. It's just for the Mac. It wasn't very expensive and seems like I use it every day.

  13. Congratulations on your awards! Thanks for commenting at Lily Valley. You brightened my day. (I love the bunny from pink Saturday!)

  14. Happy Palm Sunday to you. Count me as a fan of your site, too☺

  15. Hey Sally you know I'm a fan of your also..May you have a great day dear friend and I'll see you tomorrow for blue Monday..better go work on my post now ha ha!! hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  16. I'm a fan, too. Thank you for sharing. See you tomorrow for Blue Monday.

  17. You know I'm a fan of yours ♥ Happy Palm Sunday!

  18. Great cartoon!

    Have a wonderful week. :)

  19. Hi Sally,
    Love the cartoon and the message!

  20. Sally, thank you for the great reminder of Easter and this "cool" award. I will take it and do the same!

    See you tomorrow!

  21. You KNOW that I am such a hugh fan of you and your cute blog! Mostly...YOU!
    Thanks for the fan cute.
    xo bj

  22. Sally, I am a great fan of yours. It began with Blue Mondays and continues with all of your posts.

  23. Thanks for stopping by today! I'm a new fan! Lu

  24. Sally,
    Thanks for stopping by and your wonderful comment...I didn't catch the "salvation for another" line...thanks for pointing it out!
    And thank you for the "Fan award" -I AM a big fan of yours!


  25. Hi Dear Smiling One! Now you know I'm a fan of yours! You make me smile laugh and sometimes even make me what to read a book! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  26. Love this Post! Congrats on your award!
    Please let me know more about how to get to the Blue Monday link @ Mr. Linky. I tried but there was no Blue Monday in the list. Is that what you mean by up after midnight? I'll check it tomorrow just inccase I don't hear from you until late. Thanks!

    Hugs, Lisa

  27. Happy Belated Spiritual Sunday - love the cartoon. Yes, even I as a minister/pastor have had people say to me recenlty 'So what are you doing over Easter?' Judith


Comments make me happy! I enjoy reading what you have to say. Please come back often and comment some more!
